T t i e " W E B L E Y ^ ' S e r v i c e A i r R i fl e M a r k I I PERFECT BALANCE LONGEST RANGE HARDEST HITTING DEADL Y ACCURA TE Cal. -177 or Barrel Detachable •22 Price M a r k I I - £ 4 0 . 0 Extra Interchangeable B a r r e l - 1 7 7 o r - 2 2 2 0 / - e a c h Foresight Protector o r S h a d e Cleaning Rod C a n v a s C a s e 1/- 3/- 4/- THE ""WEBLEy 'Service Air Rifle Mark II is a super air rifle. It is built for high performance, possessing velocity and penetration at distances far in advance of any other air rifle. A beautiful weapon that wiU make immediate appeal to the sportsman and rifle clubman. When you run over the exclusive features of this rifle, you will understand what an outstanding advance has been made in air rifie construction. WEBLEY & SCOTT LTD. G19 WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK" W E B L E Y " M a r k I I I 3 8 R e v o l v e r s P O L I C E & M I L I T A R Y M O D E L . T A R G E T M O D E L 3in. Barrel 4iii. Barrel This revolver can be supplied cither with Large Handle in \'nlcanitc or with Mednini Handle in Wood. A Safety Catch can be fitted at a small extra cost. MARK IV -38 POLICE & MILITARY MODEL CALIBRl-: -38 Folice and Military Model is .supplied with 3in., 4in. or Sin. Barrel. The Target Model is fitted with 6 i n . B a r r e l a n d Wo o d o r \ Ti l - canite Stock. Weight, 1 11). 8 oz. Sin Barrel, with Blade bore Sight and Adjustable Sliding B.ack Sight, t his revolver can be supplied with I.arge Handle in \-ulcanite or with Medium Handle in Wood. Wood Stocks alwavs supplied u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e o r d e r e d . POCKET MODEL Price Barrellib. 3oz. lib. 4oz. overall 7in. 4in. A m m u n i t i o n f o r M a r k H I Cartridge Bullet Powder ■38 R e v o l v e r s : '38 S. &. W. Revolver. 145 grains Lead. 2.5 grains Smokeless. Also supplied as '22 R.F. Target Revolver, Sin. and 6in. Barrels. These Revolvers can be fitted with a Safety Catch at'^a small extr^coTt. The WEBLEY " Revolvers, if not securely fastened at the breach, cannot be fired. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKThe " WEBLEY " Double Hammerless (Anson & Deeley) Gun EJECT OR OR NON-EJECT OR 12 and 20 Bore Fig. 600 'I'he above gun l)uilt througiiout in the Weliley & Scott Factory has only been made jrossible at the price by planning a large production on modern methods. The design of the gun has not been sacrificed in any way and retains all the features of the An.son and Deeley System that has stood the test of time for reliability. Well balanced with graceful outline, it is without doubt the finest value that has ever been offered, and the makers are certain that this gun will still further enhance the reputation they have already earned in all parts of the world as makers of high class reliable arms. This model is made only to the following Standard specification. B.VItUELS ... ... 12 and 20 bore, special stool, left choke, right cylinder 2iin. or 2-lin. chambers. ACTION ... ... Bo.x lock, hammerle.ss, top lever, non-extension, .solid tumblers, .automatic safety non-ejector. Si OCR ... ... Selected well seasoned walnut, straight or half pistol hand. I'OKR ICNl) ... I'ush down rod '* Anson " Type. R N C r R . - W l N C r . . . N e a t B o r d e r a n d S c r o l l . RINISI-I ... ... Fine h.and finish throughout. WRIGHT ... ... ,-Vpprox. 6 lbs. 10 ozs. REVISED PRICES—JUNE 1937. Fig. 600 GUN. 12 Bore Ejector .. £16 . 16 12 „ Non-Ejector £12 . 12 20 „ Ejector .. £18 . Q 20 ,, Non-Ejector £14 . Q 0 0 0 0 WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKThe "WEBLEY" Proprietary Hammerless Ejector Gun THE " WEBLEY " PROPRIETARY GUN is too well known to need any introduction. For years it has held its own for durability and reliability in the field. Each gun is hand finished and retains the graceful lines and handling properties usually associated with much more expensive jjroductions. It can be confidently recommended to Sportsmen for use in anj' ]rart of the World and under any conditions, being sound in construction with no delicate parts to get out of order. Hard hitting and well balanced. This gun is only made po.ssible at the price by very fine accurate machining, and large sales. S P E C I F I C A T I O N O F G R A D E 3 M O D E L . B A R R E L S . . . S p e c i a l S t e e l , l e f t c h o k e , r i g h t c y l i n d e r (unless otherwise specified). Chambered 2iin. or 2;fin. Selected Walnut, straight or half pistol hand. Box I.ock, hammerless top lever, treble bite, .screw grip, nitro-proved. E N ' G R . ' W I N G N e a t b o r d e r a n d s c r o l l . Supplied in the following bores : 12 and 16 bore, 28in. and 30in. Barrels. 20, 28 an 1 410 bore, 28in. Barrels. The " Proprietary " Hammerle.s.s Jtjector Gun is also made in Grade 1 and Grade 2 (see separate leaflet). This gun can be supplied as a special model for trap shooting, with flat dead level engine-turned or file-cut rib. ST OCK ACTION Fig. 400 Griule 3 Price T h e W E B L E Y " H a m m e r l e s s C r o s s - B o l t G u n (EJECTOR OR NON-EJECTOR) 'I'his gun, built on the well-known " Crossbolt " treble bite principle, possesses practically all the fine points of a high-.grade In every stage of its manufacture it passes through the hands of highly skilled workmen. SPECIFICA TION. M a n u f a c t u r e d f r o m S t e e l o f t h e h i g h e s t arm. BARRELS ACTION Fig. 300Price £16 ST OCK WEIGHT (piality and nitro-proved. Chambers 2tin. 12 bore can be supplied with cither 28in., 3 0 i n . o r 3 2 i n . b a r r e l s ; 1 6 b o r e , 2 8 i n . o r 30in.; and 20 bore with 28in. barrels; ahso chambered 2Jin. T h e a c t i o n i s o f t h e B o x L o c k P a t t e r n , a n d i s fi t t e d w i t h a t r e b l e b i t e , o n t h e Crossbolt principle. C a r e f u l l y s e l e c t e d Wa l n u t . S t r a i g h t o r half pistol hand, as desired. 12 Bore Gun about 6Bbs. Perfect balance. This Gun can also be built as a Pigeon Gun with flat dead level rib. heavy action specially built to withstand heavy ■ charges ; weight 71 to 7.? lbs. at a small extra charge. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKA u t o m a t i c P i s t o l s • 3 2 o r 7 - 6 5 m / m l^enetration at 20 yards : Seven Jin. White Pine B o a r d s 1 i n . apart. Price 40/- Capacity of IMagazine We i g h t o f B u l l e t Initial Velocity •32 8 s h o t s . 72 grains 875 f.s. Pocket Hammerless Automatic Pistol-25 or &• 35 m/m The Smallest and Lightest Automatic Pistol made. J-'enetration at 20 yards ; Four |in. White Pine B o a r d s 1 i n . apart. Price 45/- Weight of Pistol without Magazine Weight of Magazine i,ength overall Deoth "WEBLEY" Single Barrel Semi- Hammerless Ejector Gun Fig. 100 Price £4.4.0 SPECIFICA TION. .A thoroughly sound and reliable general purpo,se gun for the Farmer or Gamekeeper. It has long range and hard hitting powers, and there is a bore for practically e\ ery pnr])ose. Strongly built to withstand hard wear, with special steel full choke barrel, " Nitro-Proved " and chambered to take 21 and 2J cases. T h e a c t i o n h a s We b l e y ' s P a t e n t E j e c t o r M e c h a n i s m a n d V M a i n spring. Obtainable in 12 bore with 30in., 32in., 34in. and 36in. barrel, appros. weight 6 lbs. : 16 bore with30in. barrel, approx. weight, 51bs. 12 ozs.; also 20 bore with 28in. barrel, approximate weight 51bs. 8 ozs. • 2 5 o r 6 ^ 3 5 m . m H a m m e r M o d e l 41 in. Price 37/6 Weight of Pistol without Magazine Weight of Magazine Length overall Depth •. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK" W E B L E Y " S E N I O R A I R P I S T O L '■WEBLEY" " W E B L E Y " O I L is specially prepared for use in Air Pistols a n d A i r R i fl e s . No. 1 OIL. I ' o r u s e i n " W e b l e y " A i r P i s t o l i t f a r k 1 a n d Junior Jlodel, and other Air Pistols and Rifles where piston is fitted with leather washers. No. 2 OIL. For use in " Weble)'" Air Rifles and Senior Air Pistols where piston is fitted with piston ring. Price 1/- per tin with \hilve Spot. F O R T H E B E S T S H O O T I N G I t E S U l . T S i t i s e s s e n t i a l to use " Webley " Special Pellets, which are obtainable in neat boxes from all leading Stores and Gun Dealers. They arc made of pure lead and carefully gauged for regularity and dimensions. l ^ r i c e s f o r P e l l e t s : •177 2/3 per 1,000 ■ 22 4/6 1/2 per 500 2 / 3 „ „ THE TARGET HOLDERS have been specially designed for outdoor or indoor use, and are so arranged that the Pellets, after passing through the cardboard Targets, are trapped and caught. Special " WEBLEY " Targets, suitable for the above, are obtainable from all principal Stores, Gun Dealers or Sports Depots. Sizes 6A by 6i by lin.. Price 8/— Sizes 10 by 10 by lin.. Price 13/6 net. net. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKREVISED PRICES—SEPTEMBER 1937. Mark 1 Air Pistol .177 or .22 32/6 ' i E x t r a I n t e r c h a n g e a b l e B a r r e l . . . . 1 0 / - S e n i o r A i r P i s t o l . 1 7 7 o r . 2 2 4 5 / - ! E x t r a I n t e r c h a n g e a b l e B a r r e l 1 5 / - I J u n i o r A i r P i s t o l . 1 7 7 o n l y . . 2 1 / - j Mark II. Service Rifle .177 .22 or .25 complete with Peepsight 95/- Extra Interchangeable Barrel .177 .22 or .25 30/- W e b l e y P e l l e t s . 1 7 7 p e r 1 , 0 0 02/3 p e r 5 0 01/2 We b l e y P e l l e t s . 2 2 p e r 1 , 0 0 0 4/6 p e r 5 0 02/3 We b l e y P e l l e t s . 2 5 p e r 1 , 0 0 0 51- p e r 5 0 0 2/6 Neat Canvas Case for Rifle (as illustrated) 5/- 1 F o r e s i g h t P r o t e c t o r o r S h a d e .. 1/- Webley No. 1 or No. 2 Oil in Valvespout Tin1/- Rifle Cleaning Rod with Loop and Brush .. 3/- WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKNext >