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HBSA "S.M.R.C." Historic Arms Meeting

Below are details of the annual meetings held during the first weekend of the

National Small-bore Rifle Association's - NATIONAL RIFLE MEETING - in August each year

and the National Rifle Association's Imperial Historic Arms Meeting

Additionally, details of the NRA July Historic Arms Meeeting's small-bore events can be viewed via the EVENTS CALENDAR



(N.B. Only entrants' initials are shown for data protection but, for those who may be interested in knowing something of the event's format, the wide range of rifles and calibres used are included with the scores. To knowledgeable eyes, it will be evident that some calibres have required careful hand-loading and testing to obtain the excellent results shown as being achievable)

N.B. See details of the now complete H.B.S.A. Event at

Bisley for August

Download the latest supplied S.M.R.C. - H.A.M. ENTRY FORM as a PDF file



Read a short HISTORICAL BACKGROUND and of 15 Years of the modern SMRC Meeting

See also the HISTORY of the S.M.R.C. plus details of SMRC PRIZE CROCKERY & SILVER and SMRC MEDALS

Shown below: BSA 1906 Pattern War Office Miniature Rifle in the DeLuxe model

then available either in .22 Long Rim-fire or .297/.230" Morris Tube (MT) Centre-Fire calibres.

A rifle such as this, in either of the above miniature calibres, could be shot in the above competitions, or their NRA equivalents.

To rotate image - slide cursor left/right over image, click to zoom, and use arrow icon for full screen

For greater detail, visit the War Office Miniature Rifle

Below we show the related article published in the 2010 Summer edition of the NSRA Journal,

and which is followed by further detail of the competitions in a copy of their newsletter.

These and the Rules, Regulations with Match Listings can be viewed by clicking the appropriate link at the top of this page.


15 Years of the "S.M.R.C. Meeting"

(The Historic Arms matches during the first weekend of the N.S.R.A. August Bisley Meeting.)

The first NSRA "Miniature Rifle Meeting" was set up at very short notice after the NRA's "Imperial Historic Arms Meeting" in July 1996 by the NRA's "Historic Arms Resource Centre" to cater for the Smallbore aficionado of older rifles and as a deliberate link between the NRA and the NSRA.

Despite minimal publicity this event was enjoyed by 28 entrants who shot 53 prone targets in just two time-lined Matches, the earlier "Miniature Rifle Class" equating to HBSA Classic pre- 1919 designs and a later "Historic Smallbore Rifle" for Veteran (1919-1945) designs. The fundamental HBSA principle of "in the spirit of the original" was adhered to, both for firearms AND equipment and for fairness shooters were placed in "divisions" according to their NSRA / NRA Class and in accordance with established practice at the "Trafalgar" and "Imperial Historic Arms" Meetings, the Place Awards were reproductions of the colourful Victorian NRA Certificates.

To encourage participation the Match Fee was £2, multiple entries (with different rifles) and the use of repeating rifles were allowed and traditional "Skilled Shot Certificates" were awarded on a percentage basis with the top 5% gaining the "Marksman" certificate, next 10% = "First Class Shot" and next 20% = "Skilled Shot". The Skilled Shot certificates ensured that whatever the weather there was a reasonable chance of taking away something.

The basic course was 20 shots plus unlimited sighters in 20 minutes at 50 yards on the American decimal target (used for the Randle, of course) produced some fine scores - the highest being 196.10 ex 200 by Les King in the Veteran Match, using a Winchester M52B. He then proceeded to make the next three best scores with different rifles. Fine scoring indeed but as Bill Phelps said, "... these old rifles are probably being shot for the first time with decent ammunition." As now, the rules did not allow Les more than one place in a Match so the 5th highest scorer gained 2nd Place, with Les getting three Skilled Shot Certificates.

Rifles used included Martini-Henry conversions, BSA Model 8, 12, 12 / 15, War Office Miniatures, .22SMLE Pattern 1914, "Sportsman" and "Century" (allowed in because of its basic features), a Winchester "Winder Musket" and Model 1903 S-L, Vickers Jubilee, Mauser "Sportmodell" , Remington M37 and even exotica such as the Greener "Queen's Cup" and a "Dewarifle". This gave sufficient data in order to consider future plans. It was clear from the results of this Experimental Meeting that there was a need to separate Martinis from the more specialised rifles and that there should be separate Matches for Sporting Rifles and Military Trainers.


