Sighb Parker-Hale modified PHI tunnel foresight and PH25E rearsight are standard fittings. The rearsight provides one eighth minute click adjust ment and the eye-piece incorporates a six-hole attachment with aperture variations from •080"to •030'; Specification Table MKV ISU Barrel Length 28" ■8 9 5 " a t m u z z l e MO" at body 28" - 8 5 0 " - 0 - 0 0 2 " d i a Parallel Bore Rifling grooves Tw i s t 6 One turn in 16" Right Hand 6 One turn in 16" Right Hand Overall Length 43"-44" ^1 CO We i g h t 12% lb10%lb Butt Plate adjustment for lengtti tieigfit M i n u s y y i n t w o W i n c r e m e n t s Up '/a" Down W M i n u s y y i n t w o y a " i n c r e m e n t s Up V2". Down Va" Sight line to comb 1-745" 1-72" Trigger pull adjustment L e s s t h a n ' / 2 l b - 3 ' / 2 l bL e s s t h a n ' / 2 l b ^ 3 y 2 l b Height of sight line above bore 1-555"1-530" "BSA Cunt UcL, Birmingham B112PK England BSA Guns Ltd. as manufacturers of tfie rifles described m this leaflet, reserve the right to alter s p e c i fi c a t i o n s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e .Printed in England TH/KNP/5m/675"BSA Martini IniemaUonal .22 Match Riflet" "ISU and Mk.VHeavy BatwiModeisBSA Martini International .22 Match RiHes. These superb BSA match rifles employ the time-tested and proven Martini Action which is hand fitted and assembled from only fully machined components - no pressings of any type being used. The very short stroke of the cocking lever and the position of the breech relative to the marksman enables reloading without alteration to shooting position, contributing to consistent accuracy. To ensure the very highest degree of accuracy, B S A M a r t i n i I n t e r n a t i o n a l r i fl e s a r e s h o t f r o m a machine rest before delivery. From five consecutive ten-shot groups at 100 yards, each rifle is required to produce an average group size not exceeding •75" cutting, no single group of the five to exceed 1" cutting. The accuracy diagrams actually fired are included with each rifle. ISU.22A^ Rifle BSA Martini International ISU -22 match rifle - designed to meet in every detail the International Shooting Union's specification for Standard Rifle competitions. Available in Right-hand and Left-hand versions. BSA Mk.VHeavy Banel.^Match Rifle The Mk.Vmatch rifle isequippedwitha tapered, heavy section barrel, which is drilled and tapped to accept dovetail pads for the fitting of a telescopic sight. The fore-end incorporates the same 'V section alloy strut with'T' slotasonthelSU model, provid ing infinite adjustment for the Mk. V's special alloy hand stop and sling swivel. Available in Right-hand and Left-hand versions.supreme eonsident accuracy. stock The well-known BSA trigger system employed on both ISU and Mk. V models is acknowledged by many top shooters to be supreme, with a v a r i a ti o n o f l e t- o ff b e tw e e n s h o ts s o s m a l l a s to be indiscernible to the shooter. Simple adjustments contained in the front of the trigger guard enable v\/eightand backlash to be set to individual require ments within competition regulations, quickly and efficiently, without removal of the actionfrom the body. Adjustment can be set so thatthere is no back lash, no drag and no perceptible trigger movement. The bottom of the trigger guard is flattened and grooved as a thumb rest for the standing position. For cleaning purposes, the complete action may be removed from the body, by withdrawal of the guard keeper screw. Only highly finished, selected Continental walnut is used for both the fore-end and butt. The butt design includes spacers for length adjustment and the butt plate can be raised and lowered for personal comfort. The flat cheek piece preserves an identical sight line for standing, kneeling or prone positions. The fore-end incorporates a 'V section alloy strut fixed directly to the barrel by screws at three points. The strut also provides infinite adjustment for the sling swivel, which can be locked at any point in the T slot. The slot is fitted with a filler-strip which can be adjusted to individual requirements.Next >