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Read this fascinating contemporary insight into the birth of the .30-06 calibre (caliber) 'American Enfield' Pattern '17 Rifle
See also the associated Lee-Enfield Rifle No.3 (Pattern '14) in .22"RF calibre
and the .22"RF Pattern '14 - which rifle is the A.G. Parker .22RF conversion of the SMLE (Short Magazine Lee-Enfield) rifle
and an extremely rare British WW1/II sniper version of the P'17 rifle
The article reproduced below is obviously written from the viewpoint of a proud American journalist at a time when such propaganda-led publicity was vital to a war effort. From a British standpoint, it could not unreasonably be argued that the greater part of the design of this excellent rifle, here given such acclaim, should perhaps not be entirely laid at the door of the Springfield Armoury. Indeed, a Mauser styled front-locking action was employed in the original Enfield design, allied to what would have been a new small calibre British service round. In its original Pattern 1913 "off the drawing board" configuration, the rifle was trialled in the proposed calibre of .276". This new high velocity ammunition fared badly in the rifle, with the higher burn pressures bringing various problems resulting particularly in extraction difficulties. The onset of the First World War meant that Britain urgently needed rifles that could utilise current stocks of ammunition. British production was committed to the SMLE (Rifle, Short,Magazine Lee-Enfield Rifle; and there was initially insufficient capacity for even these, let alone tooling up for a completely new rifle. The United States Government fortunately undertook to manufacture a hurriedly modified version of the rifle for British forces in their .303"calibre. This rifle became the Pattern '14, and latterly, in 1926, gained the nomenclature Lee-Enfield Rifle No.3 . More than a million were exported to the U.K. and put into sterling service.. When the U.S. Government entered the Great War, partly because of the German submarine activity off their Eastern Seaboard, and ostensibly after the sinking of the American passenger steamer "Lusitania" by a German submarine off the coast of Ireland in May 1915. In fact, the passenger list was barely 50% of the norm, and the ship was almost certainly carrying arms and munitions for the British war effort; perhaps even early consignments of the new rifle. Prior to the commencement of active U.S. involvement in th conflict just under two years later, the American stocks of their Springfield rifle of 1903 themselves required bolstering. The modification of the U.S. manufactured Enfield designed Pattern '14 rifle to the U.S. .30-06" calibre was the obvious answer, and thus was born the American Enfield Pattern Rifle of 1917, of which at least 2.5 millionwere produced and carried by U.S. troops in the latter half of the Great War.
The thankful ending of the "War to end all Wars" was not the end of the story for the American Enfield and its British counterpart, the Pattern '14 rifle. The rifle's inherent accuracy brought both rifles into the realms of target shooting between the Wars and continued even after the Second World War post-1945 at Bisley in particular. however, 1919 did not see their last employment in battle. So short of rifles were British forces, at the outbreak of WW11 in 1939, that these rifles yet again saw service in combat in Europe. The non-standard calibre of the U.S. Pattern 1917 rifles that remained on this side of the Atlantic after WW1, led to stocks being issued to the home defense organisation, where large quantities of ammunition were unlikely to be necessary in the early days. The threat of invasion in 1940 may perhaps have altered this to a degree, but that event fortunately was forestalled by the famous "Few" of the Royal Air Force in the Battle of Britain over the English Channel and North Sea. The Pattern '17 remained in service with the Local Defence Volunteers ( or "Look, Duck and Vanish" as they were unfairly labelled) and the renamed "Home Guard" until their disbandment close to the end of the War. Many of these rifles subsequently found their way into civilian ownership as highly economical and effective target rifles, but large numbers of the rifles had also been issued to Commonwealth countries' forces in WW11, in addition to those used by the free French and Dutch contingents, and even the Chinese Nationalists who utilised the U.S. Pattern '17. Altogether a remarkable history, with a conclusion in which numbers of these rifles were re-barrelled to the NATO calibre of 7.62mm in conversions to permit their ongoing use as target rifles in competition when the .303"and .30-06 calibres of ammunition were laid to rest.
Copyrighted 1918. by Frank G.
I HAVE come to
Almost every soldier carries a rifle. It is his chief weapon of offense and defense, and upon its effectiveness largely depends his victory over or defeat by his enemy. If the gun is such that he can get in two
shots to his enemy's one he can do twice as much damage. The fact that it can not jam or miss fire may mean life or death, and the same is true as to the accuracy of the flight of the bullet on its way to the mark and the force and shock with which it strikes.
In all of these respects the American rifles now being made
are superior to the guns of any other nation fighting in
The American Enfield and the
It has been claimed that the Mauser bullet has a greater velocity than that of the
Indeed, the experts of our Ordnance Bureau at
We are now making more than 50,000 of these new guns every
week. The
They are in striking contrast to the billions of dollars we are spending today.
The buildings of the
Everything connected with the army gun is made here at
The gun of the latest model is a little over forty-six
inches long, and without the bayonet it weighs just ten pounds and five ounces.
The stock is made of well-seasoned walnut wood, brought from the forests of the
The gun is loaded with metal clips, each containing five cartridges. It takes but an instant to throw in a new clip. It has sights made to the accuracy of an astronomical instrument, and the whole is a combination of mechanical wonders. The bayonet weighs just two ounces over one pound. It is a short sword with a point like a needle, and of steel so tough that it will cut a cent in half if wielded just right. The bayonet is so accurately made that it can be put in or jerked out of the gun with a twist of the wrist, and still it is as tight as though it were a part of the barrel.
I began my visit to the factory at the water shop, going through one vast room after another, where the forgings, brought from the steel plants of different parts of the country, are pounded into shape by enormous hammers run by electricity. These hammers knead the steel, as though it were so much dough, into the parts required for the gun. A bayonet, for instance, will start into the forge as a square bar an inch thick and perhaps two inches long. It will be laid red hot under the hammer and pounded into the long, thin knife which forms the end of the gun. The hammer is directed by a mechanic, who lays the hot metal under it and sees that it shapes the bar into a bayonet.
It is the same with the barrels. They start in as red-hot billets and pass through steel rollers, which make them longer and longer until they come out in round bars a little longer and thicker than the barrel of the gun. They are cut off to just the right size, and are then run through other machines which press them to the cylindrical shape of the barrel. After this they must be ground, smoothed and polished, and the holes are bored through them with electric steel drills. In this work the machine remains stationary and the machine whirls the barrel around against the drill until the hole is bored through. Then comes the rifling. This is done by automatic machinery, which runs back and forth through the barrels cutting the grooves that give the bullet the twist as it whirls or bores its way through the air.
In other departments I saw them grinding and sharpening the bayonets, and in others they were testing each bayonet to see that it would slip on and off the barrel of the gun with the least possible exertion on the part of the soldier. The bayonets are tested as to the quality of the metal in them by tapping each against a piece of steel. The man knows by the ring whether there is any defect. It is just like testing counterfeit dollars. If the metal is not right the sound is dead, and the bayonet is thrown to one side.
In another place I saw them tempering the parts of the gun. Everything must be hardened to just the right degree, and much of this is done in baths of boiling chemicals. Some of the parts are dipped into a cherry-red mixture of salt, cyanide and soda ash. They come out red hot, and are then dropped into a tub of oil, which boils with the heat of the metal. Other parts are put into a furnace in a crucible filled with bone ash. The bone ash is largely carbon, and some of the carbon in the ash goes into the outside of the metal, making it harder and less easy to rust, while the inside remains as tough as it was before treatment.
I do not pretend to understand the science of gun making, and I will not try to describe the various processes I saw during my trip through the shops. I will say only that the making of the guns for our soldiers as a business which requires extraordinary skill, and in which everything. is measured and tested to the thickness of a baby's hair. Every bit of metal used in the guns is inspected by the Government through chemical and physical analysis before it comes here, and the parts are tested again and again as they go through the shops.
The machinery required has to be manufactured by expert tool makers, and there must be thousands of duplicate gauges and other machines to equip the plants for large production. I went through shop after shop where men and women were measuring each of the ninety-odd parts which go into a gun, and I was told that the gauges have to be watched lest they become worn and do not register accurately. Some gauges require replacing for every 4,000 or 5,000 parts tested, and others do not become inaccurate until after double that use. In testing the barrels the guns are put into a frame work at one end of a long shooting gallery and high-pressure cartridges are shot through them into banks of sand at the end. The least defect causes the rejection of a barrel, and accuracy of bore as well as strength of metal is required. In some places the metal of certain parts is tested by the falling of a ball upon it.
Some of the most careful work in making the gun is on the
sight, which is of such a design that the soldier can draw a bead on the enemy
much more quickly than the enemy can get the drop on him. The sight is nearer
the eye than in the Mauser. It has a large "open
peep," through which the eye easily looks and automatically centers itself while aiming. It can be adjusted to the
wind, and foreign rifle experts, accustomed to their own weapons, have been
surprised by the better shooting they could do with the
The American Enfield is sighted for about 1,200 yards, and the only thing necessary to change for greater distances is to elevate the rear sight.
We are turning out cartridges for these new guns in vast quantities. We have made already more than a billion, or enough to furnish 1,000 for each of the million guns now in use. The cartridges for the rifles fit equally well in our machine guns and the bullets are exactly the same.
The bullets are made on scientific principles and with a careful study of the work they have to do. The type used is just about an inch long, and with the brass case containing the powder it forms a cartridge three and one half inches in length. The bullet has a sharp point like that of a pencil, and if you will imagine a well-sharpened pencil of polished brass an inch long you may have a picture of one of these bullets as it lays before me. It is composed of a core of lead and tin composition, inclosed in a jacket of copper nickel. It weighs less than one-third of an ounce, and it takes only one-third of its weight in smokeless powder to fire it.
The bullet is pointed in order that it may easily cut its
way through the air, and for the same reason the surface is as smooth as that
of a new wedding ring. The resistance of the air is one of the great problems
in the flight of projectiles. As the bullet goes forth from our new guns it has
a speed of more than a half mile a second. For the first few hundred yards it
travels at the rate of 1,500 miles or more per hour. It goes sixty times as
fast as the fastest Atlantic steamship, and it has the same pressure from the
air as if it were standing still with a gale of 1,500 miles an hour blowing
against it. A gale one- tenth that strong will blow down buildings, and the
bullet has to bore through or against that enormous pressure. For this reason
the point must be sharp, the surface smooth and the whirling motion must aid in
boring its way so rapidly on to its mark. The French bullets have sharp points
and tapering ends, and the Mauser bullet has been
pared down at the rear end by the Germans in order to reduce the resistance of
the air. Our experts say that this clipping off the end of the Mauser bullet gives it a little greater speed than our
bullet, but it reduces its efficiency in that it does not go straight to the
mark. The
Both the
To view the drawings (S.A.I.D.)
for the No.3 rifle and components
click on either of the adjacent images
Below in a video clip is a British Pathe Newsreel of Enfield rifles shown in training.
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We copy below an interesting excerpt from an article in the Military Rifle Journal
From the February 2001 issue, pages 33 - 44.
By Dan Reynolds
In the aftermath of the First World War, the Birmingham Small Arms Company, BSA, acquired the rights to broker sales of all surplus British small arms and ammunition. The material consisted of what was considered non standard or unserviceable for various reasons or unlikely to be of future operational use. The biggest single item was the large stock of Pattern 14 rifle in .303 calibre. Marketing these rifles was difficult as the calibre was in wide use only by the British Empire, Estonia and Latvia. After the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the British supplied Ross and Pattern 14 rifles from Royal Navy stocks to these Baltic nations. During the Allied Intervention in the Russian Civil War, they supplied large numbers of rifles to the "White"anti - communist forces. The Black Sea port of Novorossisk was HQ of the "Denmiss", the British mission sent to supply the White "Armed Forces of South Russia". From March 1919 onward, they supplied about 200,000 rifles to Deniken's forces including large numbers of Pattern 14, lesser numbers of Ross M10 and fewer numbers of Mk.3 and Mk.3* Lee Enfields in .303. Pattern 14 rifles from British Army stocks were provided to other White Russian forces elsewhere in the former Russian Empire during this period.
During the 1920's, the surplus German Mausers in 7.92x57mm were the preferred rifles in the international arms trade. Finland sought to buy or trade for Mosin Nagants and attempted to standardize on this type. The warlords in China were always seeking to buy surplus rifles. The Soley Armament Company was established near Regents Park in London by a former RFC officer, John Ball sometime in the mid 1920's. At a later date, Ball established a partnership with Edgard Grimard, a dealer located in Liege, Belgium. They formed the firm of Soley Grimard & Company to convert Pattern 14 rifles to the desirable 7.92x57mm used by many nations in their Mauser rifles. They believed that these rebuilt rifles would find a place on the market.
In 1930, BSA subcontracted their franchise for War Ministry surplus small arms to Ball. From the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in mid July, officials and agents of the republican government and also of individual factions of the Red coalition attempted to arrange arms deals through various intermediaries and dealers, chiefly from Paris. They unknowingly competed with one another and sometimes with Krivitsky's operation, driving prices up.
Poland had won its independence following WW1 and established its eastern border after defeating the Red Army in the Russo-Polish War. She was caught between two major powers, Germany and Soviet Russia, both of whom had territorial claims on her border areas. She also had a dispute with Lithuania over the city of Vilnius. She had to maintain strong-armed forces to survive. Upon establishing independence, Poland was armed with various foreign rifles. Poles had served in three armies during the Great War. Imperial Russian, Imperial Austro Hungarian and French. From Germany, she received the machinery from Danzig Arsenal to produce the Mauser Gewehr 98 and Karabiner 98AZ. From France, she had received M86/93 Lebel and Mannlicher Berthier M07, M07/15 and M16 rifles and carbines. From Austro Hungary, she had Mannlicher M88/90 and M1895 rifles and carbines, as well as a few M1903/14 6.5mm Mannlicher Schonauer rifles. From Russia, Imperial and Soviet, she had M1891 Mosin Nagants of all types, including some captured/reissue types in 8x50mm. She also had some .303 Pattern 14 Enfields, which had either been given as British aid or captured from the Soviets. The Mauser was selected as the standard rifle type and existing rifles of this type were reworked and copies of the German gew.98 and Kar.98AZ were produced at arsenals established at Radom and Warsaw. Minor variations were produced, but are beyond the scope of this article. In 1929, a new short rifle version of the Mauser, seemingly based on the Czechoslovak VZ24 made at the ZB rifle factory in Brno, Moravia, was adopted. The infantry version had a horizontal bolt handle and the cavalry rifle had a turned down bolt handle. The Poles used many second hand and refurbished parts in their rifle production. The Poles traded for and purchased used Mausers on the world arms market. In the early 1930's, they bought a lot of reworked Mausers in 7.92x57mm from Soley Grimard & Co. in Liege. The secondary official standard rifle was the Mosin Nagant Model 91/98/25 in 7.92x57mm. These were made by reworking captured stocks of Mosins in 7.62x54R by commercial firms in Poland in the 1920's. All the other rifles on hand were considered surplus as soon as new Mausers could replace them. In 1926, a front company was established by War Ministry to handle sales of surplus war material and later it evolved into a full scale weapons dealership, buying, selling and trading. It was known as the "Syndicate", SEPEWE for the initials of its Polish name, or in English "War Material Export Organization".
Thank you for taking the time to view this page. We hope it has been of interest
Click here for Chronology of Enfield genre Training Rifles, Adapters & Cartridges
See also the associated Lee-Enfield Rifle No.3 (Pattern '14) in .22"RF calibre
and the .22"RF Pattern '14 - which rifle is the A.G. Parker .22RF conversion of the SMLE (Short Magazine Lee-Enfield) rifle
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