Colchester Rifle Club

Classic & Vintage Historic Rifle section

There are a number of members who shoot their veteran and classic .22 rifles for pleasure and competition in the HARC Miniature Rifle Leagues and occasionally sojourn to the Bisley Main and Historic Arms meetings, and to the local Military ranges on the outskirts of Colchester , within almost a stone's throw of the Club ranges at Layer-de la-Haye which themselves are barely a mile out of town.

The Club's members' full-bore rifle shooting section isaffiliated to the National Rifle Association (NRA), which permits the clubs booking of ranges for full-bore practice at Bisley and at the local Colchester Military ranges at Middlewick and Fingrinhoe.

In 2009, the group shooting historic full-bore rifles was re-formed, and range bookings are now made regularly at Colchester's aforementioned Middlewick and Fingringhoe M.o.D. Military ranges for the shooting of Lee-Enfield and other classic marques of rifle in both .303-in. and transitional .762 calibres, not to mention a few more exotic old long-arms. Modern .762 Target Rifle practice can also be undertaken on these occasions, as can black powder firing when an appropriately qualified range conducting officer is present.

We have on site a small number of articles under the various button-linked headings;

these that may help to give you an insight to the club and its activities. See also the History section.

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The Editor