with one or two other unusual types and BSA models
as illustrated in their catalogues over 60
years ~ 1920 to 1980
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and A.G. Parker, A.J. Parker and Parker-Hale
MODEL 3 .-. MODEL 4 .-.MODELS 5 A-E .-.MODEL 6
MODEL 7A .-. MODEL 9 .-.TZ MODELS (Twin Zero)
RIGHT: Auxiliary
sight as fitted to
the No.2 Mk.IV* Lee-Enfield Training Rifle >
See also the Parker-Hale CMT rifles , the Parker-Hale Targetscope, the Parker-Hale Dewar rifles and ParkerRifling, A.G and A.J. Parker and Parker-Hale, plus the Parker-Hale target index practice rod, and BSA, Parker-Hale and Vickers small-bore target rifle sights
plus the Parker-Hale Service Rifle Target Sights, and the Parker-Hale Optical Sight Set
Please note that complete catalogues of BSA Rifles and Sights through the years
are available to view as PDF files from the BSA Catalogue page
MODEL 3 and 3A
For the .22RF converted Martini (Henry), Metford & Enfield Service Rifles
and a screw-fixed non-fulchrum mounting version
The No.3 sights were still being marketed post 1925
The PH13 rear-sight is quite uncommon. It was one of A.G.Parker/Parker-Hale's manifold versions
of their "Sportarget" range of sights, the name itself indicating their intended use for both target and sporting shooting.
This is the only Sportarget sight that could reasonably be numbered amongst Service rifle sights,
as it was specifically designed for the MLE (Magazine Lee-Enfield) and MLM (Magazine Lee-Metford) rifles,
its mount fitting in place of the dumbell that holds the hinging rear volley-sight in place on that rifle.
Immediately after the Second World War Parker-Hale further utilised the design of the upper section
of their earlier Sportarget models 10 and 11, which had vertically folding arms akin to their Lyman contemporaries.
The PH16 sights were manufactured using the same elevation arm with different integral mounts for various rifles.
The PH13 used practically the same design asthe No.10 sight's threaded elevation spindle,
but it was now hinged horizontally as a windage arm that could be swung out of the way if open sights were to be used.
Most of these latter-day Sportarget sights were of the P-H No.16 pattern,
with the aforementioned bases for mounting to any number of sporting rifles and sporterised military rifles
from BSA and Mannlicher-Schonauer to the Mauser '98,
but the PH13 was designed specifically for only one particular rifle.
Above; the 1946 Parker-Hale catalogue entry.
The PH13 sight was effectively the PH16 turned on its ear, and with the integral "dumbell" mounting
for the "Long" Lee-Metford and Lee-Enfield rifles which were, post-war,
thoroughly obsolete and readily available for civilian use.
Whilst, after World War II, the .303" Pattern '14 rifle proved to be the most accurate
for target-shooting at ranges such as Bisley, it was still a relatively expensive purchase.
The SMLE rifle was still in service around the World,
and this and the latest No.4 rifle were not immediately available to buy privately.
The Mark 1* Lee-Enfield/Metford rifles provided an economic option for either target work
or "sporterising" in the straitened times immediately after 1945.
For comparison, when newer rifles came onto the civilan market nearly two years after the War had ended,
a refinished No.4 rifle cost up to 18 guineas ( £18 and 8 shillings),
the SMLE (or No.1 rifle then in its Mark III form), second-hand, cost the same in first class condition as the No.4,
and £27:10s:0d new; a very significant expense at that time. Even the Pattern '14 - or No.3 rifle - cost £17:10s:0d,
but the trusty old Lee-Enfield Mark I* could be had for little more than half this price.
It was even possible to purchase all its component parts separately, and build a new rifle for little more than £10.
With a PH13 aperture sight priced at £2:10s:0d., a rifle suitable for use in the SR(b) - Service Rifle class "b"
for target-sighted service rifle- could be put together comparatively economically.
Indeed it had not been any great number of years before the War
that such a rifle had been used to win the King's Prize at Bisley;
although not with a PH13 sight, which design had then yet to appear on the drawing-board.
Note: £1:1s:0d or 'One pound, one shilling (and no pennies)' was 'One Guinea', equivalent today to £1.05p.
The first noted advertisement for the PH13 sight is in the 1946 Parker-Hale catalogue,
and the sight was no longer advertised after 1952; thus it enjoyed an exceedingly short life for such a product.
It was always entered into the Sporting section of the catalogues, and not in the Service section.
The earlier No.9 BSA and Parker-Hale folding sights, and their "Twin-Zero" equivalents, also shown on this page,
were more substantially made, with finer adjustment,
and consequently more popular in the target-shooting fraternity particularly.
The PH13 was an economy sight, by comparison with the No.5a sight in its various guises for service-rifle target shooting.
The latter was a far more finely engineered, accurate, solid and versatile design
from which the elevation-slide and its windage arm could anyway easily be removed for open-sighted shooting.
The PH13 sight was not intended for fitment to the SMLE rifle,
for which a number of admittedly more expensive alternatives shown on this page were already on offer.
The image of the PH13 in the 1946 and 1947 catalogues shows it mounted only on a "Long" Lee-Enfield rifle
with the bolt cocking-piece mounted safety.
THE MODEL 4 (circa 1946)
For the No. 4 Mk. I Rifle
Officially approved by the National Rifle Association
This compact
and neatly designed aperture backsight was introduced at the 1946 Bisley
where it was welcomed because it was the one thing needed
to make the new No. 4 Mark 1 into a target rifle,
suitable for use in N.R.A. (S.R.
class b) competitions.
As illustrated and originally sold there was no windage zeroing adjustment,
but now all sights have a neat adjustable windgauge scale plate.
It has the usual vernier elevation and windgauge movements combined with
distinct 2 minute clicks.
The eyepiece gives a choice of six apertures from .03"
to .08".
Being designed to displace the Service aperture backsight
it can be fixed by the removal and replacement of the sight axis pin.
It is a part of the design that this and its military counterpart are sights
and retained in the up or down position by the action of a spring loaded plunger operating on the foot of the leaf.
On recoil the sight is forced out of the vertical position but recovers due to the operation of the spring and plunger.
It is, therefore, essential that complete freedom of movement at the hinge
should be assured
by careful fitting in the first place and a simple test may be imposed by pushing the sight forward approximately 10°
and allowing it to recover its vertical position noting the complete absence of friction
and the recovery of the sight to the correct upright position.
Since these sights must of necessity be fitted to rifles made under the
stress of war conditions in various factories,
it may be essential to ease the excess metal from the pivotal points on the rifle,
and another feature
to note carefully is the fit of the plunger in its guide hole.
With proper attention paid to these details, this model PH.4. need never
be blamed
for its shortcomings as an aperture sight of excellent merit and serviceability.
List No. P.H.4 With midget 6 hole eyepiece
List No, P.H.4A. With " Featherweight " single hole eyepiece
MODEL 'Plus 5' (1939)
MODEL 5A............. MODEL 5B .............MODEL 5C............. MODEL 5D .............MODEL 5E
For both the Long (C.L.L.E.) and Short (S.M.L.E.) Rifles,
Sight embodies a collection of the best ideas from the designs
of various
folding models of aperture sights now on the market.
Its points of improvement over competing models are
(1) Neater and lighter construction combined with adequate
(2) Spin-up rigid locking device in place of coin slot screws on elevation
and wind arm bars, thus saving the trouble of fumbling for coins.
(3) Adjustable elevation scale plate reading 5 minutes at 200 yards, never
a minus quantity.
(4) Windgauge Scale on top of bar where it is most easily read with arm
in sling. One's eye is too close up to focus a scale cut on the front when
about to fire.
(5) A sight fixing plate which suits all models of Service Lee Enfield Rifles.
With single hole eyepiece (Ref. F.W.) List No. P.V.10 37/6
With lightweight 6 hole eyepiece (No. P.H. 55) ... ... List No. P.V.11 42/-
With eccentric 6 hole eyepiece (No. 9.C.E.) List No. P.V.12 42/-
Scale Plate with S.M.L.E. Range divisions
to convert from long rifle to short rifle readings .
No. P.51. Price 2/3 each Elevation Scale Plate fixing screws.
No. P.52. Price 4d. pair windgauge Scale Plate fixing screws.
No. P.53. Price 3d. each - Spring holding elevation pillar.
No. P.54. Price 3/- each Spring holding windgauge arm.
No. P.55. Price 2/- each Spin up lock nut and screw (large) .
No. P.56. Price 1/6 each Spin up lock nut and screw (small).
No. P.57. Price 1/6 each
For prices of fixing screws see page 14.
This Sight embodies a collection of the best ideas from the designs of
folding models of aperture sights now on the market.
Its points of improvement over competing models are :
(1)Neater and lighter construction combined adequate strength.
(2) Spin-up rigid locking device in place of coin screws on elevation and
wind arm bars,
thus saving the trouble of fumbling for coins.
(3) Adjustable elevation scale plate reading 5 mnutes elevation at 200 yards,
never a minus quantity.
MODEL 5A (circa 1925)
MODEL Plus"5"............ MODEL 5B .............MODEL 5C............. MODEL 5D .............MODEL 5E
The basic design of the then 'NEW' No.5 Aperture rearsight was used throughout 56 years in 5 Marks, A - E.
"Service" Section.
A. G. PARKER & Co., Ltd., Bisley Works, BIRMINGHAM
THE Parker-Hale MODEL 5A
Sgt. A. 0. Fulton,
G.M., S.M.
Capt. C. H. Vernon
L/Cpl. Arthur C. Hale
Lt.-Col', R. M. Blair
Sergt. A. G. Fulton
O. Cd. D. E. Woods
Capt. J. A. Barlow
As is proved by the numbers in use, this non-folding sight is unsurpassable
for design, workmanship and finish.
The knurled knob gives the fine clicking adjustment to the elevation slide,
and the complete arm is quickly adjustable from, 200 yards to 1200 yards range
or entirely removable for safety or for cleaning purposes by operating the spring loaded catch,
which also acts as a lock when the knurled nut is tightened by finger pressure only.
The windage arm is sturdily designed and provides six bearing surfaces for
the eyepiece holder,
thus absolutely eliminating shake, while backlash is a trouble of the past with the latest `married' threads.
Owing to variations of shape of different makes of action bodies
the secure fixing of an aperture sight has in the past been somewhat troublesome;
by providing a special boss, forged solid with the base, to fit the majority of actions without filing,
and a spring washer on a special fixing screw, much has been done with this model to cut down this trouble to a minimum.
The adjustable scale plates provide fully for the exact zeroing for elevation
windage and range,
the latter scale being set for a plus reading of 2 minutes on the vernier scale,
when the sight is set for 200 yards, to avoid minus figures when elevation varies.
There is a full 40 minutes of windage movement in both directions
and it will be seen that this important scale occupies a position on top of the bar
where it has been specially placed to enable a reading to be taken when the arm is in the sling.
The low build of this sight is, specially appreciated on ranges similar
to Bisley,
where a setting sun can only be shut out by the use of a broad brimmed hat,
this expedient being rendered useless by a sight having a high pillar.
List No. PRICES.
99x, With 1/2in. Single. Hole eyepiece 37/6
99v, Large „ „ 38/6
99W, Six-hole ,, ,, 42/-
(b) ; minute ball clicking movements a^ backlash.
Lowest pillar permitted by the desil
(d) 3rd fixed position for Long rifles.
With single hole eyepiece (Ref. F.\V , List No. P.%".1&
With lightweight 6 hole eyepiece (No. P.Fl. 55) ... ... List No. P.V.11
With eccentric 6 hole eyepiece (No. 9.C.E.) List No. P.V.12
A most unusual, not to say rare, BSA model of aperture target rear-sight
that equated to the Model 5A was to a design patented in 1927/8.
Much greater detail of this sight and its patent can be found HERE.
MODEL 5B (circa 1935)
MODEL Plus"5"............ MODEL 5A............. MODEL 5C............. MODEL 5D .............MODEL 5E
Introduced as an alternative to Alfred J. Parker's Twin Zero 14/35 Model
The Parker-Hale Model 5B rear-sight for the Rifle No.3 (P '14)
THE MODEL 5C (circa 1950)
MODEL Plus"5"............ MODEL 5A............. MODEL 5B .............MODEL 5D .............MODEL 5E
Rigid Model
For the No. 4 Mk. I Rifle
Officially approved by the National Rifle Association
This sight
follows along the well tried lines of its rigid predecessors and incorporates
all the features of design pioneered by Parker-Hale. The dovetail slide
for which our sights have long been noted, has in this model been employed
both for elevation and windage adjustment with marked success and we are
confident that its appearance will "take the eye" of all shooting
men. This sight will undoubtedly supplant the Model 4 in the minds at least,
of most users of the No. 4 rifle, but nevertheless we consider that in developing
a design of sniping sight produced for the Government into the P.H.4 we
served the best interests of the many No. 4 rifle enthusiasts who would
otherwise have been dependent almost entirely on sights " as issued."
The illustration depicts most of the salient technical features, but the
experienced service rifleman will appreciate the staggered construction
of the windarm which brings the eyepiece as close to the eye as safety permits,
the overall low construction favourable to the use of a broad brimmed hat,
and the retention of the elevation slide clamp, which also acts by a spin
of the knob and thumb pressure, as a quick release for
the slide.
Attachment can be effected without any alteration to the rifle or the sight,
by first removing the military leaf sight and the substitution of fixing screws,
using existing points of attachment as illustrated.
Each sight is supplied with the two necessary screws for attachment.
List No. P.H.5C Without eyepiece . . . . , , , . , ,
„ „ P.H.5C/J With Single hole eyepiece . . .
„ „ P.H.5C/59 With Midget 6 hole eyepiece
There were at least three iterations of the Model 5C, not including the calibration switch from the British .303 round to the NATO 7.62mm. These related to the style of the elevation and windage adjustment knobs. The original style with a radiussed bevel, as in the image of the 'Rigid' model above, was used from its 1950 introduction. These were retained until about 1962, when a larger diameter flat knob was introduced for a while. The deeper cylindrical knob appeared around 1967, remaining through the arrival and continuation of the 7.62 models.
Below: the 1962 catalogue entry illustrating the flat adjustment knobs
similar to those used on the contemporary telescopic sight ring mounts.
A particularly unusual model of the 5C was brought to light in August 2024 by the secretary of the Lee-Enfield Rifle Association, who discovered, on one of the groups L39A1 target rifles, a sight marked as a "PH.5C2". The noticeable difference from the standard model is the vernier scale, the main scale of which runs from zero to 96 divisions, marked at 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96. This scale of 'twelfths' has a vernier of six divisions rather than the usual five.
This rare sight is shown below. Should any reader have specific knowledge of the unusual calibration we would be grateful to hear of it. Strangely, while one might expect the scale to represent a modification to six-clicks-per-minute, the elevation knob is still marked for 4 clicks-per-minute.
We are aware that there were once Australian rear aperture target sights unusually calibrated for three-clicks-per-minute used in competition; not even as fine as the usual quarter-minute versions brought in by A.G. Parker with their Twin Zero Model 4/47.
The later knurled cylindrical adjustment knobs are clearly shown.
MODEL 5D (circa 1954)
MODEL Plus"5"............ MODEL 5A............. MODEL 5B .............MODEL 5C .............MODEL 5E
FOR RIFLE No. 8 (.22" cal. training)
as one of an alternative set of sights to interchange
with the military front and backsight for serious competition shooting,
at the suggestion
of the Ministry of Supply.
Further details of the matching Parker - Hale interchangeable Element Foresight
will be found on a succeeding page.
This gives a shooters eye view of the latest issue .22 cal. Training Rifle
when fitted with Parker-Hale target sights.
Model 5D closely resembles our Model 5C illustrated heretofore, and embodies
a quick release for the elevation pillar and all the well tried features
expected in Parker-Hale design. Its base is modified to take advantage of
the two specially intended fixing points provided on the No. 8 action and
embodies ample elevation and windage movements by quarter minute clicks
for small bore work. Provision is made on the graduated adjustable scale
plate for scribing a correct 25 yards zero mark to suit the individual rifle.
Alternatively the vernier scale should be studied and adjusted to a reading
that may be readily memorised for 25 yards range. We have adopted as standard
the latest type of six-hole eyepiece which accommodates our plano light
filters or a simple clearing lens, but alternative cheaper eyepieces may
be ordered.
s. d.
List No. P.H.5D/J With J" diam. long neck, •06" Single-Hole
Eyepiece .. 4 3 6
• „ P.H.5D/DB As above with &" dia. deep Bell, .06"
Single-Hole Eyepiece 4 4 0
• „ P.H.5D/FB Ditto with I" dia. flanged Bell, .06"
Single-Hole Eyepiece 4 4 6
• „ P.H.5D/59 Ditto with " Midget " e" diam.
Six-Hole Eyepiece .. 4 9 6
• „ P.H.5D/60 Ditto with "P.H.60" Six-Hole Eyepiece,
as illustrated.. 4 15 0
This sight adapter can also be fitted to the Rifle No. 7, and Rifle No.9
N.B. Remember that its fitment and windage adjustment may render the adapter
to not be permissible in some Service Rifle competitions (e.g. SRa)
MODEL 5E (circa 1970)
MODEL Plus"5"............ MODEL 5A............. MODEL 5B .............MODEL 5C............. MODEL 5D
For Mauser actioned 7.62 Target Rifles
notable addition to the World-famous range of Parker-Hale rifle sights has
been initially designed to meet the requirements of the new Parker-Hale
1200 TX 7.62 NATO calibre target rifle. The 5E sight is precision made for
maximum rigidity and serviceability and provides adequate windage adjustment
either side of zero, ample elevation movement and a quick release device
together with a definite, fully audible 1/4 clicking movement and clearly
cut scales. A modified version suitable for No. 4 actions is available.
5E/TX With Tubular 6 hole eyepiece.
5E/4 With Tubular 6 hole eyepiece.
MODEL 6A (circa 1930)
Long Lee Enfield Rifle is still far from finished as a target weapon overseas
and we have had an insistent demand for a new sight for these rifles of
a similar type to the wonderfully successful Parker-Hale No. 5a sight designed
for the Short Rifle.
The model 6a Sight is attached in the ordinary way utilising the screw holes
by which the dumb-bell spring is attached.
It will be noticed that the eye¬piece of this model is located under
the windgauge arm which allows the line of sight to be as close as practicable
to the barrel axis, thereby modifying the effects of canting the rifle.
The absence of a pillar permits a wide brimmed hat to be used by a shooter
who gets close up to the eyepiece when aiming.
The adjustable elevation scale plate is of our new type which leads 5 minutes
when the range scale is set against the 200 Mark. We do not favour the twin
zero scale plate which often reads a minus quantity due to barometrical
and other changes.
Note that the windgauge scale is on top of the wind arm. It is a mistake
to cut this scale on the front, as when aiming the eye is too close to focus
it and when the rifle is away from the shoulder it cannot be easily read
when ones arm is in the sling. It is obvious that when the rifle is away
from the shoulder ones eyes look down on to the top of the wind arm the
logical place to cut the scale.
The Australian King's Prize for 1932, also the Grand Championship was won
by Mr. Les Smith using his Parker-Hale model (6a Aperture backsight.
For Covered Bolt Lee-Enfield Rifles, List No. P.H.104. Price 37/6
For (Territorial) C.L.L.E. Rifles, List No. P.H.105. Price 37/6
If supplied with 6 hole Eyepieces, 4/- extra.
For enlarging holes in peep sights and foresight discs up to •120".
The left-hand end is used for enlarging the hole, and the right-hand end
for countersinking the back of it and so sharpens the edge for clear definition.
No. 95. Price 2/6 in Case. Post 2d.
Note the improved design for opening Long Neck Eyepiece from the rear.
"I did not do too well at 500 yards, but finished up all right on the
shoot through, as I exchanged my single-hole disc for the six-hole (of which
I had been doubtful previously) and found great benefit, as the light was
very strong indeed."
Price List No. PH.55, with long neck for B.S.A.
Model Service Rifle Aperture Sights .. ... 5/- List No. PH.54, with
short neck for Parker- Hale ditto ... ... ... ... ,.. 6/-
List No. PH.56, with rear bearing for B.S.A. and Parker-Hale Small Bore
Aperture Sights 5/-
List No. PH.57, with screw thread for Lyman Pillar Sights ... ... ... ...
,.. .. 5/-
List No. 58, for Lyman Receiver Sights ... 6/¬
N.B.- Also made with a lock screw to prevent accidental movement of the
disc at the same price.
Other spares available at this time included a variety of eyepices and even a reamer for the apertures. Many of these eyepieces have been in use and for sale for decades, and are very familiar to even current shooters and collectors of Lee-Enfield rifles in particular.
Parker-Hale "THIN WALL"
In future all our eyepieces will bear the A.G.P. trade mark and all such
eyepieces will have an aperture wall of not more than ten thousandths of
an inch, which is about the thickness of wrapping paper. A thin wall helps
definition by cutting out reflections.
The chief reason for the introduction of this new eyepiece
is the demand we have had from the famous Grimsby Central Club for eyepieces
with the aperture in full view, at the same time embodying our dead centring
feature whereby the positioning ball operates on the outer edge of the disk.
This all can now be seen embedded in the V, which largely overcomes the
prejudice that exists against our previous design.
As showing the value of the six-hole eyepiece, the following quotation is
from a letter sent by a famous Canadian International. relating to shoot
at the Ottawa Meeting, 1929, for place in 1930 Bisley team:
Each Short Fixing Screw ... Letter A 3d.
Windgauge Screw Head ... ... Letter H 6d.
Long T 3d. , Screw Lock Nut .. „ H.1 3d.
Windgauge Scale Screw ... ... „ G 3d.
Midget Six Hole Eyepiece List No. PH.59 5/-
Elevation Clamp Nut ... „ K 6d.
Tubular Six Hole Eyepiece „ „ PH.60 7/6
Ditto Clamp keeper screw ... „ K.1 3d.
Single Hole Eyepiece 1/2in. dia. ... ... S.N. 9d.
Elevation Screw Head ... ... „ D.1 6d.
Single Hole Eyepiece 7/8in. dia. ... ... X. 2/¬
Elevation Screw ... ... ... „ D.2 1/¬
Extract from a letter received from Mr. Les. Smith, the well-known Australian
holder of the highest possible record at 300, 500 and 600 yards. 18.10.29.
"As I promised I would write you later to let you know how I got on
and what I thought of your Model 5A Sight; I like it very much for being
so firmly built, the clicking nuts are so easy to handle and the clicks
so distinct.
Another good point is that you can get 40 verniers of windage on the bar,
as there are times when we have to go out to 35 to 40 verniers here at Williamstown
Rifle Range. At the last Victorian Rifle Matches some were using as much
as 38 verniers of windage."
The model 8/53 was designed to adapt the standard issue Rifle No.4 rear-sight's folding-leaf to permit windage adjustment and the fitment of the six-hole eyepiece.
It was made to fit only the Mk.I issue sights that were machined out of solid;
it was not really suitable for the pressed steel Mk.II and Mk.III sights.
Below is an image showing the various types.
Hover over or Click image to bring up hi-res file and magnifier
From left to right:
The wartime economy flip-over battle-sight.
The standard issue Mk.I.
The Harmonisation sight for miniature range and Landscape Targetry use.
The Mk.II pressed steel sight.
The Mk.III pressed steel sight.
The sight for the Rifle No5 (Jungle Carbine). Calibrated only to 800 yds.
And below: the adapter attached to the harmonisation sight for the Lee-Enfield Rifle No.8,
as often used by the Royal Air Force Cadet Units.
Hover over or Click image to bring up hi-res file and magnifier
Parkers wrote in their catalogue ......
Windage Adapter for No.4 and No. 8 Rifles
Service Aperture Backsight Mk. I, which is standard on the No.8
(.22) Rifle now issued, is practically useless for serious shooting.
There is no provision for lateral adjustment and the aperture .l0in. is
far too large for clear definition.
To replace these service sights with famous competition sights such as "
Twin Zero"
Model 4/47 is expensive and funds are not always available for a big outlay.
We have therefore designed the Model 8/53 Component Aperture Sight exclusively
for the No. 8 (.22) and for the No. 4 (.303) Rifles. Our reputation as makers
of some of the world's finest target sights will be sufficient recommendation
in the introduction of this sight with its obvious advantages, high grade
workmanship and at a remarkably low price.
This sight fits on to the existing slide of the Service Aperture Sight (Mk.
I) of the .22 No. 8 and the .303 No, 4. It is fitted to the slide firmly
without any liability to move, by just one screw. No part of the Service
Aperture Sight or the rifle need be altered or removed. To screw the Model
8/53 Sight to the slide of the service sight is a matter of a few seconds
and thereby gives an aperture sight capable of lateral adjustment to the
extent of nine full minutes both ways, adjustable in half minute clicks
and fitted with screw-in eyepiece interchangeable as required. This sight
cancels out the existing 25, 50 and 100-yard marks on the leaf, hut the
instructions provided with the sight give the approximate correct elevations.
The sight is not intended to give large windage allowances as needed on
long ranges with the .303. It has been designed to provide lateral adjustment
to counteract error of the rifle or firer and to give opportunity of fitting
reasonable size of aperture.
Elevation movement is already provided on the service slide to which this
component sight is fixed. This vertical movement is in full minute clicks
which, for training purposes, is near enough and this can be halved if necessary
by rotating the elevation knob of the service sight to a position between
The lateral latitude of about nine full minutes (in half minute clicks)
right and left of zero on the 8/53 Sight is ample for all needs on the No.
8 Rifle. The aperture of the service sight is .l0in. - too large for most
men to get a clear definition of the foresight. The aperture universally
used in .22 and .303 competition shooting is .06 or, in a good light, .115.
The Model 8/53 Sight is supplied with standard .05 unless otherwise ordered.
Units can economically fit up their No. 8 Rifles with aperture sights that
will give them all that is necessary for good shooting. Very few aim alike
and no armourer can be continually knocking over foresights to suit individual
firers, but with these new sights the individual adjusts to suit his own
particular error while on the mat Although designed chiefly for the No.
8 (.22) Ride, the sight is all that is required up to nine minutes of wind
at 600 yards on a No. 4 (.303) Rifle. (In order to take this Model 8/53
Aperture Sight, the No. 4 Rifle must be equipped with the Mk. I Service
Sight with the screw elevation.)
Cadet corps who may be using the A.J.P. " Twin Zero " Model 4/47
Aperture Sights on their No. 4 Rifles for Ashburton Competition, etc., can
transfer them to their No. 8 Rifles if the existing Mk. I Sights are removed
but as this new Model 8/53 is available so cheaply it is hardly worth disturbing
the sighting of the No. 4's.
For those rifles which may be fitted only with the Mk. III Service Sights
- i.e., without screw elevation (generally No. 4's)-we can supply a limited
quantity of the Mk. 1 Sights with the screw elevation and fitted with our
new Model 8/53 Aperture Sight complete. (List No. 8/53M below).
No. 8/53A. Complete with 1/2in. Eyepiece .. .. ..
No. 8/53B. Complete with Rimbell Eyepiece .. .. ..
No. 8/53C. Complete with Midget Six-hole Eyepiece
No. 8/53M. Complete as 8/53A above, but supplied with a Mk. I Service Aperture
Sight .. .. .. .. .. ..
Below: the fitting instructions supplied with the adapter.
And an early example in its box.
The latter figure of the model number is indicative of the year of design or initial introduction. The earliest model TZ No.1 was designed by A.J. Parker between the two World Wars. A second, the TZ 14/35 for the Pattern 14 ( No.3 Lee-Enfield) rifle, was introduced a little later in 1935. The last of the TZ line was the TZ 4/80, an updated version of the 4/47 also for the No.4 rifle; all told, a period of around fifty years.
The name "Twin Zero," as applied to Service rifle sights made
by Alfred J. Parker, indicates that there are two zeros on the elevating
scale plate, giving at the same time, zero on the vernier scale and zero
on the range scale.
Earlier aperture sights had no adjustable zero and it was necessary to find by trial the correct 200 yards zero which may have been anything between zero and 25 minutes up the scale, and this figure had to be noted and memorised The range scale was then quite useless, and sometimes the 200 yards zero showed at 500 yards or near on the range scale.
The invention of the " Twin Zero " system by Mr. Alfred J. Parker eliminated these inconsistencies, and when the 200 yards zero is found the scale plate is moved by loosening of the screw on the plate and sliding it to zero position. The range scale automatically registers zero at 200 yards. This was an enormous advance in aperture sight making and the " Twin Zero " Models 4/47 for the No. 4 and 3,53 for the No. 3 both have this advantage.
Much thought has been given to these sights to assist the user. Advantages which are not apparent to everyone and some we fear are in these advanced days taken for granted. For instance, great care is taken to ensure that the scale plates are flush with each other on both elevation and wind. This is very important for reading half minutes. The screws holding the zero plates have now almost square heads which are not so easily mutilated by the use of screwdrivers as are round heads. The corners of the sights are well smoothed and free from sharp edges. When the elevating or windage knob is turned one click (i.e., half minute) the sight moves that much with certainty.
Once the zero on the vernier is set the graduations showing each 100 yards on the range scale are correct and can be relied upon with confidence.
Another perhaps unseen advantage of the " Twin Zero " Model 4/47 Aperture Sight for the No. 4 Rifle is that the rear long fixing screw which passes through the action body from the right and engages the tapped hole in the sight, actually holds the action body from spreading at the moment of detonation. This may not be clear to all but, as an experiment, if the screw is screwed up tightly it will be found that the bolt cannot be withdrawn because the action body is holding. Without the screw support, the action springs outwards on firing and it follows that the resistance of the shoulders to the bolt lugs is not so fully controlled as when held firm by this screw, and with due effect on the shooting of the rifle.
The sights have superior finish, highly polished scale plates and chemically blacked parts. At twice the price they would still be good value for money.
" Twin Zero " sights are made in two models-Model
T.Z. 4/47 for the No. 4 and No 8 Rifles (with original ejector screw hole),
and T.Z. 3/53 for the No. 3 (P.14 Rifle).
TZ3. TZ3a. TZ3b.
Approved by the N.R.A.
Model 3/53 " Twin Zero " Aperture Back¬sight is the latest
improved model for the P.14 Rifle. It supersedes the previous Models 14/35
and 3/49. The sturdiest and best-made aperture sight for the P.14 Rifle,
embodying all the latest improvements in sight design. The high quality
and fine finish that has made " Twin Zero " sights famous. Definite
and accurate adjustment, half-minute clicks, neat and clear scale markings,
easy and definite quick release action-lever-controlled. Can be fitted without
difficulty at home.
£. s. d.
With Single-hole Rimbell Eyepiece .. With Midget Six-hole Eyepiece With
Rimbell Six-hole Eyepiece
Approved by the N.R.A
Used throughout the U.K., Canada, South Africa and wherever the No. 4 Rifle
is found.
acclaimed by all who use it as the best, most accurate and strongest aperture
sight ever made.
Commended by M. D. Waite (Technical Editor of N.R.A. of America).
Designed by Mr. Alfred J. Parker, M.Inst.B.E., and manufactured entirely
at our Works.
The Model TZ 4/47 Aperture Backsight combines all the best features of fine
aperture sights-automatic zero, clear scale markings, absolute precision,
first-class workmanship, neat and compact design, half¬minute clicks,
perfection of all moving parts. Highest quality workmanship throughout.
Sturdy and accurate. Invented and designed by a professional armourer, who
was also a finalist at Bisley, the Twin Zero Model 4/47 Aperture Sight is
used by many of the most famous marksmen to-day.
No. TZ4. With Single-hole Rimbell Eyepiece Price
No. TZ4A. With Midget Six-hole Eyepiece .. Price
No. TZ4B. With Rimbell Six-hole Eyepiece . . Price
No. TZ40 Without Eyepiece .. .. Price
The Model 4/47 Aperture Sight is suitable also for the No.
8 (.22) Rifle if with original ejector screw hole.
See also the Model 8/53 Component Sight for No. 4 and 8 Rifles. SPARE FIXING
SCREWS Short Screws .. Price Long Screws .. Price
(FIRST EDITION) circa 1950
THIS brochure is designed to bring to the notice of target riflemen
who favour service rifle shooting, the variety of aperture backsights available
from the Parker-Hale range to augment or in other cases to displace the military sights.
After very many years the military authorities hove arrived at agreement
with target riflemen that for all service purposes the aperture backsight
is a distinct improvement over old-fashioned open sights, but since the
majority of military weapons are necessarily produced in times of emergency,
the over-riding considerations affecting their design are first, serviceability
and second speedy production. It follows that other considerations have
to be sacrificed and we are thus able to offer service rifle sights par
excellence; through carefully controlled workmanship combined with all those
features of design which give the marksman his half minute clicking adjustments,
exact graduations and a choice of various sizes and types of apertures which
he finds so essential, not only to suit different conditions of light and
range, but to instill that degree of confidence which enables him properly
to ignore the aperture sight completely when in the act of aiming.
As every shooter knows, there is nothing more likely to upset his concentration
than his inability to have full confidence in the exactness of the clicking
adjustments or in the stability of his aperture sight.
The design of a sight for any service rifle calls for the exercise of considerable
ingenuity, but the execution of the design lies primarily in the hands of
expert finishers and it is upon these men alone trained in precision fitting
"by riflemen for riflemen", that we all rely. Parker-Hale craftsmen
are aware of this one important superiority which they possess by virtue
of their diligence, long practice and continuous encouragement from customers
who have favoured us with repeated orders over the lost thirty years.
NOW that the National Rifle Association allows the use of the No. I S.M.L.E.,
the No. 3 Pattern '14 Enfield or the No. 4 Mark I rifle, for target shooting,
Parker-Hale Ltd., have produced the models as illus¬trated, specially
for these particular weapons.
It will be noted that our Model 5A and SB are of the rigid pattern with
quickly detachable slide, whilst the Model 4 designed to displace the military
sight on the No. 4 Mark I rifle is of the same rigid pattern inasmuch as
it may be folded when out of use and is retained in the upright position
by a spring plunger contacting the end of the leaf which thus permits movement
on recoil and restores the leaf to its upright position when at rest. It
is a little unfortunate that the accuracy with which the leaf maintains
its vertical position is solely dependent upon the fit of the said plunger
in its guide hole and because this component is an original part of the
rifle, Parker-Hale Ltd., can have no control over this important factor
when sights are supplied to be fitted by competent armourers. Thus some
marksmen, mostly those who have carried out their own fitting work, sometimes
not very expertly, are inclined to favour a rigid model on account of faults
which could be eliminated by proper fitting work, but which undoubtedly
exist through our inability to be in attendance and to supervise this very
important aspect of the job.
We make it clear in our literature that in the case of the Model 4 sight,
it must be so fitted as to be perfectly free on its hinge without the plunger
and spring in position; that the plunger must be free but a close fit in
its guide hole and that with these simple precautions properly taken, the
sight will always recover its correct vertical position.
However, as a result of the demand of those who greatly favour our rigid
type of sight as applied to the alternative rifles, we have applied our
ingenuity and skill to the production of a similar rigid sight for the No.
4 rifle: hence our Model 5C, also illustrated, which combines all the valuable
features which have been so arduously tested and proved satisfactory on
its predecessors, with the cranked slide and compactness which makes for
comfort in use and serviceability for the marksman.
illustration gives a very good idea of the view seen by the firer when using
an aperture sight. It will be noted that whereas the edge of the aperture
and the fore part of the rifle remains some¬what blurred, the bulls
eye on the target and the foresight appear very sharply defined. This is
partly due to objects viewed through the exact centre of any suitable size
aperture being in the clearest focus and this fact explains why it is a
natural function to centre the foresight and object even though the aperture
may be as much as 8" in diameter. As the aperture is reduced so the
distinctness of the compara¬tive brightness at its centre is more pronounced.
It is desirable to have facilities in the eyepiece for adjusting the aperture
to the size which gives the best views according to the conditions of light
and eyesight. No hard and fast rules can be laid down but it is a good tip
to start with a large aperture and reduce it until the brightness of the
target is slightly diminished; then open it to the next larger size and
that should give best results.
Marksman are apt to believe that it is desirable to get their eye as close
as possible to the aperture, but there is no sound argument to support this
contention, though it is, of course, a good thing to shield the aperture
to obtain the maximum degree of contrast between the view seen through it
and the surrounding eyepiece; moreover, it must be borne in mind that service
rifles recoil in relation to the shooter's head approximately I", and
the marksman who wears glasses would do well to bear this in mind.
When taking aim the rifle should be held comfortably with the head properly
supported on the stock without straining, so that the eye is centrally disposed
behind the aperture which may then be virtually ignored and attention concentrated
on the relative positions of the foresight and the aiming mark.
ALL Parker-Hale aperture backsights for service rifles bear graduations
by five minutes of angle divisions. These may be split into unit minutes
of angle by the correct use of the vernier scales provided. Additionally,
the scale plate bears range markings from 200 up to extreme ranges. The
wise marksman uses the latter as a rough guide to his correct elevations,
but he uses the vernier scale for his precise sighting.
