< Previous12 T H E R I F L E M A N . July , 1917. V O L U N T E E R T E A M C H A M P I O N S H I P . To be competed for by teams of twenty from any Company or smaller unit of Volunteer Regiments affiliated to the Central Association of Volunteer Regiments, or the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs. CONDITIONS.—Ten shots per man, with a time limit of ten minutes, at 25 yards, on S.M.R.C. 50 yards match target with two-inch bull with carton ring. Open sights, no slings. RESUL T . I. B Co. ist Berkshire V.R. (the Patriotic Challenge Shield No. 2, 21. 20 S.M.R.C. Silver Medals, and kindly presented by 22. the Central .Association of Volunteer Regiments). 23. Pte. Knight P t e . G i b b s . . . Sergt. Parntt Corpl. Schofield Lce.-Corpl. W ark Pte. Denton ... Corpl. Spring Pte. W ooldridge Corpl. Waight Corpl. Taylor Pte. r.onghurst Corpl. Humphreys too Corpl. Dyson too . Pte. W elland ... 9 9 S e r g t . J o n e s . . . 99 Pte. Bassil 9 8 L i e u t . O a d e s . . . 98 Lce.-Corpl. Gill 98 Pte. Reading ... 98 Lce.-Corpl. Bridgem^n 97 97 97 96 96 96 95 95 95 93 93 92 1932 2 D C o . i s t C o r n w a l l V . R . ( 2 0 S . M . R . C . B r o n z e M e d a l s a n d 7 7 ; k i n d l y p r e s e n t e d b y L o r d D e s b o r o u g h ) Pte. J. Wilson ... ... too Corpl. W . Stool 99 C o r p l . W. Wa l t e r s . . . . . . 9 9 S e r g t . C . W. A n d r i m . . . 9 8 C o r p l . S . H . H a r v e y . . . 9 8 Corpl. T. B. Tomkin ... 97 Pte. J. Pollard ... ... 97 Sergt. E. .A. Behenna ... 97 P t e . T. D y e r . . . . . . . . . 9 7 Lieut. J. H. Thompson ... 96 Q.M.S. Ruse ... ... 96 1 Sergt. J. Eva gb 3- (a) A Co. 5th City of London V.R. (20 Silver Spoons). Sergt. Brown Pte. W. Rogers Pte. R. Hawkey Pte. F . Radmore Pte. .A. H. Dunstone P t e . J . R . B r e w e r . . . Pte. C. A. Pengeliy Pte. E. Harvey- Lieut. A. J. W all Sergt. Houdret Sergt. Reynolds Pte. W oodburn Sergt. Sturgess Pte. Will Sergt. H. R. Killick Corpl. Barrett Pte. Woodgsi- Lieut. D. Cooper Corpl. Booth Sergt. L. Martin 99 99 99 98 98 98 97 97 97 97 96 96 Sergt. Cockerill Pte. W. J. Hennessey Corpl. H. C. Robinson P t e . O p n e n h e i m e r . . . Pte. W ard Corpl. 'White .. Pte. Butcher Pte. Poole (b) B Co. 9th Surrey V.R. (20 Silver Spoons). Pte. JDanver.s-AValker Pte. Francis Pte Phelp Pte. Hey wood Lce.-Corpl. Barry- Lieut. Potter Pte. T . W . Widdowson Sergt. Sharman P t e . J . A . A r c h e r . . . Corpl. Wilcox Lce'-Corpl. Pratt Pte. Snell too 99 99 98 98 98 98- 97 97 97 Pte. Ball Pte. Marquis Sergt. Baddcley Lieut. Cole Pte. .Alston Pte. Marshall C.S.M. M. H. Coke Capt. W arren 9- to. II. 13- 14- L5- 17- 19. 20. B C o . 7 t h K e n t A C o . 6 t h N o r f o l k C C o . i s t D e v o n s C C o . 9 t h K e n t . . . D C o . l y t h W . R . V . R A C o . 3 r d Wa r w i c k s C C o . 1 s t I . O . W A C o . 4 t h L i n c o l n D Co. 14th London Stourbridge Co. ist W orcester C C o . 1 s t C o r n w a l l Nos. II & 12 Plats. No. 3 Co. 2nd Devon Arbroath Co. 2,Tst Forfars C Co. 7th Surrey A Co. 5 th War wicks A Co. 7th London 96 95 95 95 95 95 95 93 1929 96 95 95 95 94 94 93 90 1923 97 96 96 95 95 93 88 86 1923 1907 1904 1903 1897 1895 1891 1888 1888 1882 1880 1878 1878 1874 1874 1868 1867 26. 27. 28. 29. 30- 3'- 32 33- 34- 36. 37- 39 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. 46. 47- 48. 49. S3- 54 55 5<i- 57- 58- 59- 60. Oi. 62. 63- 64. 65- 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71- 73- 74 75- 76. 77- 78. 79- 80. 81. 82. 83- 84. 85- 86. 87. A Co. 6th .Surrey A C o . l o t h L o n d o n A C o . 2 ' 2 n d E s s e x D Co. 6th Surrey B C o . 1 s t S u s s e x C Co. 31-d Kent ... B Co. 5th .Surrey C C o . 2 n d B e d f o r d s h i r e B C o . 2 n d H e r t s B Co. loth .Surrey ■A C o . T. s t . S u f f o l k No. I Plat. A Co. 2nd Derbyshire B Co. 2nd Middlesex .A Team A C o . 1 5 t h W. R . V. R . . . . C Co. 9th Surrey .A Co. ist Carnarvon A Co. 5th Surrey A Co. 4th N.R.V.R. ... D Co. 4th .Middlesex A C o . . 9 t h W . R . V. R . . . . C Co. 4th Middlesex Bolsover Plat. A Co. 4th Derbyshire Stockton Heath Plat. ... B C o . 1 s t S o m e r s e t B Co. 4th Sussex ... B Co. 3rd Lincoln A C o . i s t E a s t K e n t . . . C Co. 3rd Somerset C C o . l y l h W . R . V. R . . . . No. 7 Co. 3th E.sse.x Penarth Dei. ist Glamorgan Bicester Det. ist Oxon ... A Co. 2nd .Middlesex B C o . 2 n d B e d s . . . A Co. 19th City of London A C o . 2 n d B e d s . . . E C o . S t h L a n e s Montrose Co. Forfarshire Mitcham Co. nth Surrey -A Co. ist Beds B C o . 1 7 t h I - o n d o n Nos. 14 & 15 Plats. D Co. ist Lincoln D Co. sth City of London A C o . i s t O . x f o r d s A C o . 4 l h M i d d l e s e x ■A C o . S t h f . a n c s . . . A Co. I/nth City of London A Co. loth Surrey A Co. 2/6th City of London D Co. 3rd Bucks B C o . i s t L a n e s B C o . 2 n d M i d d l e s e x B Te a m B C o . 2 / 2 n d E s s e x B C o . i s t O x f o r d s F Co. 15th County of London D C o . i s t L a n e s G C o . i s t h L o n d o n C Co. 2/6th City of London Nos. 9 & 10 Plats. C Co. ist Oxford B C o . 4 t h M i d d l e s e x G C o . 2 / 1 5 t h L a n e s D C o . i s t C a r n a r v o n . . . B Co. Sth Lanes A C o . i s t L a n e s . . . E Co. 15th County of London C C o . 1 s t f r a n c s . . . A C o . s t h C h e s h i r e C Co. 19th W.R.V.R. disqualified. The following did not return targets :— B Co. 2/6th City of London. No. i Co. sth Essex D C o . 2 / 6 t h C i t y o f L o n d o n . E C o . 6 t h N o r f o l k . B Co. 7th Surrey. 1861 "8S9 iSs8 1858 i8s8 i8s6 18.55 i8s2 iSsi 1850 1847 1844 1841 1840 1840 '834 ■S33 ■833 1831 . 1S30 1828 1837 1826 1824 1824 1820 1S19 181S 1S13 1813 1806 1799 1796 1794 1791 1788 1785 1779 177s 1771 1766 1761 1759 1757 1752 1742 1738 1734 1727 1723 1699 1699 1692 1683 1682 i6s8 1634 1650 1644 1632 1623 1612 1592 1549 1512 i45h 1396 WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK13 REGISTER OF WINNERS. 