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See : .."The Rifleman" journals for 1939 , 1940 , 1941 , 1942 , 1944 , 1945 and 1946.
and the WW1 journals for 1916 , 1917 , 1918 and 1919
Also on site are The journals of the National Rifle Association for 1910 to 1914
See also: The Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs ...... and ......Other Recommended Reading
In 1943, the issues were still smaller than pre-war,
and issued in four seasons rather than monthly.
but the nature of the content had changed to consider victory possible.
The journals contain a plethora of information, with articles on the contemporary weapons of war, advice on wartime shooting needs and methods, many relevant advertisements for the major companies, and detail of such competition as it was possible to continue under the circumstances, with results tables that cover national, county, club events, and individually named shooters of the time.
For historians, there is a wealth of detail available.
The first publication of The Rifleman was announced in The Spectator on 5th. May 1906.
The article read ......
"We welcome the appearance of the first number of The Rifleman, a journal which is to be entirely devoted to rifle-shooting, and will hold the position of the official organ of the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs. The Rifleman contains some excellent articles on miniature ranges and rifles, and is illustrated by many well-produced photographs, among them one of the new Government miniature rifle. We wish The Rifleman a long life and a prosperous one, and a large circulation among riflemen."
In 1947 the journal came under the auspices of the National Small-bore Rifle Association (N.S.R.A.) of Great Britain, and the publication still continues, although circumstances led to the retitling of the journal to "On Target" in this 21st. Century; an indication that more than just rifle shooting was dealt with, although the publication had always also covered pistol and air-rifle competition.
Below the PDF is a searchable index of significant articles._________________
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by clicking the appropriate icons.
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A searchable index of significant articles.
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