12,672. London Small Arms Co., and Bennett, r. W. May 28. FIC.3. Sights.--Relates to aperture back-sights of the fol~mg type, in which an arm carrying a s?cket Is pivoted and locked in position at the si?e. of the gun, the socket containing a rotating sl_1dmg pillar, at the upper end of which is P.lvoted a lateral arm carrying an adjustable s1ght. The invention consists mainly in im- provements in the adjusting-means, and in the c?nstruction, whereby the folding-down of the sight is facilitated. The pillar I slides in the socket c for coarse adjustment, and is held by a spring catch l capable of being r eleased by a push-button. Rotation of the pillar is pre- vented by the enaagemerit of a stud on the socket with a slot 0 ff ~in the pillar. T_he later~l arm o, which carries the aperture s1ght p , IS pivoted to a spindle .i sliding within the pillar I; fine adjustment is obtained by raising or lower- ing this spindle by means of a nut le. Lateral adjustment for windage is obtained in a similar WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK 1909ma nner by mea ns or a n nt 11 3 a nd a screwed St~ind]e V~ .. 'l'he pi\·ot or the :tl"lll <J is provided with a spnng catch for holdin··· it in either the . b operative or folded position. 'l'o faeilitate close folding of the sight, the slot y, whieh pre,·ents rotation of the pillar, has a cross extension y~, which communicates '' ith a second slot on the other side so that the pillar can, when desired, be turned through 180 degrees. ·when the sight is put out of use, the cross-arm o is first turned up parallel to the pillar; this pillar is then rotated through 180 degrees and the whole sight is turned down so as to lie at the side of the action. To facilitate reading the scale, the spindle j is provided with a vernier m.1 , Fig. 3, which slides in a graduated slot 1n in the pillar, and is seen through a slot in the socket. A vernier o'1, Firr. 6, is also provided on the wind- gauge slide. ,.,In the construction sho\Yn, this vernier can be adjusted to its zero position by a differential screw q. Similar adjusting-means may also be provided for the other vernier. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK1973. London Small Arms Co., a nd Bennett, F. W. J:m. 2-L , 'ights. -Relates to n pe rtn rc sights having means for nuying tht- sir.e of the aperture, and con. ists in provid- ing a. sliding plate c pierced with apertures of differ e nt sizes and adapted to be traversed hv a rota rv disk or head e, wliich hns a stud f e ngn gi ng a ver- tical slot in the sliding sight-plate. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK 191211,809. London Small Arms Co., Bennett, F. W., and Bayley, C. S. May 30. FIG . 3. F I G.4. Fl C. S. F'IG.I . ~~. ' I \ ~- - .. " X Sights. -.Relates to aperture leaf-sights and consists in improvements in the wind gauge, in the elevating device, and in the hinge. The sighting aperture n, FigR. 3 and 4, is formed in a horizontal slide m mounted in a drcular plate j, Figs. 3 and 4, carried at the top of a screwed spindle c. The slide is operated by the r otation of a circular cover p , mounted on the plate j and having an eccentric stud q which en- gages a vertical slot o, Fig. 3, in the slide. The cover p has a scaler, Fig. I, marked on its edge. The screwed spindle c telescopes into a tube b, and is elevated by a nut g m,1unted on the top of the tube by means of an internal groove h, Fig. 5. The groove is cut away at one side i, so that the nut can be laterally disconnected when the spindle c is removed. The tube b is hinged to the gun by a. spring joint, which presses the base z; Fig. 6, on to its seat when the sight is vertical. The joint- pin has a coned shank y, Fig. 7, which is normally pulled into engagement with the lug a: by a spring v, but which becomes displaced when the sight is swung down. The nut w which retains the spring can be arranged to screw hard on the spring and thus lock the sight in the vertical position. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK 1908THE L.S.A. APERTURE BACKSIGHT. Original Model Price 13/8 This is perhaps the most suitable design of sight for bolt action rifles, as the \Vind- gauge movement be- ing at the top does notinwrfere with the hand when gripping the butt of the rifle. THE L.S.A. APERTURE BACKSIGHT. Improved Model Price 19/6 The great advan- tage this sight has over other patterns is its clicking move- ment, which ticks off each minute of elevation and wind- age, thus enabling the riflemen to ad- justhis sights in the dark. Another ad- vantage is the very ready method pro- vided for altering the size of aperture, three different sizes being available, viz., ·03, -05 and ·07 inches. It is provided with Vernier scales fot· both elevation and windage. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKWWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKWWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKWWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKWWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKNext >