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Own company history published post WWII
We are able to offer here, by kind permission of the presenters of the archives of the
Historical Breech-loading Small-arms Association,
a searchable flip-page facsimile of the entire BSA Second World War history book
"BSA - The Other Battle"
This is a large file which may take a while to load.
Copies of the book were given to company employees who had significantly contributed to the firm's war effort.
The presentation was accompanied by a card recording the name of the contributing employee.
This particular book was presented to one W.S. Wilson at the Small Heath Works in July of 1947.
During times pre-WW1 when the "new" British Service Rifle was produced,
a fine bronze casting of the Lee-Enfield Short Rifle ( S.M.L.E.) was commissioned,
and presented to selected involved staff members.
See: The Rifle, Short, Magazine Lee-Enfield
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