/'' PATENT SPECIFICATION 805,583 Date of filing Complete Specification: Nov. 14, 1955. Application Date: Aug. 14, 1954. No, 23700/54. Complete Specification Published: Dec. 10, 1958. lndez at acceptance: -Class 119, A4C3Al. International Classification:-F07b. COMPLiBT1E SiPflCIF~CAJTION Improvements in or relating to Bolts for Rifles il:, MAruAN KARoL JUREK, a British Subject, of 10/H, St. Ma:ry's Row, Birmingham, 4, do hereby declare the invention, for which I pray that a patent may be granted to me, and the S method bji which it is oo .be performed} to be particularly described in and by the following statement:- This invention relates to a bolt, for a rifle, of the kind having 'a toggle joint wherein one 10 lever-arm thereof ds pivotally anchored to the breech body and is provided with a handle, whereas the other displacea!ble arm is joint- edly connected to the bolt whereby the toggle joint .can be operated fo.r cocking the firing 15 mechanism and to enable the rifle to be loaded and unloaded; the loading or cocking operation of the bolt is effected when the roggle is in a stradghtened position and the opening of the bolt is effected when the toggle arms assume 20 an angled position. In this way, the handle operation takes place as a linear movement rel- ative to the :a:x:is ·Of bolt, a:s distinct from the known turning motion of the handle. The pvlmacy object of the invention, is to 25 provide simple and inexpensive means for safely locking the roggle, :and therefore the bolt, in the firing position, so that the !bolt can- not be accidentally: released until the handle is moved in a rearward direction intended for un~ 30 loading. tAccordlng to the present invention in a rifle bolt of the kind referred ro, the toggle joint is arranged to be held in the cocking pos- :ition by means of a spring loaded catch which 35 becomes effective .automatically f.or locking the toggle .joint upon the latter beting straightened, whereas the said catch is adapted to be released by effecting an initial movement of the handle jn the direction of uncocking by virtue of the 40 handle being permitted to have a :sliding d:is- placement relative ro its arm against a resilient resistance. This may be attained by providin·g the catch on the forward end of the sliding handle, so that in the stra:1ghtened position of 45 the toggle joint, the :catch will engage an adjodning part, such as a lug, on the other arm of the tog.gle and will be released when the handle is slid rearwardly. V~c' Js. 6a.] Price 'rY Alternatively} the ca.tch mayt be provided on the breech body and .proJects through an open.:. SO ing therein and into engagement !With :an arm of the toggle, said catch being ada!Pted to. ibe displlaced into a position of rel:ease bji a part of the sliding handle when the latter is moved rearward1f. 55 Accordmg to one form of construction, the handle is slidably assembled on the top of the pivotally: :anchored arm and is mpable of a limited lorrgitu dispiacement in either direction under the bias: of aJ spring. The for-60 ward end of the handle is provlided as. a :spring loaded catch which is nol'!lllally projected~ iby its spring and the moveable arm of the rogg.le which is connected to the •bolt, is provided with a notched lug to ibe engllJged by s•aid .catch when 65 the toggle is straightened, the catch snap en- gages the lug and operates as a safetYi catch for maintain!ing the bolt an the fir,ing position; Jn this position, the forward end of the; handle is superimposed upon the •catch and lug, thus 70 preventing unauthorised access to the safetj'l a-ction. , The catch can be released when the handle is pul:led in ·a rearward direction preliminary to an effective breaMng of the toggle joint fur 75 unloading .. iPreferably, an arcuate lug ·is provided• on one side of the anchored toggle and i:s adlapted to eng1age a corresponding groove in the ad~ joining Slide of the breech body when the toggle 80 is ope:Iia:ted into the straightening position. In this way, the said anchored toggle arm is positively locked to the breech .body. According to another fo!lm of construction, a spring loaded plunger is arranged dn a side 85 of the breech ibody and! projects laterally inro a slot in whi:eh the toggle .joint operates. When the roggle .joint is straightened, the nose of this plunger snaps over the top of the dil;pla,cea!ble toggle a:rm and forms a safetY! -catch, the for~ 90 ward part of the handle h'B!Vang a 1gap for this pU11pose. :In order 1lo release the latter, the same pre- viously described initial movement of the handde in the direction of unloading is re- 95 quired. When this takes place, a :boundary wall WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK2 805,533. .. :, .:~Qf the Jlaid gap forms -an abutment for depres;. straightened, with the result that tlre toggle sing the nose of the plunger., so that the latter :automl8.ticallyr holds :the bolt 3 in the C<lcking . is released from the safety . position; Qver the position·. .In . this position of safety, the. for .. said toggle arm,. thus permitting a complete ward end l81 of the :handle sUde 10 is super- 5 rearward :sliding movement of .the handle into .imp[)sed over the: catch 16 and lug 17, ,thus ·70 the unloading position. preventing unauthorised access ;to the safety !It is preferred to arrange the handle. in an mechanism .. aside position of the breech body) i.e. perpen-This .condition is maintati.ned until an inten· dicular to the~~ of the latter, thus faci1itating· tlonal rearward slidling movement of the s:Hde 10 the maDJipulation by a marksman .of the toggle 10 through me handle 9 is effected by a marks-75 joint for c<lcking and un:lroading operations. man •against :the bias of the spring~ 13, when the \Rifle bolts according to the invention will catch ,16 becom~s disengaged from the lug 17. '-. now be described h.Yl wayr of example with ref-As a further security, :an .a11cuate !ug 19 on erence to the :acc()mpanying drawings in one side of the :arm 4 is arranged 'to' engage a 15 whi.:ch:-complementary gmove 20 dn the adjoining side ao iFig. 1 is a plan of the breech body of li rifle · of the breech bodY' 2 .as and when the stt'aight- !With ·the rifle bolt thereof in the cocked eni.ng posl'l;i.on of the toggle-joint vakes place. position, the .breecru !bodY' being partly broken IAceordlng to an<Jther versi-on >Of the inven- j away for clarity. · tion for autQmaticaily lockin·g the toggle.,joint, 20 •F;g. 2 is a side view of Fig. 1. there will ibe seen with reference to F1gs. 6 and 85 !Fllg .. 3 -is a vertlica:l section of the breech 7 that one side of the breech bodry 2 is .provided ll)ody seen in Fig. ·1 with the .toggle J~Qint in the with :a: vertical ho1e 2'1 in which a spring loaded " ibroken " p·osition for loading or unload!ing. plunger 22 is .as:semib1ed. This plunger is pre;.. . iFig. 4 is a sectiona1 detail of the toggle-vented from turning and is urged in an upward 25 ioint in il:he position seen in ·Fig ... 3. direction into the toggle ;s[IQt in the body 2, by; 90 F-ig. .,, is a persp.ective detail showing the means of a cotil backed 1by a remov"- toggle-joint and the handle separately as a able plate 2·4. The , . 22 extends into the comroslte view. . ibreech 1body 2 :and has a n:ose 25 which snap iF'lg. 6 is •a fragmentary side ;view of the engages :a shoulder 26 on the underside of the 30 breech body; rand its components in which a !ll:rm 4 ·when the toggle-j{dnt is straightened and 95 modified locking device is illustrated .. £arms a :safety catch which retains the bolt 3 in 'Fig .. 7 is a ,section of ;F;irg. 6 taken on the the firing position until an intentional release <l.otted line a-a. of the plunger prepnratory to the ibreak·ing of . As will be seen in the drawings and with the said jolint is effected .. The release of the 35 particular reference to Figs. l-5, the barrel safet~ catch takes p:La·ce when the handle 9 is 100 '\>£ • .a rifle is indicated. :at 1 and the :breech body mQ:ved rearwardly t{)gether with the slide 10. ~~;t Z.; :a; porma~ bolt 3 is m'Ov.alble :recuilinea:rlJ.y The latter is provided with a gap 27 in which 1n the ·body 2 into the oocldng position (Fdg. 1 the nuse 25 can :snap engage whereas the nose :andi 2) and into the loading 'Or unluading pos-is depressed by contact with an end of the gap 40 'ition (Fig. 3) by; means. of a t-oggle1oint. The 27 .as the slide 10 mo:ves relatively to the arm 105 la~er .compris~ !oggle arms 4.5 .joint~d to- 4; consequently, the nose 25 is lowered out of gether at 6, the arm 4 being capcivelYi p:cvoted register with the shoulder 26 thereby permit- ··at .7 t() ;a rea!"W'ard p:art of the body 2 whereas tling the roggle-.j'oint to be broken. 'the lllrm 5 :i:s .jointed •at 8 to .the ibO'lt 3. The arm ·WHAT ] ,CIIJA!IM IS:- 45 4ls_prQvided. '}Vith a handle 9 iby which the l.. A r-ifle bolt ·of the lcind referred w, where- 110 :t.Qggle-joint. can 1be straightened as in Figs. 1 ·in the toggle-joint is arranged: to be held in the ~nd 2 or "ibrokeu., ~m Fig. 3. !:rhe handle cocking position b)li means of a spring 'loaded ·9 · is slidwbly connectedt to the· arm 4 under an catch which .beoomes effective automatically 'elastic load which normally. urges. the handQe for locking the toggle-joint upon :the latter 50 fu 1ar f(lrward sense, i.e .. in the· direction of the being straightened, whereas rhe said catch is 115 barrell, as is more ~asily seen by reference to adapted .m ibe released: bY! effecting an initial Figs. 4 and 5. movement of the :han;dle in the direction 'Of ~ The handle 9 has a slide 10 having keys 11 uncocking by! virtue of the handle being ~. :1n Opposite sides which co.mplementary pe1.1l11itted to have a . slidiJ?.g displacement 55 l{ey.ways ·12 in a , grooved: part relative to its arm against a resilient resistance. 120 of the .arm 4. The slide lO is Ul"ged dn the said 2. A rifle bolt according tn daim.1, wherein a:lrectian by a coLI spring H acting on a rear the sliding ha.ndle is provided at its forward ' .. :.;.- ~arl: of the slide .10, and movement of the slide end with a catch arranged tn engage an .adjoin- IS ~mited in both directions by a .grub screw ing part of the displaceaJb1e arm of the toggle- 60 ;14 screwing into one side of the aii!Il 4 and joint when the latter is :straightened. 125 emerging_ in .a gap ,15. in one of the keys l<l. As 3. A ~ifle bolt accnrdung to .claim 2, wherein ·wm be seen in Figs., 1, 3: and 4, the forward the forward end of the handle J:s provided with :end of the handle slide 10 is pmvide.d with a ·a part which superimposes the catch in the said :catch 16 which will ,snap engage a lug 17 on a straightened po'Sition of the toggle·joint. 130 65 'rearward: part <>f the arm 5 when the toggle is 4. A rifle boh accerding to any of the pre- WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK'3 ceding claims, wherein one of the toggle arms and a shoulder Qfthe groov:tfis.adap,tea:tidide- 15 is provided · with an aocuate lug which is press the nose as the hand:le is il]!OVfd' rear- a d to ellglage a corresponding groove in wardly. · · :,, an ining side of the breech body .. 7. lA rifle bolt having a toggle..,joint .and in- 5 5. A rifle bolt according to claim 1, wherein corporating a safety 1catch arranged ·to 10perate a spring laaded catch is arranged in the breech substantially as .descdbed •With reference to or zo body and a nose thereof is adapted to engage :as illustrate& by\ Figs., l'--'5,~'or,F:igs.<6 and 7 wlth a toggle arm when the toggle j<Oint is Df the a•ccompanying drawingJS:; · · ... straightened and the .said ca11ch is adapted to 10 be displi!ced int<O a position of release by the iFor the :Appl<icant slide part of the handlle. GiEOiRiGE FUIEiRJY & CO.) ·6. A rifle bolt according to claim 5, wherein Chartered Patent Agents, the slide part of the handle is provided with Newhal.[ Chaipibers, 8, NewhJaoll Street, a groove which receives the nose of the plunger, iB:lnningham, 3. ·PiR.OVI:S!OiNiAL SP!EOI1F[O.A: TION Improvements· in or relating to Bolts for Rifles I, MARIAN KA.ROL ]UREK, a British sub~ handle is slidaMy as~s.ernibled ~n the top of the ject, of 10/11, St.. Mary's Row, Birmingham, pivonally anchored toggle arm and is capable of 25 4, do hereby declare the nature of this inJVen-a limited longitudinal displacement in either tion to be as follows: -direction under the ibias of a spring. The for- This invention relates to a bolt, for a rifle, ward end of the handle is also provided with 75 of the kind having a toggle joint wherein one a spring [o,adecL plunger wllikh is normally pro- lever-arm thereof is p1votally anchored to the jected by its spring. The moveable arm of the 30 breech body and is prowded with :a handle, toggle which is connected to the ibolt, is pro- whereas the other disp1acealble arm is j<Ointedly vided with a n{ltched lug. When the toggle jo~nt 80 C<lnnected to the bolt, whereby the toggle joint is straightened, the catch snap engages the lug can be operated for cocking the firing mechan-and operates as a .safety catch for maintaming ism and to enable the r1fle to be loadied and un-the bolt in the firing position. In this position; 35 :loaded; the loading or cocldng operation of the the forward end of the handle is superimposed bolt is effected when the toggle is in a straight-upon the ·catch and lug, thus preventing un- ened position and clle ·opening of the boLt is authorised access to the :safety action. 85 effected when the t<lggle arms assume an angled The catch can :be released when the handle pos1ti{)n. In this way, the handle operation is pulled in a rea'l'W'ard direction preldminary 40 is a .linear movement along the axis of bolt, as ro an effective breaking of the toggle joint f{lr distinct from the known turning motion. unloading. 1The ;primary object of the invention, is to !Preferably, an arcuate lug is pvovided on one 90 provide simple and inexpensive means for side (Jf the anchored toggle and is adapted to safely locking the tnggle, and therefore the <bolt, engage a corresponding groove in the adjoining 45 in the firing position, ~o that the bolt cannot be side of the breech body when the toggle 1:s o0p- accidentally released until the handle is moved erated into the sttJaightenfng position .. In this 95 in a rearward direction intended for unloading, way, the anchured t{lggle is positively locked! .&ccording to the present invention Jn a rifle to the breech body .. bolt of the kind referred to, the toggle joint is A:ccording to another form of construction, so arranged to be held automaticaHy; in the a 1 spring loaded plunger is arranged in a sid:e of cocking position bj'l means of a spring loaded the breech bodYI and projects laterally into a catch which is lbrought into engagement with slot in which the toggle jolint operates. When 100 a <Iever...,arm when the toggle is straightened and the toggle joint is straightened, the nose of this is arrail!ged to be released by a rearward plunger snaps ·over the top of the displaceahle ss pivoting or sliding displacement of the handle toggle arm and forms a safety, catch, the for- relative to its toggle .ann against the action of wa·rd p:art of the lmndle ha-ving a gap for this a spring load. This may be attained by provid-purpose .. 105 ing the catch on the forward end of the sliding In order to release the l!atter, the same pre- handle, so that in the straightened position <Of viously described initial movement of the 60 the toggle joint, the catch will engage an handle in the dlirection of unloaddng [s required. adjoillling part> such as a lug, on the other arm When this takes place, a h\lundary wall of the of the toggle and will be released when the said gap f()tms an abutment for depressing the 110 handle is slid rearwardly. nDse of the plunger, so that the latter is re- Alternatively, the catch may be provided on leased frOilll ;the safecy position over the said 65 the breech lbody and projects into the bore toggle .arm, thus permitting illi :c001piete rear- thereof so as to overlie .a-n .a111n of the toggle, ward sliding.movement of the handle into the said catch being adapted to ibe displaced into uni-oading~ pomti:on. us a position of release by; a part of the sLiding It is always preferred to arrange the handle handle when the latter is moved rearward1y. in an aside p·o·sition of the breech lbody, i.e. 70 ·A<:«~rding to one form 'Of construction, the perpendicu~ar to the axis 'Of the latter: thus WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK.facilitating th~. rnanipula:tion by .a m:a-rksm:an of the tpggle joint for cocking and: unloac:tmg opera1ilons. iFor the Applicant, .. GEOlRiGlE IFUIE!R!Y & OO.l. Ohartered 1 Patent Agents, 8:, Newhall Street, !Binmingham. Lean11ngton Spa: Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by the Courier Press.-1958. Published at The Patent Office> 25, Southampton Building,,, London, W.C.2, from wbicb copies may be obtained. WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK/ /// / i / :1 WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK805533 COMPLETE SPECIFICATION 2 SHEETS This drawing is a reproduction of the Original on a reduced scale Sheets 1 & 2 10~21~~~~~ 1:7 18 1(/; 9 WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKNext >