< PreviousSHOOTING T O LIVE WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKT R A I N I N G : P R E L I M I N A R Y C O U R S E F O R R E C R U I T S 2 9 Fig. 8.—Third Position of Loading. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK30SHOOTING T O LIVE Fig. 9.—Removing Magazine. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKT R A I N I N G ; P R E L I M I N A R Y C O U R S E F O R R E C R U I T S 3 1 a n d h a s a l i v e r o u n d i n t h e b r e e c h . T h e magazine being disposed of, turn the pistol with the wist into the position of Fig. 10, and eject the live round by pulling back the shde wth the finger and thumb of the left hand (wth a nttle practice the live round can be saved from damage by catching it in the left hand as it is ejected). Work the shde back and forth a few times, as an added measure of safety, and pull the trigger, the pistol pointing ah the while to the ground, (e) Dismounting the pistol for cleaning. A know ledge of how to dismount the pistol, as far as is necessary for cleaning and of assembling it subsequently, is essential, and this is a convenient stage in the proceedings at which t o t e a c h i t . I t p r o v i d e s a l s o a g o o d opportunity to impress on the recruit the necessity for always treating a pistol as loaded until proved otherwise. Before he is allowed to place his pistol on the bench on which it is to be dismounted, the weapon is to be " proved " by removing the magazine, working the shde back and forth several times and puUing the trigger, the pistol being held as shown in Figs. 9 and 10. Note " Dummy " ammunition shoidd be used throughout this practice. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK32SHOOTING T O LIVE WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKT R A I N I N G : P R E L I M I N A R Y C O U R S E F O R R E C R U I T S 3 3 3. Initial Flring Pkactice (a) The target should be white, not less than 8 feet square and should have in the middle a life-size outlme of a man, full view (Fig. 11). The recruit is to stand not more than 2 yards away from this target. The size of the target a n d t h e d i s t a n c e a t w h i c h t h e r e c r u i t i s t o fire need explanation. The combination of these two factors renders it almost impossible for even the most awkward begimier to score a clean miss. With every shot registered, the mstructor sees plainly what fault has b e e n c o m m i t t e d a n d i s a t o n c e a b l e t o correct it. The recruit experiences pleasur able sm'prise that even he is able to hit the target, and that is a much better beginnhig to his training than the mortification of missing a small target altogether, mthout knoiving in the least where his shot has gone. In short, by the use of these methods the mstructor has far less trouble, the recruit gains confidence, and whoever has to pay for it is saved a whole lot of ammunition. (b) Target and distance as above, the recruit is given six cartridges. After chargmg his magazine, insertmg it in the pistol and putting one round in the breech, all as described in para. 2 (sections (a), (b) and (c)), the recruit stands at the " readj>^" position. c WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK34 SHOOTING T O LIVE He should then be told to keep both eyes open, concentrate his gaze on the centre of the figiu-e Fig. 11.—Recruits'Target. target, bring the pistol up quickly and, as described in para. 1 (sections (c) and {d)), fire immediately it covers that point on the target on which his eyes are focussed, returning subsequently to the " ready " WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKT R A I N I N G : P R E L I M I N A R Y C O U R S E F O R R E C R U I T S 3 5 Ijosition without (ielaJ^ Repeat until the recruit has fi r e d f o u r o u t o f h i s s i x s h o t s . T h e l a s t t w o s h o t s should be fired as a " burst," i.e. in succession and as rapidly as the recruit can manage. He should remain afterwards in the firing position until told by the instructor to lower his arm to the " ready." Notes This practice should not be hurried. The first four shots, as each is fired, should be pointed out on the target, the recruit standing at the " ready " while the instructor explains the causes of any which are badly placed. The causes are normally simple enough—hand insufficiently bent to the right, " dipping " the hand do\vnwards, or not gripping firmly enough to prevent the trigger from being " yanked off." If the two rapid-fire shots are mdely apart it is conclusive evidence of a loose grip. The instructor should not be content unless his explanations produce an immediate improvement m the recruit's shooting. These recruits who are not firing should be " fallen in " eight to ten yards in rear of the fii-ing point. From there they can watch the shooting and its results. They should be permitted to talk but not loudly enough to prevent the man who is shooting from hearing what the instructor is saying. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK36SHOOTING T O LIVE 4. Second Firing Practice (а) Same target and distance. (б) Hand the recruit a magazine containing one " d u m m y " a n d fi v e l i v e r o u n d s . T h e " dummy " is to be mcluded mthout the recruit's knowledge and its position in the magazine should be different for each man who takes his turn at the fii-mg point. Men waiting to fire should not he allowed to watch the practice described below. (c) The recruit is to fire as previously but this t i m e i n t h r e e " b u r s t s " o f t w o s h o t s e a c h . Errors of aiming should be corrected between " b u r s t s . " (d) When the " dummy" round is arrived at, t r e a t i t a s a m i s fi r e . H a v e t h e r e c r u i t eject it immediately and carry on firing his next burst without any delay. (e) At the conclusion of this practice, explain to t h e r e c r u i t t h a t i t i s u s e l e s s , w a s t e f u l o f time and extremely dangerous to look down the muzzle of his pistol when he has a misfire. Some of them will do it. Explain also that a had jamb can be caused by covering the ejector cut with the left hand when retracting the slide in order to eject a cartridge. This is a fault which is frequently f o u n d a n d s h o u l d b e c o r r e c t e d a s s o o n a s possible in the training course. See Fig. 10, p. 32, for how it ought to be done. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKT R A I N I N G : P R E L I M I N A R Y C O U R S E F O R R E C R U I T S 3 7 5. Third Fxeing Practice Repetition of practice given under para. 4 but this time at 4 yards. If the recruit's shooting has been satisfactory so far, he may be allowed to fire this practice in two " bursts " of three rounds each. Notes The mstructor wiU be well advised to give his pujiils short " rest" periods at fivirly fi-equent intervals and to utihse such uitervals to impress upon them the conditions under which they may be called upon to use their pistols eventually. Reference to Chapter i (pp. 3-4) wiU indicate the general line to take, the points requuing special emphasis bemg the short range at which most encounters take place, the likehhood of imfavourable light and terrain, the advisability of firing m " bursts " and the paramount importance of speed. If prommence is given to points of that nature, recruits wiU be assisted to comprehend more readily the reasons underlying the instruction they are receiving. It will be plain to them, for instance, that they must not look at their sights because they ^vill never have time to do so, that they must grip their pistols hard because that is what they will do infallibly in the stress of actual combat, and that, when obliged to shoot, they will have to do so with aU the aggressiveness of which they are capable. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKNext >