The B.SA. .22 Arniatic T h e A r m a t i c — a new B.S.A. .22 self-loading rifle Priced at £14 . 10.0 We have been testing for a considerable time the new B.S.A. Armatic .22 rifle. This gun is remarkable for its low price of £1^, its simplicity of construction and first class design. The gun operates from a closed bolt on the blow-back principle and our picture shows (a) the action housing and trigger assembly. Immediately below is (b), the firing pin and (c), the bolt. To the left is (d), the cocking lever. This is one of the four uses to which plastics have been put on this gun. The plastic covering of the steel cocking lever provides a good non- slip surface. The other use to which plastic is put is illustrated on the right of the bolt; this being (e), the magazine follower in the two-column box magazine. O n t h e b o t t o m l i n e , f r o m l e f t t o r i g h t , is, (f ) the action end cap, (g) the locking tab which retains (h), the firing and main spring guide. This incorporates a plastic buffer washer and (i), the firing and main springs. Dissembly is easy, there being only one screw retaining the action and b a r r e l t o t h e s t o c k . T h i s i s u n s c r e w e d and the stock removed, followed by the action end cap (illustrated). The locking tab (g) is slid down and removed, allowing the spring guide and springs to be released. W h e n t h e b r e e c h i s d r a w n t o t h e r e a r t o the end of its travel, the cocking lever can be withdrawn, allowing the bolt to be removed entirely. Novel elevation The rear sight is of the tangent type with a novel method of elevation. The foresight of the square blade variety. The safety catch is well situated to the rear of the trigger. No magazine catch is fitted; the magazine being retained by spring pressure. It has a capacity of 10 rounds. Smooth feed of the cartridges into the chamber is aided by a bullet guide; a small piece of plastic in line with the top cart ridge in the magazine. The barrel length is 20^ in. and the overall length qoj in. The weight is 5 lbs. with the magazine empty. The receiver h a s s t a n d a r d 11 . 5 m m . d o v e t a i l s f o r telescopic sight mounts. This gun is a credit to the designers and plastics are used to good advantage. This gun will give many years of trouble-free shooting and should withstand very rough usage. It is very gratifying to have, at l a s t , a B r i t i s h m a d e . 2 2 a u t o m a t i c r i fl e which should, together with the recently introduced B.S.A. Snipe 12 bore shotgun, p r o v e v e r y s u c c e s s f u l . G . H . B . The Arniatic dismantled for cleaning. 32 (iun\ Review, August 1963 WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKCOMPONENTS 12Buf fer 21 1 Bullet guide 13 Mainspring retaining plate 22 23 24 2Breech bolt14 End cap 3 Magazine platform (10 round) IS Sear operating arm 4 Bolt guide Trigger axis pin 25 5Magazine catch I6i Trigger slap pin 26 6 Sear axis sleeve Safety catch pin 27 7 Bolt assembly 17 Magazine 28 8Striker IB Magazine case (10 round) 29 30 31 9 10 11 Mainspring Striker spring Spring guide 19Magazine spring guide (10 round) 20Magazine spring (10 round) 32 round) Stock Sir,-During a ^bbery seven guns were stolen F collection. The following hst is of the S " n s t a k e n . j p e r g u n / . 1 will pay a regard oi c » f l e f o r i n f o r m a t i o n ' recovery of the piece. ;oai™vr™'; o°■"™' . 'vteSri-Short C.e™» or'c.Sh;i2.=ffi;r<;.s''.6,s- I^Grnovable wheel-spindle. Reward Of fered 2. Wheel-lock rifle. Short cheek-butt. Stock carved with luinting scenes and dated 1680. Signature of J o h a n n M i c h a e l M a u c h e r o n w a x seal on butt. 3. Hint-lock rifle by WENCL l^OLZ of Carlsbad. Blued octagonal barrel. Fine gilt mounts. Cina 1730. 4 . F l i n t - l o c k r i fl e b y l i e n r y N o c k . Browned octagonal barrel. Silver mounts, London hallmarks for lyqg. 5. Flint-lock double barrelled carbine with revolving barrels inlaid with gold stars. Engraved steel mounts. Gold escutcheon plate. French circa 1810. 6 . F l i n t - l o c k d o u b l e b a r r e l l e d g u n . B a r r e l s i n l a i d i n s i l v e r : " P O C H A B D . ARQUEBDSIER DU ROY PARIS 1787." Silver mounts. 7 . F l i n t - l o c k d o u b l e b a r r e l l e d g u n . S p a n i s h b a r r e l s i n l a i d i n g o l d : "JOSEPH AGl'lRRE, EIBAR, 1 8 1 0 . " L o c k s b y " M A I L L A R D , TO U L O U S E . " The Armouries, A. N. ICennard, H . M . T o w e r o f L o n d o n . Ciws Review, Augiisl 1963 3 3 WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UKNext >