The first meeting of the National Rifle Association was opened at Wimbledon in 1860 with Queen Victoria firing the first shot .
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Forage at Wimbledon
The fine weather which we have had for the last two weeks has been favourable to the camp on Wimbledon Common in all respects but One. mushrooms are good things, and they commonly spring up on Commons, but moisture is necessary to their development, and the encamped Volunteers have missed the repasts which, if their Camp had been less dry, might have been afforded them by Agaricus Campestris
A SCOTCH Volunteer, one of the knot of critics round the firing-point where the Line-prizes were being shot for, on asking
with some contempt in his voice, "Whauur thae lads come frae?" and being told "Aldershot," was heard to mutter, complacently,
"Hech, Sirs ! Aulder shots sud be better shots, I'm thinkin' !"
and also in JULY 1869
At the Wimbledon match the Commons have beaten the Lords, for the first time. Let us hope that in the Westminster match the Lords have not beaten the Commons for the last.
and in the following issue
"Coming Events," &c.
In the match at Wimbledon the Commons beat the Lords. In the contest between these two bodies, expected to come off almost immediately at Westminster, many persons are hoping that the Commons will again be victorious. Betting in favour of the Lower House.
There seems to be nothing new in this world!
and another
the penultimate
and the last for now
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