< Previous214 LECTURES AND LESSONS ON to ordinary grouping and application practices, several " interesting practices and competitions can be carried out on the miniature range. As the latter create a great deal of keenness and enthu siasm, they should be arranged from time to time, the firing at landscape targets providing :— (a) Practice in indication of targets. {h) Practice in recognition of targets, (c) Practice in giving correct fire orders, both as regards sequence and the manner in which they are given. (d) Practice for platoon commanders in dis tinguishing between occasions which necessitate the employment of maximum and partial distribu tion of fire, and the giving of correct orders which c a l l f o r e i t h e r . T H I R T Y Y A R D S R A N G E The object of this range is to give the recruit practice in firing with ball cartridge under the easiest possible conditions. Practices with land scape targets as described above can be carried out. A l l r e c r u i t s s h o u l d o n n o a c c o u n t b e a l l o w e d t o fire on the open range before they have received a great deal of practice on, firstly, the miniature range, and, secondly, the 30 yards range, if the latter is to hand. This is to prevent a great deal of both am munition and time being wasted on the open range. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKNext >