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See also the : BSA and other Target Rifles

This range of Russian target rifles has provided economic shooting for several generations of small-bore shots the World over. Popular in the U.K. after the War, it joined the ranks of other Eastern Bloc firearms, for example the Baikal shotguns, in offering strong, long-lasting, sporting rifles (and pistols) of excellent basic quality. They might almost be nicknamed "the unbreakables"!

The 1962 advertisement shown below was found the October 1962 edition of Guns Review, and paid for by the U.K. importers

Arthur E.S. Matthews Ltd., of 36, Victoria Street, London.

The advertisement naturally carries details of the Company's target pistols as well as rifles, and, whilst beyond our remit, we show the pistols' information as a matter of relevant interest. Of the two rifles advertised, the Strela has certainly been the model best known Vostok target rifle in Britain, although sporting rifles were also imported. When we can access some rifles for photography, we will add the images and more details to the page.

Vostok was just one of the subsidised companies of the Republics that typified the norm of "Iron Curtain" countries to encourage sporting excellence, and, when this also publicised their products, were understandably prepared to advertise their successes. It was no mean feat for their rifles and pistols to take three out of five Olympic small-bore shooting records at one meeting (1960), and the determination of the U.S.S.R. hierachy to prove themselves best in the World in all things, was accomplished with discipline typical of the times. That not only their rifles and pistols succeeded, but that all the shooters were from the U.S.S.R. was significant.

VOSTOK MTs 12. 22 cal. used by Olympic Gold Medallist and Record Holder SHAMBURKIN (U.S.S.R.) and by Silver Medallist M. NIAZOV (U.S.S.R.). Adjustable trigger from 1.5 oz. to 3 lbs. Weight
14 lbs. Price, including free fittings £70.

VOSTOK STRELA. -22 cal. with
offset front sight and adjustable trigger from oz. to 3 lbs. Weight
15 lbs. Price, including free fit¬tings, £70.

VOSTOK IJ-1. 22 cal. used by
Gold Medallist A. GUSTCHIN (U.S.S.R.) when breaking 24-year Olympic Record for Free Pistol 50m. Price £65.

VOSTOK MU 2-3. 22 cal. used by
Olympic Silver Medallist M. UMAROV (U.S.S.R.). Cocks from trigger guard. Price £65.

VOSTOK MU 1. Designed by Prof.
Margolin. 22 cal. Short 'Sil¬houette' pistol with alloy slide and heavy barrel compensator. Price £38.

VOSTOK MTs 13. 300 used by
Olympic Gold Medallist and Re¬cord Holder V. BORISOV(U.S.S.R.) Weight 18 lbs. Price, including free fittings, £80.

VOSTOK MU. Designed by Prof. Margolin. 22 target automatic with fixed rear sight adjustable for windage. Price £28.

All models beautifully finished and supplied with case containing complete set of spares, accessories and stripping tools.

Near contemporaries of the above rifle were the Haenel KK-Sport and the Weihrauch manufactured H.W.52 model


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