1914 1915 1915 1910 1916 1916 i9i6 1916 1916 1916 191O 191O 191(1 1916 1917 19'/ 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 I9'7 1917 1917 1917 19'7 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 Club. M e t r o . P o l i c e " F " D i v i s i o n 1' r 13th County of l.oncton Vol. Kegt. Caxton St John s (Fcnz.ince) C o l w i c k l a i c o . C I n u n p i o n K o c U M i n e K o l a r G o l d Fields Sale High School Bombay Fort Trust Lincoln .Vssociation • M e t r o . F o l i c e ' ' V " D i v i s i o n Witney V.T.C. M c 4 r o . P o l i c e " F " D i v i s i o n Hammersmith Iron W orks Midland Radway, Highgate We s t F e n a r t h St. John's (Penzance) Wa l t h a m s t o w E n s i g n Sntton O l d G r a m m a r i a n s ( B r i g h t o n ) Urmston Sundridge Park (Jolt Clnb Shamley Green Ackworlh and District London Diocesan Church Lads Brigade Cadet Force Wigan Fordcombe Llanclly H e a n o r P a t r i o t i c St. .Andrews Co. (West Indies) Devonport Y.M.C.A. 14th. Batt Bath and Wells Church Lads Brigade Imperial College Shaft Wa l l i e r t o n Alexandra Palace C a r l i s l e E l e c t r i c i t y Wo r k s Silvermere Ladies Richmond 13th County of London V.R. Aletro. Police " F " Division Ealing Probus School Cadet Corps iV o. IScll Mccliil. 21O4 2164 43S 40(14 700 82 .4031 380S 224a .450 .1' .S7a 2104 299 [ .0(14 1479a 769 2741 24(16 3ii5" 319 160a 1087 3661 1023a 18 1693 2030 2724 1202a 2023 77,Sa 3042 4006 3727 in 1374:1 4141 291 438 2164 7N3 1549 |. W . .A vers R. W . Hunt .A. V icars W. H . T h o m p s o n J. Pinder Sgt. J. Eckermick Corpl. Veevcrs W. D a v e v W. S k i t t r e l l Lieut.H..A Steptoe A. Phillips B. Southall W. M o t t o n . s e n . •A. Cashen R. L. Dansie F. C . P. F e n u e l l H. Summerskill G. C. Parker AV . B a k e r R. Kirk Coy.-Sergt.-M.ajor ■A. E. Thompsett J. C. Eckersley J. .Austin S. C. Piiync Pte. -A. Ross J. Luke Pte. V. .Anstice M o r r i s H a r t R. .A. W ebster C. W eakiord R. H. Maxton Mrs. Graham H. W . Coltman A. W right H. Waiker T. G . W i l l i s Veterans' Competition, 1917. Open only to Competitors who are over 60 years of age. CONDITIONS: 30 shots deliberate, 10 each at 25, 50 and 100 yards. RESUL T . 2Sy ds. 50yds. I ooyds. TI. I. AAA Durrant, Sottcrley (Gold Medal) 97 9896 291 2. D. Hudson, Padiham (Silver Medal) 99 96 93 2S8 3- AV. R. Humby, .Alexandra Palace (Bronze Medal) 98 97 92 287 4- E . To w e l l , S u n d r i d g e P a r k G o l f C l u b . . . 999394 286 5- J. Hamilton. British AA'estinghouse 96 94 94 284 6. G. Patten, AVimbledon Park 94 98 92, 284 J ■ AA'. Cocking, AA'adsley 98 95 91 284 8. B. VV. Lewis, Oxford V.R 93 9395 283 9- J. Newsome Baxter, Kensington 9.393 92 282 10. AAA Lawson, Ellengowan 96 9492 282 11 . J. C. Clarke, Jedburgh 98 94 90 282 12. F". H. Palmer, Downton 95 9491 280 13- H. H. Day, Kendal 93 92 87 274 M- C. E. Denyar, Fklmonton 93 93 86 274 L3- A. E. Tyser, (3ity of London N.R. 93 94 8S 274 16. Dr. E. keen, AA'imbledon Park 91 88 93 . 272 17- T. S c a i f e , I l k l e y 9192 85 268 Diiih E.xfrcss Slain!. F. B l i c k R. W . Hunt J. W. Kay S. J. Taylor J. Pinder Lance-Corporal E. G. Holman Col.-Sergt. Jelfery —. Skelton W. D y b l e Lieut. H..A.Steptoe C. Gammon A. E. W ard E. Spencer G. L. Rodgers B. W . Livermore H. C. Adams E. [. lefferv G. \V. Tavior G. C. Parker W. V a l l e r \. S. Hall J. Weeks. ■ E. Stanwav Pte. R. W. "Morton D. Ralph Pte. L. Chandler F. L . C a t t l e G. W. Crump H. Northeast ■Mrs. Macfadyen M i s s B a i l e y H. L. S. Alcock E. Thurlow W. H . C o c k s A. J. C. Hoyte D a i l y Te l e g r a p h Certificate. A. Phillips W. G i b l e t t P. H o r s l e v R. AV. Hu'nt F. B . Ta n - W. H . M a t h e r s J. Pinder Sgt. -A. AA'illiams R. AA". Garner Lance-Cpl. D^Sa AIcDonald Lieut.H..A.Steptoe A. E. A V ard . A l i s s E . H a r r i s o n D. Taylor R. S. Limmer H . & R . S c h o l i e l d F. C . P . F e n n e l l G. A V . Tavior G. C. Parker .A. Goulding J. AA'eeks L.-Cpl. E. H. Mais AV . A . G r a n v i l l e F. A V o l i a r d J. Connell H. Northeast Mrs. Macladven F. W . P u r s e M i s s B a i l e y H. D. Hancock J. AV. Ayers R. M. AV illis D a i l y M a i l Cerlificate. .A. Phillips AV. G i b l e t t R. A V. Hunt R. de Jersev J. AAA K;ty " AAA .Alotton. sen. J. -Alarshell Colour-Sergeant AAA H. Collins L.-Corpl. AA'ilson —. Jefferies Sergt. AAA Buxton -A. N. Meakin MissD. Harrison C. Jasper R. S. Limmer R. L. Dansie H. Fennell G. AAA Tavlor H. P . Pulman .A. Goulding AV. AAAallis L.-Cpl. Edmonds j R. J.'Odgers A". PayneJennings E. Renshaw C. AA'eakford F..A.AAindenbergh F. A A A P u r s e Miss Sybil Helbv H. D. Hancock H. S. Partridge Ladies. J. Kitkby Mrs. Mac fadyen Mrs. Graham The following did not return targets ;— E . A . B u r c h a r d t , B i c e s t e r To w n a n d D i s t r i c t . FA Harverson, Borough of AA'andsworth. R. C. Judd, Mansfield Highgate. M. Budd, Mclksham. Captain E. H. Hancock, City of London N.R. J. N. Rushton, Ixworth and District. A. Jones, AA'est Ham N.R. Bronze Medal for highest score at 25 yards, E. Towell. ,, ,, ,, 50 ,, G. Patten. ,, ,, ,, 100 ,, B. AAA Lewis. Ladies' Team Competition, 1917. RESUL T OF FIRST ROUND. Hendon and Cricklewood L a d i e s 5 3 9 b e a t C o w e s L a d i e s . . . 4 4 " b y 9 2 L e e d s L a d i e s 5 0 5 , , A r m y P a y C o r p s L a d i e s 4 0 9 , , 9 6 S h a n k l i n L a d i e s 5 6 3 w. o . I l f o r d G a s C o . L a d i e s d i d n o t shoot. RESUL T OF SECOND ROUND. Hendon and Cricklewood • L a d i e s 5 4 2 b e a t R e i g a t e L . a d i e s . . . 4 9 2 b y 5 0 S h a n k l i n L a d i e s 5 5 5 , , L e e d s L a d i e s . . . 5 0 8 , , 4 7 WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK14 July , 1917. M U S K E T RY A N D M I N I AT U R E R I F L E C L U B S H O O T I N G . C O - O P E R A T I V E M E T H O D O F C O A C H I N G S U G G E S T E D . B y " C a r t o n . " W 'OULD you care to have a 'pot'?" " May I ? I should really like to know h o w t o s h o o t , b u t I ' m a f r a i d I s h a l l m i s s the target." "Well! Try a few rounds. I've got a good gun which is at your service, and I shouldn't be sur prised if you weren't a 'dark horse.' Anyhow, I'll get you down in the next detail." And so on. How often have you witnessed what I will call the first episode—"A man with a gun "? Are not your ears familiar with many such casual invitations issued in that characteristic and charming nonchalant manner by a fellow clubman to his friend, a visitor, who has been intensely interested in the performance of various members when lying upon the firing point of the range of your progressive miniature rifle club? Have you ever thought what will be the ultimate result of those few casual rounds of .22 ammunition fired in the chase a f t e r t h e e l u s i v e c a r t o n ? Why those few rounds are of colossal importance both to the firer and. to your club ! I am going to assume that our visitor desires to become an active member of the club, an as.set to the nation and a member of the community entitled to respect because he is a rifle shot. He is very anxious to do his best. You are going to coach him because you have introduced him to the officiating body who are eager to fill up the vacancies caused by the response to that urgent and clarion call to the Colours. Naturally he is entrusted to your charge, so it is up to you t o f o s t e r h i s c h e r i s h e d i d e a l a n d t o a s s u r e h i m t h a t w i t h perseverance combined with the proverbial bull-dog^ tenacity of purpose he will show good progress at each visit to the club's ranges. The First Lesson. Now, dear reader, I am not going to conduct you through a complex course of musketry training, but will endeavour to point out to you how a slight knowledge of its funda mentals—which I will confidently leave to your sagacity and discrimination—will assist you in obtaining some satisfaction from your efforts to coach the novice and also to avoid those perfunctory methods which invariably result in an indifferent and disappointing first-time effort. Quite candidly I confess that we were accustomed in those pot-hunting periods before the war cloud burst to interpret " musketry " as mediocrity. But comedy and farce have quitted the stage and now tragedy occupies the arena, where it has wrought havoc amidst idols of clay in its vengeful iconoclasm. It is an old yet true adage, " Out of evil comes good." The clash of arms awoke the " slumbering Britisher, whose first thought was of a weapon—a rifle—so that he might adopt some defensive measure if necessary. Even the old " club stager " became a proselyte for the moment, turning his " blind eye " towards the man who was aiming with open sights. Now is the time to co-ordinate. Combine the salient principles of each school. The musketry instructor may assist the cautious clubman, or the primitive pot-hunter, while on the other hand, the academic apostle of the princely sport may perfect the youth after the former has inculcated the rudiments of service rifle shooting into his pupil. The clubman of yester day must revise his interpretation of musketry. Musketry training is the making of the war shot. Briefly, it is fire discipline. It is unquestionably the paramount object to-day, notwithstanding the sledge-hammer blows dealt by our artil lery it is the rifle that clinches the success. " From the days of Cressy and Agincourt, to the Penin sula and Crimea, British battles have been won by fire discipline and the bayonet." Your visitor has been intelligently watching the firers as they registered carton after carton and he has perhaps noticed that they have aligned the sights upon their respective targets, but probably beyond the fact that the lirers were lying upon the firing point in any " old way " and appeared fairly com fortable, there was no other feature which drew his ,attention. You must now, yes, before he attempts to adopt a firing position, or to aim as he thinks he should aim, demonstrate, as well as explain copiously, how he must aim. I don't care what sights .you have fitted to your rifle—mayhaji it is a B.S..'\. No. 12, and a very fine weapon it is, too!—the rifle has got to be treated with every respect. If your sights arc the regulation " open " you must show him a fairly large diagram of the correct aim. Illustrate that the black sight should be silhouetted as it were on the white portion of the target an inch or so under the bull's-eye, the correct amount of foresight being seen through the Li or V. This is what we call the regukition sight. Now tell your friend that he must tilt the rifle ever so slightly, at the same time maintaining the regulation sight, until he can sec just a thin streak of white space between the tip of the foresight and the bull's-eye, and thus obtain the regulation aim. It is at that psychological moment he must press the trigger. Don't bother with any stunt about focussing the sights and then the target, your target on the club miniature range is not a service one, moreover you would probably worry your friend. If the rifle your friend is about to use has the peep-sight fitted he will experience very little difficulty in aiming correctly, providing you explain that he must make no special effort either to centre the foresight on the circular field or to view any particular portion of it in relation to the aperture, but look out of the aperture as he would look out of a window, and hold the tip of the foresight imme diately below the bull's-eye. Now I wish to emphasise one v e r y i m p o r t a n t p o i n t i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h y o u r c o a c h i n g , regarding the aim to be taken with the peep-sight. If you i l l u s t r a t e t h e c o r r e c t a i m d o n o t o n a n y a c c o u n t d r a w a n aperture showing a foresight and a bull's-eye, the tip of the sight being immediately at its lowest central position. Should you commit this grave error—^I may mention I have often witnessed such a diagram being shown to a novice—your pupil w^ll surely endeavour to centre the foresight in the ring or aperture, especially if he should aim with the aperture some two or three inches from his eye. Your diagram should only contain just the correct relationship of the foresight and the bull's-eye. Do not illustrate what he should not do. Wa i t a n d s e e ! Yet still more important is a leaf from the " Musketry Instructor's Notebook" regarding "trigger pressing." I wonder how many of us old hands were ever taught how to press the trigger correctly? Not many, I am quite certain. No, we fell into some method which appeared to us, individually, to be the best way to ensure a good let off. It was just that sheer dogged determination to overcome that involuntary flinch which won all the way. The average clubman, by constant practice, cultivates a good let off. He probably expends some hundreds of rounds before he can n o m i n a t e t h e r e s u l t o f h i s s h o t . T h o u s a n d s o f m e m b e r s have thrown up the sponge—to use a sporting phrase—after a few indifferent attempts, simply because their efforts lacked the necessary spice of encouragement. If your friend's first- time shoot is a disappointing exhibition, blame yourself to sorrte extent; you will probably deserve some self-censure. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKJlTA. 1917. Co.'ichiiiir is not to be defined as merely spotting for a friend or fellow member. That i.s the rustomary attitude of the ^ club coach and it only produces a measure of success when the pupil shows exceptional intelligence. Vou have got to carry him on your back, so to speak. He has got to shoot with vour brains. How can you help the yotmgster to press the trigger correctly? Quite easily. .And when? Imme- diatelv after your brief lesson on aiming. PuitssiNc; T ill-; T rigopr. The crux of successful marksmanship is to fire the rifle without disturbing the aim. Now, only a very few persons are possessed of nerves entirely insensible to the noise and shock of the exploding cartridge, so there are many who have a tendency to anticipate this, more or less, by an in- voluntarv nincli. Only constant practice and determination can reduce this to a minimum, rnduly long aim and a- hesitating discharge is a grievous fault indicating nervous ness. " Put all your brain into the trigger finger," is a phrase which may bo used to emphasise the importance of trigger pressing. Theoretically, the eye informs the brain when the sights are correctly aligned and the brain has then to instruct \he finger to press the trigger. .\ rapid inter relation between the eye, brain, and forefinger must be well e s t a b l i s h e d , a n d n o t u n t i l t h i s h a s b e e n d o n e c a n a n y o n e become a consistently good shot. ^ / ? ■ c - ^ C / e . 7 ' & - S . S ' - o C ' cc/-i7n. ^ Ca-yT-Q-dl Faulty trigger pressing is responsible for 99 per cent, of the failures to group on the miniature range in the first practice of the Service Miniature Range Course. Is it not a reasonable deduction to attribute the indifferent first-time effort of a new club member to precisely the same cause? And is this not one more point in favour of introducing another page from the " Muskctr-y Instructor's Notebook"? Certainly I When a lad joins a football or a cricket club the secretary does not, if the lad is a novice at either sport, include him in a " knock-about " scratch side, nor does he go to the w i c k e t a n d f a c e t h e b o w l e r. N o ; h e i s r e c o m m e n d e d t o cultivate a few strokes at the nets, practically armour-plated with pads and so on until he shapes a little, then he may get his chance. His coaching begins at the bottom of the ladder. Why does not the club coach prepare his man in a similar manner? Unquestionably better results would accrue at the outset of the novice's career, and the following phrase with its deplorable colloquialism, or a similar expression, would probably be absent from the after-a-shoot-club-chat :— " Splendid day I " " Ye s . T h e l i g h t ' s b e e n g o o d . " " W h e r e ' s y o u r f r i e n d , T ? " "Oh, he couldn't get on last week-end, and is a bit ' fed up '." The club has probably lost a good member. Now how to release the" cocking-piece of a rifle and so fire the shot should be taught before a lad gets down on the firing point. There is no need to adopt the correct method as we » teach it—3-011 would not have the time nor perhaps the oppor tunity—and again, your pupjl ma}' be figuratively bursting to begin knocking the centre out of a carton—but t'ou can demonstrate how he must press the trigger, behind the club house or in any out-of-the-way corner. Illustrate the correct grip with the three fingers and thumb of the right hand; how and in what direction the forefinger of the right hand must apply the squeeze; that the lower portion of the trigger must be engaged with the first joint of the finger and the pressure applied as though vou were attempting to make the first joint of the finger and "the first joint of the thumb meet. The position of the hand, which should be well towards the cocking-piece on a service pattern rifle and well up the small on a converted Martini ritle, should be emphasised. -A strong personal effort must always be exercised and the breathing restrained for a few moments while you are endeavouring to obtain a perfectiv smooth let-olf. I do not intend to paraphrase the jxiints of general theoretical knowledge which refer to the advice briellv' given, but I can assure c'ou that if your pupil accepts and acts up to it he will not be categoried amongst the " wash-outs," There are a few Volunteer Corps which possess Var Olfice pattern miniature rifles, probably obtained so that the new force mav receive instruction with a weapon similar to the service rifle. The action is so adjusted that there is a first and second distinct pressure before the cocking-piece is released and the charge explodtxi. This method is, in 1113- opinion, a great acquisition to the training in this particular department, because the first pressure is taken and held before aiming, and the finger being thus steadied, snatching or pulling is in many cases reduced to a minimum when the second is squeezed. I should like to suggest that every club bent on progress should add a couple of aim-correctors to its equipment. -An aim-corrector is used for instruction of recruits and indifferent shots, and when adjusted to the rille enables the instructor, who may lie on either side of the firer, to see in the glass an image of the sights and targets at the m o m e n t o f fi r i n g . T h e i n s t r u c t o r c a n t h u s a s c e r t a i n t h e r e c r u i t ' s e r r o r, a n d w i t h o u t i n t e r f e r i n g w i t h t h e m a n ' s a i m follow the movements of the rifle and note the alignment of the sights when the trigger is pressed. The instrument con s i s t s o f a s m a l l s t e e l b o x i n t o w h i c h i s i n s e r t e d c r o s s w i s e a piece of smoked glass. The box is a^fached to and slides on a stem, and is secured to the rifle by means of a spring clip passing over the rifle between the backsight and the breech. By employing the aim-corrector the club coach may ascertain the rea.son for much indifferent shooting, while also a demonstration of a smooth let off may be viewed in the glass by the backward pupil. The corrector, which mav be purchased for a few shillings at anv rifle outfitter's, 1003- be adjusted upon any weapon. The importance of a good position on the firing point will be emphasised in the next chapter. (To he continued.) NOTICE TO CLUB SECRETARIES. The Society of Miniature Bifle Clubs has no local agents. All communica t i o n s s h o u l d h e a d d r e s s e d d i r e c t to :—The Secretary, Arundel House, Arundel Street, London, W.C.2. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKJuly , 1917. SPECIAL NOTICE, P U R C H A S E O F . 2 2 R I F L E S A N D A M M U N I T I O N . T h e S o c i e t y o f M i n i a t u r e R i fl e C l u b s h a s r e c e i v e d a u t h o r i t y f r o m t h e W a r O f fi c e t o s u p p l y . 2 2 R i fl e s a n d A m m u n i t i o n t o a l l i t s a f fi l i a t e d c l u b s , w i t h o u t r e q u i r i n g t h e c l u b s t o o b t a i n a l i c e n c e f o r p u r c h a s e . F h i s a u t h o r i t y w i l l o n l y a p p l y t o o r d e r s r e c e i v e d f r o m a f fi l i a t e d c l u b s w h o have paid their subscription for the current year, and orders must be sent on an o r d e r f o r m s i g n e d b y t h e c l u b S e c r e t a r y. I t i s a l s o u n d e r s t o o d t h a t a l l r i fl e s a n d a m m u n i t i o n s u p p l i e d t o a f fi l i a t e d c l u b s a r e f o r u s e o n l y o n t h e i r o w n r a n g e s o r t h o s e o f o t h e r a f fi l i a t e d c l u b s . Individual members of clubs who require .22 rifles and ammunition must obtain these through their club Secretaries. Should individual members of any rifle clubs wish to obtain rifles and ammunition for use other than upon the club ranges, it is absolutely necessary for them to obtain a special licence from the Competent Military Authority in their district before any purchase can be made from any source whatsoever . T H E R I F L E M A N . NOTES AND COMMENTS. We hope in next month's issue to publish the programme and conditions of the Autumn Competitions, which will include the Browne-Martin for London Clubs, the Burroughes and Watts for Rifle Clubs throughout the country, and the B.S.A. Competi tion for Volunteer Regiments. * * * The annual competition for the Champneys Challenge Cup was held on Saturday, June 30th, on the range of the Borough of Wandsworth Rifle Club. For this year's event the entries only numbered six, against twelve last year and fourteen in 1915, but the reduction can probably be accounted for by the large number of instiuctors and officials who are away at the present time with the Forces. The result of the competition was as follows:— J . L o n g D i t t o n C . L . B . " A " t e a m ( t h e C u p a n d f o u r l a r g e s i l v e r m e d a l s j 2 9 1 G. Pearman ... ... .... 83 E. Strachan ... 77 G . S p r i g g s . . . 6 8 A. Gibson ... ... ... 63 2. Christ Church, Greenwich (four small silver medals) 279 S e r g t . P a r k e r 7 8 P t e . A t k i n s . . . . . . . . . 7 5 Sergt. Payne ... ... ... 69 — Lce-Corpl. Coward ... ... 57 3. St. Mary's, Lewisham (four small bronze medals) ... 277 P t e . Q u i g l e y S z Pte. Beswell ... ... ... 71 P t e . S l a t e r . . . . . . . . . 6 5 Corpl. Gearl ... ... ... 58 4 . L o n g D i t t o n C . L . B . " B " t e a m . . . . . . . . . 2 1 6 S t . J o h n ' s , W a t e r l o o , " A " t e a m . . . . . . . . . 2 1 6 6. St. John's, Waterloo, " B " team ... ... ... jgg * * * The competition arranged among teams of twenty for the Volunteer Team Championship proved quite a success, no less than 93 entries being received. The scoring by the leading teams was exceptionally high, and the winning Companies can be congratulated on the excellent average shooting of t h e i r t e a m s . I t w i l l b e n o t i c e d t h a t e a c h o f t h e t e a m s scoring over 1,903 points has been prominent in our other competitions for Volunteers, and the two teams who tied for the third place with scores of 1,923 shot off the final of the Mackworth Praed Competition,'^as will be seen from page 7. It is evident from this competition that the number ot members composing a team has not so much bearing upon the result as the amount of interest in musketry shown in Companies, coupled with the training given by the various musketry instructors. * » * On page 13 will be found full particulars of the scores made in this jmar's Veterans" Competition, and we congratulate Mr. Durrant on winning this event for the first time. Mr. Durrant is well known to a very large number of riflemen, as he has attended several of the meetings held by the Society during the past few years. He has also been a regular attendant at the Suffolk County Meetings for many years past. * * A novel shooting competition has been arranged on behalf of funds for the " Eccentric Club " Hostels for Limbless Soldiers, and is open to all members of the City and Metro- Constabulary. Some forty-six prizes have been offered, including five silver cups, silver spoons, medals and cash, and the scheme gives considerable scope to the man who has never handled a rifle before, in giving hirn a good oppor tunity to win a prize, whilst the experienced shot also has an equal chance of sharing the "plums." Full particulars are contained in a programme which is being issued to all Chief Inspectors^ of the Special Constabulary, but any Special rifle shooting can obtain copies upon application to the S.M.R.C., which is in full charge of the competition. Every entry will be helping a great cause and the support of all ranks of the Special Constabulary will be greatly appreciated. * * * Some fine shooting was done recently by Armourer-Sergeant A. J. Bayley, of the nth Battalion Kent Volunteer Regiment, l", , , V olunteers' Miniature Course of Muskeh-y (the official one for Battalions not having a full-size open-air lange.) l-or the first seven tests Armourer-Sergeant Bayley made 20 each, and for the eighth his points numbered 19, giving a total of 159 out of a possible 160. This is an ex ceptionally fine performance, still more remarkable from the fact that in each of the eight tests the five shots were in a i-inch group. Ue .should be interested to receive particulars of other fi n e s n o o t s i n t h i s C o u r s e . WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKJuly , 1917. T H E R I F L E M A N . 