(A) Types of Rifle
For the first "proper" competitions the 1997 Programme offered a wider range of Classes such as "Any Rifle", and Martini-action" and over the years more opportunities were added for different
types of rifle: Target, Military Trainer, Sporting and "Schutzen", the latter of course being one of the Offhand Matches which were added as the first stage in the growth of the Meeting.
Additionally, we recognised the differences between "open" and "aperture" sights and that some firers would like to use 'scopes, so there is plenty of choice in the current programme.

(B) Different Calibres
Because of requests to use the old Centrefire "Miniature Rifle" calibres such as .297/.230 Morris, and especially the .310 Cadet, sound tests were undertaken to see whether the use of these at the far left of the NSRA firing-point on Century would inconvenience the "serious .22 TR shooters". It was discovered that the reports of mild loads were perfectly acceptable. "Hot" loads such as .357 are not permitted but, of course, people can readily use their Winchesters (etc) with downloaded cartridges and, indeed, the use of sub-calibre adapters in suitable rifles is not excluded. Accordingly, these old CF cartridges were approved for use, along with "Pistol- Gallery calibres" which were coming to the fore. This led naturally to the next significant development ...

(C) Offhand Shooting
The course of fire selected was two targets, best 10 of 12 shots on each in 20 minutes, initially on the old NRA 50yard "Martin Smith" revolver target and latterly on the UIT 50m pistol target due to problems with supply of the originals. Crafty shooters do fire two shots on each target to give a string of four sighters before their (2 x 10) scoring shots but they have to count their shots carefully!
Possibly because some people are finding it harder to get down into the National Meeting prone position we have noticed a significant increase in Standing entries but there are some people who are still nervous about trying this, so for 2010 (following some experiments in 2009) we have added Matches for standing supported shooting. Fremantle in his 1901 The Book of the Rifle illustrates a continental training aid using a stepped rest and we know that this system is still in use in the USA in some of the Germanic "Schutzen Vereins", such as the one in New Braunfels, Texas. Indeed, we are given to understand that rested shooting has been formally introduced in Germany for "Seniors", although what we will use will certainly not be the costly equipment which one can see in the current Gehmann catalogue! The 2009 experiments used basic wooden pegs and the scores obtained suggest that we can continue with the same course and target used by other Standing matches.
Our rules allow the resting of the barrel or fore-end but not (i) holding onto the rest or (ii) forward pressure on the rest by means of the hand-stop, front of the fore-end or other means. The firer may use one hand or two to support the rifle but both of them must be behind the resting point.


Nowadays, the NRA's HARC is functionally defunct so there is no formal link with them except for the use of their Certificates, but the "SMRC Meeting" soldiers on having endured (mostly) sunshine, howling gales and floods, its ever- decreasing band of volunteers (hint, hint) administering a meeting which features:

(1) The cheapest entry fees of any Open Meeting at Bisley;

(2) a matrix of courses comprising Matches:

(a) suitable for a wide range of rifles, cheap to exotic;
(b) for Target, Military trainer, Sporting (including Rook Rifle) and "Any Rifle" and "Schutzen" Rifles;
(c) in .22RF and Centre-fire Gallery Rifle calibres (with possible experiments THIS year for BB, CB and "Zimmer" rifles at 10 metres);
(d) datelined Classes for Vintage, Classic, Veteran and "Extended period" rifles;
(e) both prone and offhand (standing), and now also for "Standing (Supported)"

(3) Awards for individual achievement including:

(a) traditional, illuminated Place Certificates, number according to entries;
(b) Skilled Shot Certificates awarded on a percentage basis (rather than bogey scores, thus making allow-ances for bad weather)
(c) a small number of challenge trophies: the principal aim is participation;

(4) Each entry also comes with a free chance to win a .22LR Rifle suitable for Historic events or for Youth Training. Jim Hallam of Classic Gun Company has given a Savage- Stevens "Favorite" falling-block rifle to the SMRC Meeting for many years — it is under 5lbs in weight, and ideal (another pun?) for encouraging standing shooting within Clubs.

