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The later model target frame for the


See also: Swift training rifle target frame fittings

The imagery on this page when printed out should permit a capable constructor

to scale off the necessary dimensions from the basic ones given

to make an acceptable operational replica,

if used in conjunction with the images already on the main page and its links for the rifles and accessories.

The Swift training rifle

The first twelve images are of our fairly accurate replication of an original.

They can be zoomed in significantly to allow close inspection of the assembly.

The second batch of images are of the various parts of an original frame,

and most have a scale included in the photograph.

Click images to bring up hi-res file and magnifier



When folded for transport, the angled support arms swing right forward over the main frame

and locate in the spare pair of retaining slots at the front of the base frame.

The target holder is then dropped from a high position until

the lower of the two small boards,

which carry the 'Terry' clips to hold the target onto the holder,

locate in two small recesses in the base frame

to prevent it from swinging out of its storage position.


The two knurled knobs holding the steel rod bridle

(to which the rifle clips to maintain the correct distance of the muzzle to the paper target)

screw into a series of holes, in the channel on the inside of each vertical of the main frame,

dictating the vertical position of the target holder.

This allows the rifle to be used prone or kneeling when the frame is on the floor,

or standing if the frame is stood on a table.

The target retaining board and its clips are show resting on top of the holder,

which has slots top and bottom to accommodate the board

and two thicknesses of the paper target.


The "U" cut-out in the bottom board of the main frame is for resting the rifle.







Note the small cut-outs at the rear of the base frame, bottom right in the image below,

into which the edge of the lower thin target-holding board with the spring clips

locate when the whole frame is folded for storage and transport.





The rollers are necessary to allow the frame to move back and forth

on what needs to be a smooth flat, floor or table.

This ensures that the "shooter" can position himself with the rifle,

and the frame and target will move into their correct position

in relation to the trainee.



The original wheel supports were cast items.

Those on our replica are machined.









The target holder thein "boards" and the original Terry clips.



Note the Terry clips in the recesses at the rear of the base frame,

to hold the cross-dowel between the two angled support arms

when they are in position holding the framework for use.




Should you have any queries during construction, feel free to make contact.



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