17 The .fth Battalion Chichester Regiment C.L.B. Inter-Company Competition for the Bagshawe Challenge Shield took place at Hastings on May 23rd last, six teams of five lads each taking part. The Competition resulted in the Battle C.L.B. carrying off the Shield with a score of 220 out of a possible 250, the totals of the other teams being as follows :—St. Mary-in-the-Castle, 201 ; Burwash, 1S2 ; Ticehurst, 166; Christ Church, Blacklands, 164; St. Clements, 125. * * * The result of the Life Members" Competition will be found below; this is published subject to the targets of Captain Dunnett, of Jamaica, which have not yet been received. The attention of Club Secretaries is drawn to the announcement on page 21 with regard to waterproof ground sheets. Our supply of these is somewhat limited, and orders should there fore be sent in without delay. * * * An article by " Musketry Officer gth Surrey V.R." appeared in the " Volunteer Forces Gazette " on June 30th, advocating that our \'olunteer Competitions should be shot on figure targets, with rapid shooting; also that aperture sights should be allowed. We should appreciate any expressions of opinion on these points. -O- L I F E M E M B E R S ' C O M P E T I T I O N . Si-CTION A. Me.mhers of R1FI.E Ci.UHS.—Conditions: 30 shots at three S.M.R.C. match targets at 25 yards, to be completed within a period o[ one hour, any sights. A. J. Bavlev, Lee H. Watts," "'K " Div., Met. Pol. RESUL T . Section s. d. ist Prize, I100 I 100 3"! .. 010 0 4th 0100 0100 6th 0 100 0ID0 0 TO0 0 10 0 K'th 0 70 0 7 0 0 7 0 W. R . G e o r g e , C h e a m G. A. Stringer, Crovdon Gas Co. ... M. G. Flovd, "G "'Div., Met. Pol. Score.'ist Prize, 2 0 0 300 2nd ,, 0 15 0 300 299015 0 298 .jth ,, 0 10 0 29S 0100 2970 1 0 0 297 7th ,, 0 10 0 297 297 0 1 0 0 296 010 0 296 0100 296010 0 1H...N B. Y'oi.unteers.—Conditions: 30 shots at three double V.T.C. i5.'20 yards targets with carton ring, at 25 yards, to be completed within a period of one hour, open sights. £ S - d - J. W. Palmer, Thetford PI., 6th Norfolk F. Yelf, " C " Co. (Shanklin) 3rd Hants ... E. C. Sykes, Bolsover Unit „ .V. V, G. P. Deeley, Stouibridge Co o 10 o C. H. Mullings, Coliseum (Bristoll Co. ... A. Holden, Thetford PI., "A" Co., 6th Norfolk G . Wr i g h t , " C " C o . , i s t C o r n w a l l T. Ta t e s o n , " D " C o . , 1 7 t h V. R . V. R — W. Tattersall, " B " Co., 1/3 E. Yorks ... F. J. Schultz, "A" Co., 5th Lanes. J. Lawrv, " B " Co., 1st Cornwall Score. ' A " C o . , ^97 296 206 295 295 295 294 294 294 294 294 O LONDON LEAGUE. JULY loth, 1917. TA B L E . Matclies. Af fgregnte 01 ub. Shot. Wo n . Lost. Drawn. Points.Score. I. Alexandra Palace 4 4 00 8 6852 2. C h e a m . . . 44 00 8 6388 3. Wimbledon Park 43 I0 6 6850 ' 4- Edmonton 4 22 0 4 6848 5- H a m a n d P e t e r s h a m . . .4 2 20 4 6814 6. Addiscombe4 2204 6754 7- Lee4 I3 0 2 6767 8. Mitcham4 I 3 02 6719 9- Wa l t h a m s t o w E n s i g n 4 I 3 02 6705 10. Boro. of Wandsworth... 4 0 4 006657 SCORES. Alexandra Palace 1,700 beat Lee 1,679 by 21. Wimbledon Park 1,703 beat Walthamstow Ensign 1,684 by ^9- Cheam 1,700 beat Mitcham 1,687 by 13- 0 ■ Edmonton 1,716 beat Ham and Petersham 1,706 by to. Addiscombe 1,686 beat Borough of Wandsworth 1,678 by 8. W E S T L O N D O N L E A G U E O F R I F L E C L U B S . P O S I T I O N O F C L U B S I N T H E L E A G U E T O D AT E , JULY 9th, 1917. Clubs. Matches. Wo n .I,ostDrawn. Pts W i m b l e d o n P a r k . . . 33 6 Hammersmith Iron W orks 43 I 6 L . G . O . C . " A " T e a m . . . 22 4 Kensington 3 2I4 Harrodian...4 22 4 L . G . O . C . " B " T e a m . . .2 2 0 Grosvenor ...2 2 0 W e s t m i n s t e r N a t . R e s e r v e 33 0 Chiswick... 4 4 0 The presentation of medals won during the Winter Season 1916-17 will be made at the Harrodian R.C. range. Mill Lodge, Barnes, on Saturday, July 14th. Sir Woodman Burbidge, Bart., has kindly consented to make the presentation. A match will be shot between the Silver Medallists (Ken sington R.C.) and the Bronze Medallists. An open" Unlimited," Disc breaking competition, and other events are being arranged f o r t h a t a f t e r n o o n . POST FREE. O r d e c s f o ; ' " T h e R i fl e m a n " i n q u a n t i t i e s o f m o r e t h a n t w o d o z e n c o p i e s w i l l b e s e n t P o s t F r e e . WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK18 T H E R I F L E M A N . JCLY. 1917. C L U B R E P O R T S . Leyton and District Rifle Club. D u r i n g t h e s u m m e r m o n t h s t h e r a n g e a t t h e " L i o n a n d Key " is open on Tuesday even i n g s o n l y . A s p o o n i s o f f e r e d for every complete 48 cards. C o n d i t i o n s : F o u r b e s t s c o r e s i n a n u n l i m i t e d e n t r y s h o o t , d e liberate, handicap. There were n i n e c o m p e t i t o r s i n t h e s h o o t just concluded, six of whom re t u r n e d t h e n e c e s s a r y n u m b e r o f c a r d s . T h e w i n n e r w a s M r . A . W r - C o l l i s o n . Monthly (Deliberate) for June. —Four nominated .scores during the month, handicap terms, six entries. Winner , Mr . .A. \V . Collison. Te c s d a l e M i n i a t u r e R i fl e C l u b . The League Committee again decided this year, in the interest of rifle shooting in the distnrt, to have their annual prize shoot, and this took place on Saturday, 23rd June, 1917, on the lifle r a n g e s o f t h e D a r l i n g t o n P a i l - way Athletic Club, by their kind p e r m i s s i o n . T h e r a n g e s a r e s p l e n d i d l y l a i d o u t f o r s u c h a meeting, all the shooting being done from one straight "firing point. The Rifle Section of the R a i l w a y . A t h l e t i c C l u b m a d e a l l a r r a n g e m e n t s r e t a r g e t s , e t c . , and carried out all the duties of range steward and officials, and these proved very successful and everything passed off without a hitch. All other arrangements were carried out by the League Hon. Secretary, A. Adams, S t r e a t l a m . T h e w e a t h e r w a s more favourable than in former years and only one slight shower of rain took place early in the day. A stiff breeze blew up the r a n g e a n d . s o m e t i m e s a c r o s s , which caused trouble to the shooters at times, but neverthe less some good scores were regis tered during the day. .A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the League Secretary and officials for all the splendid arrangements made for the meeting. The fol lowing is a list of prize winners in the various competitions, the c o m p e t i t i o n s b e i n g m u c h c u r tailed from former years' pro- gra.mmes, viz.: Nos. i, 2 and 3 Competitions, H.P. 210; No. 4 Competition, open sights, no s l i n g s , H . P. 7 0 . No. I Competition.—ist, H. Johnson, Darlington Railway Athletic, 201 ; 2nd, A. Johnston, Railway Athletic, 200; 3rd, J. Wilson, Evenwood, iq8 ; 3rd and 4th equal, M. W. Colwell, Wal worth, E. C. Thompson, Rail way .Athletic, 197 each. No. 2 Competition.