We, therefore, try to make it easy for the beginner to understand how to
read the vernier scale by the following description and diagram. Once mastered
it is fair to say that the range scale may be usually ignored since it is
possible with the vernier scale to record in one's score book much more
precise information which, over a period, will denote the maximum informa¬tion
to the intelligent marksman on the behaviour of his rifle under similar
and varying conditions.
TO avoid continual re-zeroing of sights it is best to mark down all sight
adjustments in the spaces provided on each target diagram in the *Score
Book and for this reason it is desirable to learn how to read the vernier
scales. Firstly, however, know that each click of the adjusting knobs moves
the eyepiece .005". Two clicks, therefore, move the aperture .01"
and as the angle subtended by this movement in the length of the sight radius
is nearly one minute or 1/60 of a degree, it is customary to refer to each
two clicks as "one minute." If this were a true minute of angle,
the movement on the target per 100 yards of range for each two clicks would
be 1.047" but as the angle is rather greater than one minute this movement
becomes nearly 1.2" or 1 1/5".
It will be obvious that the actual movement of the sight at each "click"
of the knob is only .005", so small that a vernier scale is necessary
to discern the movement. Most sights are similar in this respect and the
Model 5A illustrated on page 7 shows the moving elevation scale plate has
divisions on the left side 5/100" apart; the fixed vernier scale has
divisions 4/100" apart. The diagram below shows, by following the progress
of the thickened lines how each 4/100 division is split into hundredths
or "minutes" as they are usually termed. Remember, however, that
most sights are "half minute clicking" and consequently the vernier
will not encompass the five minute movement in five clicks as illustrated,
but ten clicks will be required.
*The Parker-Hale (SR.b) Service Rifle Score Book, List No. 240A (see page
See also: the
Small-bore Vernier Scale
INEXPERIENCED shots are very apt to regard wind adjustment as a difficulty
that can be overcome only by years of open range experience. This was the
case several years ago, but by using a knowledge of the correct reading
of the vernier windgauge on Parker-Hale sights, by correctly "zeroing"
the sight for rifle errors in the lateral plane, and with the aid of the
Parker-Hale "Windicator" incorporated in the cover of their score
book, or by memorising the factors of the Parker-Hale Wind Allowance Reckoner,
also published in the score book, a great deal of old timers' experience
may be translated by the veriest beginner into correct wind allowances in
terms of minutes of angle¬. It will be noted that the windgauge is so
designed that left or right hand reading from the centre line or zero is
THIS can be seen through a fairly powerful telescope on days when the hot
air rising off the ground deflects the sun's rays. To judge wind allowance
by mirage, the telescope should be arranged so that only a slight inclina¬tion
of the head from the line of sights is required to spot the targets or the
mirage. The mirage drift should only be utilised for winds below 12 m.p.h.
and it follows, therefore, that one's allowance must be kept rigidly in
mind from shot to shot and must be watched between shots owing to the great
variations and sudden changes of direction to which light winds are subject
and which are not indicated by the comparatively heavy and inert flags.
Mirage is said to be "running" when its wavy lines of heat are
slowly or quickly travelling across the target. It is known as "boiling"
when it travels upwards in wavy vertical lines, which is a certain sign
that aim should be taken as "zero." It is frequently the case
that mirage is running in quite the opposite direction indicated by the
flags, and though the drift is insufficient to move the flags it is often
sufficient to cause a "magpie" if one's wind allowance is on the
wrong side of zero, through judging by the flags.
(1) Move the eyepiece in the direction you wish to move your shot.
(2) Do not fire unless your sights appear the same each time. By moving
the eye up and down and to and fro you will find a bright centre in the
peep through which the front sight blade will be seen clearly and distinctly.
To find the best size of apertures to suit your vision, start small and
open up until the target appears as bright as when viewed over the sights;
then stop down one size.
(3) To elevate, turn clockwise. To go left, turn anticlockwise; to go right,
turn clockwise.
(4) Use a yellow filter on dull or misty days and a green filter to tone
down glare
For the S.M.L.E. (No. I) rifle
is proved by the numbers in use, this non-folding sight is unsurpassable
for design, workmanship and finish. The knurled knob gives a fine clicking
adjustment to the elevation slide and the complete arm is Quickly adjustable
from 200 yards to 1,200 yards range, or entirely removable for safety or
for cleaning purposes by operating the spin-up locking device which acts
as a lock when the knurled nut is tightened by finger pressure only.
The windage arm is sturdily designed and provides six bearing surfaces for
the eyepiece holder, thus minimising shake, while backlash is virtually
eliminated with the latest "married" threads.
Owing to variation of shape of different makes of action bodies, the secure
fixing of an aperture sight has in the past been somewhat troublesome; by
providing a special boss forged solid With the base, to fit the majority
of actions without filing, and a spring washer on a special fixing screw,
much has been done with this model to reduce this trouble to a minimum.
The adjustable scale plates provide fully for the exact zeroing for elevation,
windage, and range. the latter scale being set for a plus reading of two
minutes on the vernier scale when the sight is set for 200 yards, to avoid
minus figures when the elevation varies.
There is a full 40 minutes of windage movement in both directions and this
important scale occupies a position on top of the bar where it has been
specially placed to enable a reading to be taken when the arm is in the
sling. The low build of this sight is specially appreciated on ranges similar
to Bisley, where a setting sun can only be shut out by the use of a broad
brimmed hat, this practice being difficult with any sight having a high
(1) Remove from the rifle the dumb-bell shaped spring, the safety catch
disc, and the rearguard screw.
(2) Put the coil spring on the axis of the
safety catch, slip in the long rearguard screw and fix
on the sight by means of the short fixing screw, then tighten up the long
rearguard screw,
(3) As part of the action on which the sight has to be fixed is not gauged it may be that the sight will not stand vertical and/or square. It is possible readily to correct this by using paper or card packing between the action body and the sight in the region of the short fixing screw. Alternatively tile boss on the bed of the sight can be adjusted to suit the action body by filing.
For the Pattern '14 Enfield rifle
BASED on the design of our famous Models 5A and 6A aperture sights for Lee Enfield rifles, this Model 5B is even better adapted for the Enfield Pattern '14 (No. 3) rifle as it needs no special fitting and no extra parts are required to fit it; moreover it is far less vulnerable to damage, being largely protected by the original aperture sight fences.
All the features that have made the other models so satisfactory are included,
Forty minutes of windage adjustments either side of zero, quick release
for the slide, sharp half-minute clicking movements and clear, easily read
adjustable scales, combined with a strong simple quick release movement
for the slide, with a spin-up locking device that cannot strain the elevating
Remove from the rifle the short range sight axis screw and the bolt stop
axis screw which will also release the long range aperture sight. If the
stem has been cut off, read "stud."
Replace the bolt stop, press back the bolt stop spring and slip the grooved
foot of the sight block under the spring until the lower stud finds its
way into the long range aperture sight axis hole. When both studs are in
place secure the sight by means of the thin sight axis screw, without using
force that will stretch and break the screw.
THE MODEL 4 APERTURE SIGHT Folding Model For rifle No. 4 Mk. I
THIS compact and neatly designed aperture sight was ntroduced at the 1946
Bisley Meeting
where it was welcomed because it was the one thing needed to make the new
No. 4 Mk. I
rifle into a target rifle, suitable for use in N.R.A. (SR.b) competitions.
As illustrated and originally sold there was no windage zeroing adjustment,
but now all sights have a neat adjustable windgauge scale plate.
It has the usual vernier elevation and windgauge movements. combined with
distinct half-minute clicks; the six-hole eyepiece shown gives a choice
of six apertures from .03° to
It is a part of the design that this and its military counterpart are sights pivoted and retained in the up or down position by the action of a spring-loaded plunger operating on the foot of the leaf. On recoil the sight is forced out of the vertical position but recovers due to the operation of the spring and plungers. Complete freedom of movement at the hinge is essential and this can be assured by careful fitting in the first place and a simple test may be imposed by pushing the sightt forward approximately 10' and allowing it to recover its vertical position, noting the complete absence of friction and the recovery of the sight to the correct upright position.
Since these sights must of necessity be fitted to rifles made under the
stress of war con¬ditions in various factories, it may be necessary
to ease the excess metal from the pivotal points on the rifle; another feature
to note carefully is the fit of the plunger in its guide hole. With proper
attention paid to these details this Model PH.4 sight need never be blamed
for its short¬comings as an aperture sight of excellent merit and serviceability.
Fitting is an extremely simple matter. Being designed to displace the service
aperture sight, the PH.4 is fixed by removal and replacement of original
sight axis pin.
Rigid Model
For rifle No. 4 Mk. I
the No, 4 rifle was first permitted for use under N.R.A. conditions it was
realised that a type of rigid sight similar in all essentials to our Model
5A would be required. At that time, however, materials were in very short
supply and forgings were quoted with "impossible" delivery dates.
As a result of our collaboration with a Government Design Department we
were more ready to consider production of an alternative to enable No. 4
rifles to be used in quantity in SR(b) events: thus our folding model PH.4
was evolved.
The late Mr. Eli Keeling, our old sight pattern maker, known to hundreds
of pre-war Bisley men, continued to press for a rigid model such as he anticipated
by a 1945 conversion of a Model 58 sight, and since those early post war
days much has been done to build into the PH5c the greater experience which
we have achieved with former models on different rifles. As the illustration
shows, both windage and elevation scales run on sturdy dovetail slides ;
the scales, which can both be zeroed, are easy to read, and the whole sight
hugs the side of the receiver in a most reassuring manner.
The staggered wind arm brings the eyepiece to a position right over the
cocking piece and the deeply knurled operating knobs make positive clicking
movements easy to identify on even the coldest days.
(1) Remove the regulation rearsight, sight axis screw, plunger and spring.
(2) Remove the regulation ejector screw.
(3) Place the Model SC sight on the left side of the action body so that
its fixing screw holes
are opposite the axis csrew hole and the ejector screw hole respectively.
(4) Drive home the screws, the ejector screw from the left hand side, and
the other from the
N.B.-Be careful to preserve the displaced parts which will be needed when
the rifle is
required to be used "as issued."
For use with aperture sights
only other feature of the sight to which attention need be drawn is the
six-hole eyepiece; for a minority the six-hole eyepiece is "out"
but we cater for those who are prejudiced by making a range of single hole
eyepieces. Whatever reasons may be advanced to support the preference of
this minority for a series of eyepieces with varying aperture sizes to be
screwed out and in according to prevailing light, we as manufac¬turers
and users can reassure our readers of the reliability and efficiency of
the modern six-hole eyepiece of our manufacture.
The methods that are adopted for making a finished job after assembly ensure the feature of perfect centralisation which is implicit in the name "dead centre." In our eyepieces we provide a range of aperture sizes sufficient to cover the needs of all marksmen, viz.: .03", .04", .05", .06", .07" and .OS". An inexperienced shot tends to use the smallest aperture, under the mistaken impression that he will minimise errors of aim. This supposition is not borne out in practice chiefly due to natural laws particularly relating to the eye. The main consideration affecting the size of aperture is definition of foresight and target, which incidentally cannot both be in focus together. Under bright conditions, quite a small aperture will give excellent definition without too much loss of light. Under dull conditions, a little loss of definition is inevitable because a larger aperture is needed to pass sufficient light. In conditions of restricted illumination the natural habit of the eye is to seek maximum light, which normally is obtained by centreing the object seen through the aperture.
smallbore shooting the rifleman has each series of shot holes in his target
continually in view and is thus enabled to observe the build-up of his group;
except in special circumstances the target is afterwards available for further
These conditions do not obtain in service rifle shooting, as each successive
shot hole is patched out immediately its value has been signalled, therefore
no record is available unless plotted there and then in a score book. In
such circumstances the possession of a properly designed score book is of
paramount importance. To be of value it must be regularly and conscientiously
plotted for each shoot; a rifleman is thus enabled to build up a record
of his skill and of his rifle's performance.
He can, at his leisure analyse his shooting and discover his errors so that
in succeeding shoots he will be able to make corrections. The score book
illustrated above provides the rifleman with all those features which in
our long experience are most desirable.
For small bore target rifles
In addition to the service rifle aperture sights dealt with in this booklet
we manufacture a comnprehensive range of precision aperture sights for smallbore
target rifles, and many makes of sporting rifles.
The illustration shows our Model 7A which has become practically standard
equipment on most British made smallbore target rifles; this sight has bean
adopted by B.S.A. (Guns) Ltd. for their famous Martini action .22"
cal. target rifles, Model 12, I S and Model 13, which may be taken to imply
that no better equipment of this type can be found.
For sporting rifles
The "Sportarget" is an all British aperture sight of sporting
appearance with all the attributes of an expensive target sight. Due to
the long and careful thought given to the design it can be readily adapted
to fit a large variety of sporting rifles. We illustrate the Model PH 16E
selected at random; this particular model is made to fit on the dovetail
of the .22" cal. Mauser bolt action rifle by means of a single set
screw and clearly shows the general construction of this type of sight.
Over the past 50 odd years our aim has been to produce or
factor every¬thing that the user of rifle, pistol or shot gun is likely
to require. In pre-war times we were justifiably proud of our ability to
supply "Everything for Shooting." Under present day conditions
we find it more difficult to carry out this slogan to the letter.
We are, however, able to offer a most excellent range of alt the best available
arms and shooting accessories which are fully described and illustrated
in our general catalogue. This is probably the most comprehensive publication
of its kind in the trade today. In addition to listing hundreds of accessories
there are interesting technical articles by practical shooting men and a
best of useful hints and tips. This catalogue has become universally known
• Full details of the complete range of aperture sights manufactured
will be found in our General Catalogue
To correct shots hitting high or low of the bulls eye, adjustment up or
down of the aperture sight is necessary, and the effect of this is to raise
or lower the butt in the shoulder and thereby lower or raise the muzzle.
If shots are hitting the target low, the aperture backsight
must be raised by screwing the elevation knob clockwise and vice-versa if
shots are high
The vernier scale is used to divide each division of the stationary scale
into fifths. In modern .303 aperture backsights there are two clicks to
a minute, i.e., one-fifth of a division, and in modern .22 aperture sights
there are four or eight clicks to a minute. A division represents one-twentieth
of an inch. Therefore, to raise the sights one-hundredth of an inch, it
would require two clicks on a .303 sight or four or eight clicks on a .22
A. J. P. " Twin Zero " aperture backsights are fitted with adjustable
scale plates so that the rifle can be made to read zero at 200 yards. To
do this the rifle should be taken on to the range and the sights elevated
until hitting central at 200 yards, after which the movable elevating scale
plate should be pushed up or down until the zero mark coincides with the
zero mark of the vernier scale.
To raise the sights for longer ranges, turn the elevation knob clockwise 11 minutes (22 clicks) for 500 yards, etc., etc. These modern .303 sights are also marked with range scale and, if the rifleman prefers, lie can disregard the vernier scale and, after once correctly zeroing the rifle at 200 yards, the range scale readings will be found correct for longer ranges, except for effects of " twelve " and " six o'clock " winds.
Likewise, lateral or windage adjustment of the sight is made by winding the right-hand knob of the sight clockwise to correct shots left of the bull and anti-clockwise to correct shots hitting right. The windage vernier is divided in the same way as for elevation and gives the same value on the target - two clicks per minute on .303 sights, the minute being one-fifth of a division. The vernier, of course, reads left and right of the central zero for right and left wind. This zero plate can be adjusted to read zero with the vernier scale in the same way as for elevation zero.
The .303 rifleman should equip himself with a good score
book, the target diagrams of which are accurately laid-out in minute squares.
Shots should be plotted carefully and sight changes recorded and every advantage
taken of the diagrams which are planned to simplify the mastering of modern
precision sights. Such score books contain elevation details, wind charts
and other useful information. Alfred Parker Score Books with diagrams to
the latest N.R.A. Bisley dimensions are included in this Catalogue.
To summarise this subject briefly and as an introduction to the following
pages is to do less than justice to the matter, but in our Book Section
are many sources of further information, quite apart from our own detailed
instruction booklets and sight leaflets.
No rifled weapon designed to fire single bullets, as opposed to smooth bore
shotguns, is complete without adequate sighting equipment. These sights
fall into several categories, viz:-metallic (" iron ") or optical
(embodying the employment of lenses): the former are sub-divisible as open
or aperture sights, and again as sporting or target types. The latter fall
into main classes viz. the nowadays rare low magnification lens foresight
used with a clearing lens screwed into the aperture rearsight, and the telescope
sight, which again may be sub-divided into sporting and target types.
sights lend themselves to very cheap production, and because rifle makers
generally avoid concerning themselves with the individual tastes of consumers
as far as sights go, most rifles are offered with the least expensive sights
that suffice to render the weapon complete and usable.
It would be very, convenient if open sights gave the kind of clear picture
to the shooter that sketch No. I depicts, where the object, foresight and
backsight are shewn, all in clear focus, but unless one's eye muscles are
unusually active, the accommodation of the average man's sight is such that
two of the three important items depicted will appear indistinct in practice
By employing an aperture fairly near to the eye and of a suitable size,
as a substitute for the open backsight one can eliminate some of the eyestrain,
for there remains only the object and foresight to focus, since the aperture
can be ignored and the field of view is less obstructed as sketch No. 2
shows. Simple optical arrangements employing a magnifying front lens are
of doubtful value since the magnified field of view is extremely restricted
and sharp focussing demands the selection of an aperture size and a clearing
lens specification to suit the individual.
The complete answer is only to be found through the employment of a telescope
sight, in which the advantages of appreciable magnification greatly enhance
clarity of vision, needle sharp focussing of the sighting element in the
same plane as the object-adequate field of view and minimum obstruction
are all to be found, but at a price. Nevertheless, 'scope sights have continued
to gain popularity through the years because they really fill a genuine
need, since they eliminate inaccuracy and rejuvenate the elderly shooters'
prospects where interest naturally wanes with failing eyesight: we have
helped to maintain and encourage this trend through our manufacture of mounts
that provide the essential link between rifles and telescope sights, particulars
of which may be found in the pages that follow.
Because open sights are normally supplied by rifle manufacturers we do not
make our own, but we hold stocks of a varied assortment to enable us to
give service in this connection. We can make to special order, but as costs
of such handwork are disproportionately high, we usually suggest a more
modern and often less expensive alternative through the purchase of an aperture
In the following pages will be found a fairly comprehensive line of aperture
sights for both target and sporting rifles. So far as is practicable the
features that have made our name well known in the fraternity of target
shooters have been simplified and embodied in our sporting rifle aperture
sights, viz: rigidity, accuracy and serviceability. In the repair and reconditioning
of small calibre training rifles at the request of the Ministry of Supply
we fitted many hundreds of our " Sportarget " sights. By contrast
with the original factory sights these are currently with¬standing the
rigours of service use.
We accord pride of place amongst our aperture sights to those which we produce
for service rifle shooting under National Rifle Association rules, only
because we have been designing and making improvements in these models for
the greatest length of time. We started manufacture in 1919. During the
year 1953 we came to an agreement with the Department of Defence of the
South African Government, to whom we have supplied many thousands of service
rifle aperture sights, entitling their South African factory to manufacture
our models and recognising our interest therein.
Latterly we have produced, we believe, the perfect answer by way of a serviceable
competition, finely adjustable backsight, for the Canadian, Belgian and
British variants of the NATO rifle.
Below are details and fitting instructions on the BSA Parker No.9 aperture target rear-sight
Above: The Model 9G sight fitted to a C.L.L.E. (Charger Loading Lee-Enfield). The mounting plate is the Parker No.SP.3 for the 'Long' Lee-Enfield Rifle, requiring drilling and tapping of the lower rear screw hole in the butt socket. See details relating to sight and rifle marques below. It is just possible to distinguish th triangular logo of A.G. Parker ( AGP ) within the name of their " BISLEY WORKS", on both the sight frame and the mounting bracket.
The above rifle started life as a Victorian L.E. Mk.1 (L.E.1) of 1897 manufactured by what was then the B.S.A. & M. Co. (Birmingham Small Arms and Metal Company). It was converted, in 1908, to a C.L.L.E. Mk.1*.
Whilst really a full-bore service rifle sight, it is occasionally found fitted to early .22 Long Lee-Enfield and Short Lee-Enfield training cum target rifles. It was also one of the sights, in its earlier marks ( e.g. the 9C being the 1912 model), used early in the Great War (1914-1918) for what could loosely be called "sniping" by marksmen, often those with pre-war target rifle experience, prior to the initial introduction of telescopic sights circa 1915.
Below is an image of the rifle with the sight folded down to permit use of the open service sights.
The Model 9G sight was advertised in the Parker and Parker-Hale catalogues, as below in 1936, right through from its inception early in the Century up to the mid 1930s - more than ten years after the introduction of its successors, the Model 5A, brought out in 1925, and the later Model 6A and "Twin Zero" sights. The 1936 advertisement is vitrually identical to that of 1925.
The various mounting brackets that were available are shown below, with mention that some are suitable for use with the earlier Model 9C.
The sight came in a box as below ( Thumb screw missing)
along with the instruction sheet below
and the envelope, containing the selected mounting bracket, and carrying the fitting instructions for same.
Below is an advertisement for the Model 9C reproduced from Alex Martin's catalogue ca 1914
Below is a replication of a page from the BSA 1912 catalogue, showing the Model 9C and, below that,
the equivalent page from the 1909 catalogue,
showing the original Model 9 and its own mounting arrangement (and the early Model 8 folding sight).
Subsequent to an enquiry made of us regarding the method of adjusting the foresight on the SMLE (No.1) rifle, as required to obtain the best "zero", we have added a few images to show what is required. The same principle applies to Lee-Enfield rifles Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. The 'official' method of adjusting fore-sight windage is to use the issued tool for the purpose. The original tool for the S.M.L.E. ( Nos. 1 & 2) rifles is shown first below left and, to the right it is shown fitted to the rifle..
Each graduation on the SMLE adjuster represents one inch of windage displacement on the target of the point of impact at 25 yards.*
For this tool to be used, it is necessary to remove the rifle's nose-cap by removing two screws. Early rifles had solid fore-sight protector wings on the nose-cap, and removal of same was obligatory. Later nose-caps had perforated protector wings, which both saved weight and allowed more light onto the fore-sight.
It conveniently so happens that the later adjuster for the Rifle No.4 can be employed to adjust the fore-sight of an SMLE with perforated protector wings, without removal of the nose-cap, as shown in the image to the right.
Elevation zero adjustment of the fore-sight is achieved by replacement of the fore-sight blade with another of different height. There is a selection of blade heights available from specialist surplus dealers, and the dimension for each is stamped onto the top of the unit's dovetailed base. They start from zero, which represents one inch above the bore's centre-line, and increase in multiples of "15 thou" ( i.e. 0.015") as +15, +30, +45 and +60. Should an increase in sighting elevation be required, and no replacement fore-sight be available, then judicious filing of the blade would suffice. A decrease in elevation would be more problematic. Remember, with rear-sight windage you wind left to go left; but move the fore-sight left and the P.O.I. ( Point of Impact) moves right.
Below, left to right, are the adjusters for the SMLE ( Nos. 1 & 2 Rifles), The Rifle No.3 ( Pattern '14), The No.4 rifle, and last the Rifle No.5 "Jungle Carbine"
The figures for the SMLE using the barrel mounted rear tangent-sight are, with its sight radius of 19.5", as follows.
( The sight radius is the distance between the rear-sight "V" or aperture and the back of the fore-sight blade or ring element.)
The windage adjustable rear-sight for the tangent leaf has six clicks per calibration division, each click being equal to one minute of angle; i.e. 1" at 100 yards.
Each lateral graduation distance is .034", or approximately .0055" ( 5.5 thousands of an inch) per click, Thus the lateral displacement of either the rear or fore-sight for a one minute windage correction is just over 5 "thou". These figures apply equally to elevation, so that each .015" increment afforded by the seven different available heights of fore-sight blade will effect a 3 minute alteration (or 3" to the POI (Point of Impact) height at 100 yards.
The SMLE fore-sight adjuster has twelve graduated divisions over a quarter of an inch, approximately .021" per division, and equating to nearly 4 minutes per division at 100 yards. The correction quoted on the scale is actually one inch per 25 yards, which is obviously equivalent to 4" at 100 yards.
As long as you are certain of the number of clicks per division on the sights of your Lee-Enfield rifle sight, or the number of clicks per turn of the adjustment screw, it is straight forward to calculate the required adjustment for the fore-sight when zeroing at any range in increments of 25 yards. Bear in mind that, for the No.4 and 5 rifles, the sight radii may vary, but assuming you are using sights designed for that particular rifle, they ought to be correctly calibrated in minutes of angle, and can be checked with a vernier gauge to make an accurate assessment of the movement required to effect a fore-sight correction.
To assist with the above, we include below the contemporary official instructions for the "Zeroing of Rifles" Lee-Enfield numbers 1 to 5, compiled by the British Army's Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers ( R.E.M.E.)
Except in the case of the zeroing of the Rifle No. 4 Mk 1 (T) and Mk 1* (T), which entails the adjustment of a Telescope and has been dealt with in Précis No. SA/18, the zeroing of Rifles can be dealt with as a single subject.
By the term "zeroing" we mean the adjustment of the sights of a weapon so as to give the correct position, of the shots on the target in relation to the point of aim.
An Armourer is always concerned with the permanent zeroing of a Rifle, which is effected by the adjustment of, or the fitting of a new blade to the Foresight. In passing it is as well to remember that a temporary adjustment for errors in elevation, can be made by altering the Backsight, e.g. if the mean point of impact (MPI) of a group of shots is below the correct position it can be corrected by raising the Backsight, similarly if an error above the correct position is obtained it can be corrected by lowering the Backlight. If the Rifle is fitted with a Windgauge Backsight, errors of deflection can be adjusted in the same way. It will be seen that in each case the Backsight is moved AWAY from the error.
In adjusting the Foresight however, the opposite rule applies. If a Rifle is shooting low the Foresight must be moved down or TOWARDS the error (i.e. a lower blade must be fitted).
To enable Rifles to be zeroed, a moveable blade is fitted into a dovetail base, thereby allowing the blade to be moved from side to side to correct lateral errors.
he Foresight Blades are also made in varying heights so that the vertical errors can be corrected by the replacement of the existing blade by one of a different height. There are varying sets of blades for the different types of Rifles, but on all those Rifles dealt with in the foregoing instructions there is one common rule. A blade marked "0" is provided, the tip of which when fitted to the Rifle is exactly one inch above the axis of the bore. All other blades graduate from this "0" or zero blade either above or below it in constant increments. In the case of British Rifles this increment is .015". If a blade is lower than the zero blade it is referred to as a "minus" blade, and if it is above it becomes a "plus" blade.
All blades are marked so as to be easily recognised, those below the zero having as a prefix the minus sign e.g. —.015". The "plus" sign is not used, therefore a blade with only a figure, e.g. .015", is always a plus blade.
The Mean Sight Radius is the distance from the aperture or "U" of the Backsight to the tip of the Foresight, and this differs on the various Rifles.
It will be appreciated that the Sight Radius governs the amount of adjustment made on the target by the fitting of a different size of blade foresight. The longer the Sight Radius the smaller will be the angle made between a line from the Backsight to the old blade and a line from the Backsight to the new blade.
To assess the difference which will be made by a change of Foresight use the following formula:—
RANGE x DIFFERENCE IN HEIGHT OF BLADES ........=...VARIATION ON TARGET SIGHT RADIUS OF WEAPON ....................................................
To give a simple example, assume that we are going to replace an "0" blade with a —.015" blade on a Rifle No. 4, the Sight Radius of which is 28.74" and our range is 100 yards. By fitting a LOWER blade the resultant MPI will be HIGHER by:—
........ ........100 X 36 X 0.015 ........= 1.87"
As we included the figure 36 in our top line, thereby bringing our 100 yards to inches, our answer is in inches. So that by replacing an "0" blade with a —.015" on a Rifle No. 4 we would raise our MPI by 1.87" at 100 yards.
With a Leaf Backsight fitted to a Rifle, the aperture or slide should be set at the lowest graduation, namely 200 yards. It it not however satisfactory to zero a Rifle at this range, and the ranges used are 100 yards or 25 yards. It will be seen therefore, that the resultant MPI. to be correct, would have to be somewhere above the point of aim, so that when actually firing at 200 yards, or at other ranges with the correct reading on the sight the shots will group AT the point of aim.
In the case of Rifle No. 4 fitted with a Mk 2 Backsight, the apertures of which are sighted for 300 and 600 yards, the Rifle will be zeroed using the 300 yard aperture with a Bayonet fixed. Therefore the correct position of the MPI at 100 yards or 25 yards would be even higher than with a leaf sight.
The following table shows the various particulars applicable to each type of Rifle. This table does not include the Rifle No_ 2, as this Rifle fires .22 inch ammunition and therefore the zeroing rules are rather different.
Lateral adjustment will be made to the Foresight with the aid of a "Tools Foresight, Cramp".
There are different patterns of these for the various Rifles, namely:—
Tools Foresight, Cramps No. 1. For the No. 1 and No. 2 Rifles
... „...................„ ..... No. 2. ........ „ ........ No. 3 ........ „
... „...................„ ..... No. 3. ........ „ ........ No. 4........ „
... „...................„ ..... No. 4. ........ „ ........ No. 5........ „
On the Cramps Nos. 1 and 2 there is a deflection scale to guide adjustment.
Rifles No. 2 will always be zeroed at 25 yards.
The sight reading on the Backsight is not important as it will never be necessary, or possible, to fire the Rifle at any great range. It is advisable however, to zero all No. 2 Rifles with a reading of 200 yards on the Backsight, bearing in mind that the MPI must be AT the point of aim and not above it. Lateral errors can be adjusted with the Cramps Foresight No. 1.when it is flush with the side of the Block. If further lateral adjustment is needed, the Rifle should be examined for fit of Fore-end, Bolt and condition of Barrel etc.
If an Armourer is satisfied that the Rifle is mechanically sound i.e. correctly assembled and adjusted, and that all possible adjustment has been made during zeroing; and finds that (a) the Rifle still fails to group, or (b) the MPI is still incorrectly positioned, he will carry out the test as detailed in Small Arms Training, Vol. 1., Pamphlet 1., Appx, 1. This lays down that a group of ten shots will be fired at 200 yards (Rifle rested) and should form a group 8" x 8" with an MPI not more than 4" from the point of aim. If the Rifle does not pass this test, the position of the shots will be accurately marked on an AF B 202, and the Rifle together with the diagram will be forwarded with an AF G 1045 to the nearest REME Workshop.
In the case of Rifles No. 2 this test should be carried out at 25 yards. Two groups of five rounds each should be fired and form a group 11/2" X 1½". with an MPI at the point of aim. When forwarding a Rifle No. 2 to REME Workshops after a Barrel Test, the targets should accompany the Rifle with an AF B 202.
The following is a list of faults which would tend to give inaccurate shooting. These points should be checked before attempting to zero and re-checked before carrying out the Barrel Test:—
1. Badly fitting Stock Fore-end.
2. Loose Butt.
3. Loose Screws.
4. Loose or damaged Blade Foresight.
5. Loose Block Band Foresight.
6. Badly fitting Bolts Breech
7. Condition of Barrel for wear,
8. Loose Backsight.
resistance column and resistance Iug should bear evenly with Bolt closed
bends, bulges or cordwear.
One complete turn of the screw cramp X Range in inches.
Sighting Radius.
. . . Weapon — Rifle No. 4
...... ...... ...... ...... ./////./.....Cramp No. 3 — 25 threads per inch (1/25th)
...... ......//// Range — 100 yds. (3600 ins.)
S.R. — 28.74 ins.=...... .040" X 3600"...... = 5.010".
...... 28.74"..................
.............................................= One complete turn of the screw cramp at 100 yds.
More often used on .22 RF calibre Target Rifles, but not unknown on full-bore rifles.
The Parker's sights.
Below is the A.G. Parker ( eventually Parker-Hale) No.2 Tunnel fore-sight introduced circa 1930 and utilised, in similar format, right up to the demise of the BSA International TARGET RIFLES in the mid 1980s. The design, with interchangeable ring and blade elements, was imitated by many foreign manufacturers over the following seventy years or more.
Parker-Hale quite probably manufactured sights for BSA at a point earlier than might perhaps otherwise be assumed.
They developed a very close association with the Birmingham Small Arms Company over many years,
and it is quite possible that they manufactured sights carrying the BSA logo rather than their own.
By the time BSA introduced the Martini International target rifle in 1950,
all the sights for these rifles were provided by Parker-Hale and so marked.
This inventively designed kit permitted quick changes of fore-sight elements
without the necessity to remove a standard dovetailed fore-sight from the No.4 Lee-Enfield rifle.
These were manufactured by the late John Good, a cousin of Robin Fulton of Fultons of Bisley.
Good, who had been apprenticed at the Brooklands Aircraft Factory, had later been employed by Fultons.
He subsequently set up his own business, based at his house called "Brindles" in Lightwater, near Bisley in Surrey.
He also made various rear-sights and trigger mechanisms which, with his fore-sight kits, reportedly sold well in South Africa.
The elaborate wooden boxes were apparently outsourced from a former Queen's Prize winner!
Image and detail by courtesy of Milsurps
This clever design obviated any necessity to carry even a fore-sight adjuster such as already shown on this page.
There was simply the one dovetailed block, into which one of any of a number of elements could be fitted;
standard type blades, or target-shooting ring elements.
Thus windage zero was retained after any change.
These sets are nowadays something of a collectors item, particularly if complete.
They have been reported as commanding near four-hundred pounds apiece.
When fitted to a rifle, the unit would appear as in the following two images.
On the left, the circular base to an element can be seen dropped into the fore-sight dovetail block.
On the right, is evident the Allen locking grub-screw that releases the element from the block.
See also some equivalent sights by the famous Westley Richards company.
and the Parker-Hale "Targetscope"
and, lastly, A SIGHT FOR SORE EYES, the 'must have' for the No.4 pundit
The text associated with the above image in the Parker-Hale catalogue read as follows:
No Training Establishment can afford to be without one of these instructional
A large ex-Government purchase enables us to offer them at a ridiculously
low price.
The action consists of the complete rifle mechanism as illustrated, also
butt complete with butt plate and about 8 in. of barrel. The working parts
are exposed by machined " cut aways " of body, bolt and
magazine and these " cut aways " are outlined in red.
They are
the official Government pattern skeleton actions, offered at a fraction
of their original cost.
No. SK4. Skeleton Action of Rifle No. 4.. .. .. Price each
We can also offer a few Skeleton Actions for Rifle No. 1 Mk. III. These
are similar in specification to above.
No. SKI. Skeleton Action of Rifle No. 1.. .. .. Price each
Edna Parker was an extremely astute business woman.
She was immensely proud of her family's and firm's heritage,
guarding the company's reputation and maintaining its continuation while she remained capable of so doing.
The book she self-published in 1984 - A CENTURY of SIGHTS and SIGHTING AIDS - is long out of print,
and anyway had a limited print run, being highly specialist in nature.
It is nowadays incredibly difficult to find copies (and expensive), but the book remains a remarkable reference for
sights and equipment used with British service rifles for more than a hundred years.
We see it as an important document for researchers,
and are therefore making it available to all those for whom it is a valuable record.
The document is illustrated in the form of a text-searchable flip-page booklet.
It is a large file and may take a few moments to load
Edna was a remarkable representative for rifle shooting,
much respected in the Birmingham circle of gunsmiths and in the Bisley shooting fraternity.
Not one to suffer fools gladly, she had a particularly robust manner,
but held an encyclopaedic knowledge of her lifetime vocation,
which was particularly helpful in dealing with the many enquiries made by her clientelle.
She had a reputation for being demanding of her Birmingham staff,
and there is a perhaps apochryphal tale of one of her more elderly workshop
gunsmiths who so resented her appearance in his domain that he would regularly urinate
in the quenching bath beside his bench, and, should his boss appear on the staircase from the office,
would immediately drop a red-hot steel component into the bath, creating an aroma
that would often reverse Edna's direction of travel.
The Birmingham Post newspaper once published an article about Edna and the A.J. Parker company on their women's page on 12th. December 1978.
The facsimile below is not the best, but is at least just legible when zoomed in.
Shortly after her death in 1999, Edna's obituary was published in the journal of the Historic Arms Resource Centre, "HARK", by James Hallam, who new her as well as any Bisley shot.
SEE: A.G. Parker, A.J. Parker and Parker-Hale
See also the Parker-Hale CMT rifles , the Parker-Hale Targetscope, the Parker-Hale Dewar rifles
and ParkerRifling, A.G and A.J. Parker and Parker-Hale,
plus the Parker-Hale target index practice rod, and BSA, Parker-Hale and Vickers small-bore target rifle sights
plus the Parker-Hale Service Rifle Target Sights, and the Parker-Hale Optical Sight Set
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