Why not come down to the "S.M.R.C. Meeting" and take part in Living History, as well as having some fun? Volunteers to assist with the running of the Meeting are always (more than) welcome. Please contact the Match Director - Richard Collins — 07802 831073 or email


There is a full programme of 50 metre PRONE and STANDING MATCHES (20 shots + sighters in 20 minutes)

UNLIMITED ENTRIES ONLY £4, multiple entries with different rifles permitted:-

RIMFIRES and CF (pistol calibre)Target, Military and Sporting — including "Standard", "Match" and "Free"
Iron (open & aperture) and Any Sights

There are TIME-LINED CLASSES FOR RIFLES, based on design date

Vintage - basically "Victorian"— (Martini conversions, many Winchester lever actions etc)
Classic (pre 1919) - BSA Model 12s, .22 SMLEs, ... etc
Open Historic (pre 1946) - BSA 12/15s, Vickers, earlier Winchester M52, Remington M37, .22 No. 4
Extended Period (see Rules) - Internationals Marks I & II, early Anschutz, M52C & D

ONE FREE DRAW ENTRY FOR EACH MATCH CARD BOUGHT and/or FIRED -- you don't HAVE to shoot the card!

A Wide Range of Historic Rifles will be available on free loan to qualified persons by Jim Hallam (Classic Gun Co), e.g., .22s by Ballard, Bonehill, B.S.A., Francotte, Greener, Marlin, Stevens (all types in Sporters)...


Centre-Fire .32s by Marlin, Winchester, "Rook Rifles" and CGCo's .32 & .22 "Modular Martini".

Why not bring down your "traditional-style" Gallery Rifle (with low power loads!) and try something different!

Ammunition available or use your own .22LR.

Class certificates awarded in all competitions based on NSRA / NRA classes or past successes in this Historic Meeting.

REGISTRATION either before the Meeting or ON THE DAY at the CLASSIC CARAVAN at the far left hand end of Firing Point.

The full programme is on the NSRA website. Alternatively send SAE marked "SMRC" to South London Rifle Club, Old NRA Offices, Bisley Camp, WOKING GU24 ONY.


donated by the CLASSIC GUN COMPANY - 01483 472718 / 0775 3697888) at the "S.M.R.C. MEETING" -- Bisley, 14th & 15th AUGUST

This is a SAVAGE-STEVENS "Favorite", .22LRB weighing well under 5 Ibs, fitted with Sporting sights. This single-shot falling- block rifle is IDEAL either for introducing youngsters to the sport or for the beginner wanting to shoot standing.

MINIATURE RIFLE SHOOTING --- a cheap weekend and a well-kept secret:  14th. & 15 th. August 2010

The first weekend of the NSRA August Meeting at Bisley includes what has come to be known as the "SMRC Meeting" --- i.e., it is the "Historic Arms Weekend".   It is very poorly advertised --- indeed almost all the NSRA do is to list the Courses of Fire in the Programme/Entry-Form for the full Meeting, available online on their website ( following the links "latest news" / "competitions" / "Bisley Meeting Entry Form", or indeed here . . . . . . .ENTRY FORM

Entry Fees are the cheapest of any Bisley Open meeting -which must be a real bargain. There is small additional entry fee for those not already shooting the rest of the Meetin, but this still means that a day’s shooting can be done for a fraction of the cost at many other Bisley Meetings.

As to be expected there are time-lined classes for all sorts of rifles…  TARGET / SPORTING / MILITARY TRAINER / etc  with every possible combination of sights.  The gamut ranges from a basic “Classic Sporter” with open iron sights through to a “Schutzen” replete with set trigger, hooked buttplate etc…………. and calibres from .22rf through “rook rifle” and “Pistol gallery calibres” to .44WCF and .45Colt.

Competitors are also placed in “classes” so that you shoot against people of similar skill levels and there are a number of types of Awards --- Trophies, Certificates  etc.

There are two Courses of Fire:-

(1) PRONE:      unlimited sighters + (4 x 5shots) all in 20 minutes   


(2) STANDING: 2 targets each (best 10 of 12 shots) all in 20 minutes


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