—ist, R. Brown, Barnard Castle and Dis trict, 194; 2nd and 3rd equal, J. W. Bewick, Streatlam, E. J. Butterfield, Railway Athletic, 191 each; 4th, S. Baty, Railway Athletic, igo; 5th, J. Brown, Railway Athletic, 187. No. 3 Competition (Teesdale Championship).—ist, H. John son, Railway Athletic, 201 ; 2nd, A. Johnston, Rail.vay Athletic, 200: 3rd, J. Wilson, Evenwood, 198: 4th and 5th equal, M. W. Colwell, W alworth, E. C. Thompson, Railway .Athletic 107 each. ' No. 4 Competition (Open Sights for Volunteer Corps, etc.).—ist and 2nd equal, A. Adams, Barnard Castle Vol! Corps, E. T. Berwick, Rabv R.C., tai each; 3rd, W. Oliver, Raby R.C., 60; 4th, J. W. Ber wick, Streatlam, 58. No. 5 Competition (Sharp shooter, for teams of four drawn for on the range).—No. 3 Team won. No. 6 Competition (Unlimited Pool Shoots), 25 yards.—H. John son, Railway .Athletic, 49, 40 - W. H. Carter, Walworth,' 49; R. Johnston, Railway Athletic, 48; A. R. G. Thompson, Wal worth, 48; .A. .\dams, Streatlam 48; J. Wilson, Evenwood, 48 ; E. J. Sayer, Railway Athletic, 48. SO yards.—M. W. Colwell, Walworth, 48, 48; A. Johnston, Railway Athletic, 48; J. Butter- field, Railway Athletic, 48; J. Sayer, Railway .Athletic, 48 ; ']. Parkin, Evenwood, 48; ' C. Thompson, Railway Athletic, 48! 100 yards.—M. W. Colwell, Walworth, 47; H. Johnson, Rail way Athletic, 46; R. J. Adam- son, Walworth, 46; A. Johnston, Railway Athletic, 45 ; .A. .Adams, Streatlam, 45; W.' W. Colwell' Walworth, 43 ; J. Butterfield' Railway Athletic, 45; J. Wilson, Evenwood, 43. H.P. score, 50. T h e R a i l w a y A t h l e t i c C l u b were winners of the Richardson Challenge Cup in the Winter's League shooting for season 1916- 1917, winning all their matches. Wa l w o r t h R . C . t o o k s e c o n d place ; and Streatlam, Barnard CasHe, E. Raby and Staindrop Rifle Clubs tied for third posi tion. The prizes for second and third positions were generously given again by the League President, A. R. G. Thompson, Esq., of Walworth Hali, who is a g a i n p r o v i d i n g a n o t h e r C h a l l e n g e C u p f o r t h e Te e s d a l e Championship, which former cup, presented by Mr. Thomp son, was won outright last year by M. W. Colwell. The League a r e g r e a t l y i n d e b t e d t o M r . Thompson for his generosity to the League every year. Lineoln Notes. The great event so far as Lin c o l n s h i r e c l u b s a r e c o n c e r n e d , viz., the Queen Alexandra Cup C o m p e t i t i o n , h a s n o w b e e n d e cided, and after winning the cup four years in succession it was hard lines on the county team not to have the pleasure of de fending and losing the cup in the final shoot. However, the c o u n t y r e s u l t s p l a c e d L i n c o l n shire sixth with a score of 11.33, equal to Perthshire's, this being o n l y o n e p o i n t b e h i n d t h e t h i r d and fourth teams, who won .a p l a c e i n t h e fi n a l . I t w a s i n the time limii shoot that I.incoln- shire dropped their points, their deliberate scoring being the highest for all counties compet ing in the county stage. The county offers its congratulations to Middlesex, who have proved t h e w i n n e r s , a n d l o o k f o r w a r d to the time when they mav hi competing again shoulder' to shoulder for this, the premier t r o p h y f o r m i n i a t u r e r i fl e m e n . The, Summer Postal Competi tion is now getting in full swing and is being worked on the handicap system, and . so far G r i m s b y C e n t r a l , t h e s c r a t c h team, have won the three matches they have competed in. I 5 t h C o u n t y o f L o n d o n V o l u n t e e r R e g i m e n t . The range .at headquarters, 10, Mitcham f-ane, was May 13- 19, the venue of a highly success ful miniature " f?isley " meeting. . A v e r y c o m p r e h e n s i v e l i s t o f events had been arranged by the fiattalion Shooting Committee, and the officials were kept at full p r e s s u r e e v ; ( ; r y e v e n i n g f r o m seven until nearly midnight, and although this was the first meet ing of the kind inaugurated bv the committee, events from start to finish, moved with a smooth ness which could not have been surpassed. The meeting con cluded on Saturday evening with a Grand Inter-Company Disc- fireaking Contest. Each Com p a n y w a s r e p r e s e n t e d b y fi v e m e n , w h o w e i e s e t t h e t a s k o f breaking twelve white china discs, hung on a black board, time to decide the winner. " B " C o m p a n y s h o w e d t h e i r w o n d e r ful shooting qualities by break ing the discs in the remarkable time of one minute ei.ght seconds, surely a record for open sight shooting. " C " Company came second in three minutes 14 seconds, with " A " Company a minute longer. At nine o'clock on Saturday ev-ning Major Warne presented the prizes won by the various competitors, the full list of which, together with the results, i s a s f o l l o w s : — Bell Medal, 10 shots deliberate on 2in. bull, with carton ring.— Scratch; i, Scrgt. Avers, 100; 2, Pte. Hunt, 98; 3, Corpl. Colt- man, 97. Handicap: i, .Sergt. Ayens, 100; 2, Pte. Hunt, gg'S; 3, Corpl. Coltman, 98.71 ; 4, Corpl. Jolly, 98.66. " ITaily ffxpress " .Medal, ,■> shots rapid on 2in. bull, with carton ring.—Scratch : i, Sergt Blick, 98; 2, Pte. Hunt, 98; 3, -Sergt.-.M.ajor Alcock, 98. ffandT cap: I, .Sergt.-M.-ijor Alcock, 99-3.I: 2. Sergt. Blick, 99.14; 3, Pte. Hunt, 9S.80 ; 4, Pte. J. D. 'fucker, 98.63. " Daily Telegraph " Certifi cate, 10 shots deliberate on 13-20- yards target.—i, Sergt. Horslev, 99; 2, Pte. Hunt, 96; 3, Sergt. Ayers, 94. Handicap: i, Sergt. Horsley, 99.57; 2, Pte. Has'le. barn, 98.42 ; 2, Pte. Abbot, 98.28; 4, Bandmaster B;iden, 97.81. Daily Mail " Certific.ite, 3 shot.s rapid, disappearing " Bis- ley " target.—.Scratch: i, Pte. Hunt, 21; 2, Pte. tie Jersey, 20; 3, Pte. Partridge, 20; 4, Sergt! Blick, 19. Battalion Handicap, unlimited entry, 10 shot.s deliberate on zih. bull, with carton ring.—i, Sergt. Ayers, 100; 2, Pte. Hunt, 100; 3, Sergt. Blick, 99.37; 4, Sergt. Horsley, 99.5; 3. Sergt. .Allart, 99.33: 6, C.O.M..S. -McKenzie, 99.33 ; 7, Pte. G. H. Smith, 99.33; 8, Corpl. Jolly, 99-3.3 : 9. Sergt. Radmall, 99.1; 10, Pte. Archibald, 99.i. Battalion Championship, total scratch scores of i, 2, 3 and 4. 1, Pte. "Hunt, 313, gold mod d presented by the Remington Co. ; 2, Sergt. Ayers, 304, silver medal ; 3, Sergt. Horslev, 303 bronze medal. ' D'.se-Breaking Contest. — i, B " Company, team : Sergt. Ayers, Sergt. Taylor, Corpl. Gunner, Pte. de Jersey, P(e. Marsland, silver spoon to each, presented by Lieut. Sanders. 'fhe Commhtee (Sergt. Blick and Corpl. Jolly, " a " Com pany ; Q.M.S. McKenzie and Sergt. Ayers, " B " Company ; Corpf Margetts and Pte. Hunt, C" Company; and Sergt! Buck and Pte. Packham, " D " Corripany) arc to be congratu lated on the excellent way in which the meeting was handled. It IS intended that this shall be the forerunner of a series of battalion meetings; which it is Hoped will go far to improve the present excellent shooting of the battalion. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKAugust, 1!)17T H E R I F L E M A N . A t t h e O p e n M e e t i n g h e l d o n t h e H a m a n d Petersham Range (I7th to 24th June, I9I6) Miss K. May won the 200 yards Competition using Dominion Cartridges, proving that this Ammunition (the ONLY R E L I A B L E S M O K E L E S S o n t h e M a r k e t ) i s unequalled for Short and Long Range. ! f y o u w i s h t o i m p r o v e y o u r s h o o t i n g * u s e DOMINION AMMUNITION BRITISH AND BEST . NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES COMPANY, LTD., G L A S G O W & L O N D O N . WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK24the rifleman. AUC'.UST, I'-'IT VOLUNTEER REGIMENTS. BNSTRUCTION No. 453 of 1917. The official 1 argets for Recruits' ^luskctry Course are: (a) 25 yds.-100 2nd Class Bullseye Target Musketry Course, 1916 (b) 25 yds.-200 2nd Class Figure Target Musketry Course, 1915 (c) 25 yds.-300 2nd Class Figure Target Musketry Course Tliese can be supplied by the S.M.R.C. at the following prices; P e r 1 . 0 0 0 . P e r l O f ) . P e r ] q q , , p e r ] 0 0 . P e r l . O H O . P e r 1 0 0 . (a) - 35/- 4/- (b) - 14/- 1/6 (c) - 8/6 I/- SOCSETY OF MSNIATURE RIFLE CLUBS, Arundel House, Arundel Street, London, W.C.2. IVmCHSSTSR -22 LONG RIFLE "LESMOK" CARTRIDGES were used successfully in the following Competition at the S.M.R.C. Meeting, June 1916 IE " D A I LY E X P R E S S . " "DAIL Y TELEGRAPH." " D U K E O F W E S T M I N S T E R . " " S T E V E N S V A S E . " " B E N H A M . " In all kinds of shooting they continue to excel. No matter what (he make of your favourite arm is, you can bring out its possibilities to the fullest degree by using " Winchester" make of cartridges. Sole Distributors in the United Kingdom: LONDON ARMOUR Y COMP ANY L TD., 31, Bury Street, St. James', London, S.W.I. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKThe Rifleman T H E O F F I C I A L O R G A N O F T H E S O C I E T Y O F M I N I AT U R E R I F L E C L U B S . T K L E f . R A i ' n i c - A u d r e s s : " K i j i e s l i o t , E s t r a n d , L o n d o n . " Te l e p h o n e : G e r r a r d 2 9 3 2 . Vol. XIV. No. 8G. (New Scries). LONDON, .AUGUST, 1!)U Monthly , One Penny . T H E T H E O R Y O F T H E R I F L E A N D R I F L E S H O O T I N G . (Coiitiitiie(L) B y " B . v l i s t i c a . IX. T measurement of bullet velocities is Yery essential t o t h e m a n u f a c t n r e o f r i l l e s a n d a m m u n i t i o n s . Although in the case of ordnance the determination of the velocities of projectiles is now wholly conducted by means of wire screens connected electrically with a chronograph, a modification of Robins' original design of ballistic irendulum is still used with very satis factory results in small-arm work. The principle of the ballistic pendulum is not diflrcult to understand. In Robins' model* the apparatus con- Fig. IX.—Benjamin Robin's Balli.stic Pendulum. sisted simply of a tripod stand (see Figure IX) supporting a pendulum, P, which swung freely in sockets at R and S. A block of wood. A, (backed by an iron plate) formed the bob of the pendulum. Fastened to A was a tape or ribbon TT, which passed through a brace at K fastened on to the framework of the tripod. *It is worthy of comment, in illustration of the universal esteem in which Benjamin Robins is held, to mention that the celebrated German ballistician, Cranz, reproduces Robins' diagram of his pendulum as a vignette on the cover of his Conipendiiim der Theoret- ischen Ausseren UaUistik (Lcipsig, 189(1), In use, the ball from a musket was fired so that it struck the block .A. The blow caused the pendulum to string backwards, the amount of the stving being indicated by the length of ribbon tvhich tvas dratvn through the brace a t K . F r o m t h e m e a s u r e m e n t o f t h e c h o r d o f t h e a r c o f recoil, given by the length of ribbon pulled through, Robins was enabled to calculate the velocity with which the ball had struck the pendulum. A little consideraticn w i l l m a k e i t e v i d e n t t h a t t h e c a l c u l a t i o n s w h i c h R o b i n s had to make were by no means simple ; indeed there were so many factors '{e.g., the Moment of Inertia and the Centre of Percussion) to be taken into account that his calculated A'elocities were at first subject to an error which he subsequentlj' rectified. The ballistic pendulum used nowadays for small-arm work is constructed on the fi\'e-point suspension principle devised by Mr. A. Mallock, f.r.s. In the case of the Robins pendulum, if the ball did not strike directly in the centre of the block A, the swing of the pendulum was affected by a sidewa5's motion. The block of the Mallock ballistic pendulum recoils parallel to itself, wherever the bullet strikes it, due to its five-point suspension. Figure X roughl}' illustrates the Mallock pendulum in front elevation. The block A is suspended bj' fine wires, BC and DC forming a A^ at the front of the block ; BC, and DC, forming a Y at the rear of the block ; and EF the fifth wire attached to a bar, projecting from the side of the block, at F. To find the striking velocity of a bullet fired against the Mallock ballistic pendulum we must know :— AV=Weight of the block in pounds; zi;;=weight of the bullet in pounds ; L=Length of suspension (indicated by the dotted line in figure X) in feet ; and c=Length of chord of arc in feet. The striking velocity, v, is given b}' the formula :— V — c W + l i ' IV g L (20) where g is the gravitational constant. Suppose the weight of the block of the ballistic pendulum to be 173 jmunds, the length of suspension 6 feet, and that a bullet of 175 grains when fired causes the block to rcccil WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKNext >